Fic :Carry On Up The TARDIS (PG) Chapter 2

Jan 30, 2009 22:26

I'm hoping that the repost will give the bunny back for all my uncompleted fics. This was originally posted on 09/07/06

Title: Carry On Up The TARDIS
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Ten/Rose
Rating: PG
For: My mum, who prompted "Ten/Rose, something like 'Carry on Matron' or 'St. Trinians'. This is all her fault!!
Author Notes: Hehe, this started off as a drabble but it ended up running on a bit.
Warning: Ten in a skirt. 'nuff said!
Summary: The Doctor and Rose go undercover at a school.
Spoilers: New Earth and possibly up to Army of Ghosts

Chapter 1 can be found here .

Now on with the story...

“That’s not funny,” the Doctor commented, scowling as he stood up. His expression darkened when Rose burst out into peals of laughter.

“Doctor, you’ve got to work on the voice,” Rose said, between giggles.

“I absolutely refuse to change my voice. I refuse to end up sounding like..,” he said, and broke off suddenly as his voice changed to something closely resembling Mrs Doubtfire. “See what you did!” he exclaimed, pointing at her, before turning and marching off out of the TARDIS door.

The Doctor’s walk suddenly struck Rose as odd and she ran after him. “Doctor! You’ve got to work on your walk,” she said, grabbing his arm and pulling him to face her.

“What’s wrong with my walk?” The Doctor asked, as Rose dragged him back into the TARDIS.

“Well, Doctor, you’ve got to glide,” Rose said as she demonstrated the walk.

“Glide? Oh good God,” the Doctor muttered. “Look, I’m not about to be entered into Miss World or anything.”

“Well, no, but you’ve got to learn the women’s walk, unless of course you want to be mistaken for Lily Savage,” Rose retorted, sticking her tongue out at him. “Look, just shorten your strides a bit and then we can practice a bit later. Now come on, Miss Summers is waiting for us,” she ordered, pulling on his sleeve. “Ooh, you need a name.”

“I have a name, it’s the Doctor,” the Doctor said, smoothing down his outfit unconsciously.

Rose rolled her eyes at him. “No, silly, I meant you need a girl’s name.”

“Um, Davina?” the Doctor said, saying the first name that popped into his head. “Yeah, Davina sounds alright.”

“You’ll need a surname, Davina,” Rose said. “We can’t go with Tyler because we look nothing alike.”

“Well, I don’t know! I just know that I’m going to need at least six years therapy and a crate full of the strongest alcohol in the world.” the Doctor muttered, crossing his arms across his chest before lowering them again. “It has to begin with Ten seeing as this is my Tenth incarnation and...”

“Oh like, Tenpin? Tenby? Tencar? Tenbus? Tenpet?” Rose suggested, causing the Doctor to pull faces at her suggestions. “Tencat?” she added, as they stepped out of the TARDIS and a black cat scooted in front of them.

“Rose, no way am I going to have the surname Tencat.” the Doctor said in a low voice. “Davina Tencat does not sound right, does it?”

“No, but what else can I call you?” Rose asked, looking at her shoes.

The Doctor stopped suddenly and looked at Rose as she added something else. “Wait! What did you say?”

“I said there was an ant on my shoe. Why? You’re not expecting me to call you Davina Tenant, are you?”

“Tenant… Tennant! Rose that sounds perfect! My cover name is Davina Tennant.” the Doctor said, as they reached the front door and he rang the bell.

The door opened and a girl with bright purple hair answered the door. “Yes?” she asked in a bored tone.

“Hi, I’m Davina Tennant and this is my assistant Rose Tyler and we’re here to see Miss Summers. Is she in?” the Doctor said in a feminine voice. “Can we come in?”

“Sure. Whatever,” the girl said, opening the door so they could come into a brown wood panelled hallway. “I’ll just get her. Wait here.” she said, before walking off.

“Strange girl,” Rose commented as soon as the girl is out of earshot.

“Mm, maybe,” the Doctor said, standing up as Miss Summers walked into the hall. “Hello there. I’m Davina Tennant and this is my assistant Rose Tyler. It‘s nice to meet you Miss Summers. What a lovely school you have.”

“Thank you. Please come into my office,” Miss Summers said, leading them to her office.

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