Fic: Blue Monday (PG13)

Nov 18, 2008 21:59

Title: Blue Monday
Author: Jade
Rating: PG13
Archive: Yes, please
Spoilers: Set way after Season 4 for Doctor Who and is AU.
Summary: James is ill.
Warning: Discussion of certain things related to illnesses but nothing too graphic. All my knowledge comes from Wikipedia regarding the illness that James has. I might write a second part but I'll have to see if my muse will behave.
Reviews are welcome!!! (I tend to squee ever time I get a review!)

"I can't believe this," James complained in a voice barely above a whisper as he lay in bed, propped up by numerous pillows, "all of time and space and I catch Space Mumps." He groaned. "I look like a hamster." It was just after they had left the last planet, after the Doctor had managed to avert a war that was brewing, that James began feeling ill. Being a stubborn male, he had tried to hide it and brush it off as 'just a cold' but when his glands began swelling, the Doctor had ordered him into bed. James had groaned when the Doctor had given him his diagnosis and was slightly worried because of the possible side effect of sterility in men.The Doctor had promised to look into it after the young red head had recovered.

"Nope, just common garden human mumps," the Doctor replied, offering James a glass of water. "Here, sip this," he ordered, watching as James sat up and quietly sipped the water.

"That's even worse," James grumbled, handing the Doctor the glass and lying back on the pillows. "You can't catch it, can you?"

"Nope, superior immune system here," the Doctor answered, placing his hand on James' hot forehead. "You're still fevered."

"That feels nice," James said, leaning into the Doctor's touch. "Um, I need to go."

"Go where? You're not moving until you get better."

"The bathroom."

"Would you like the bedpan?"

"No. I think I'll be able to make it to the toilet."

"Fine, but I'm helping you."

"Whatever," James groaned, not caring as long as he could use the toilet and not feel as if he was using a potty like a child. He threw back the covers, exposing his dark green pyjamas with a white cats pattern all over them, and purple, green and blue striped socks. He slid on his furry wolf slippers and pulled on a brown and orange splotchy dressing gown and slowly made his way to the bathroom with the help of the Doctor. "Urgh!"

After James had done his business, and washed his hands, he made his way back to bed with the aid of the Doctor and found himself getting tucked in by the Doctor, after he had kicked off his slippers and removed his dressing gown. "Doctor, stay with me?" James begged quietly, his sore throat making it hard to speak. He couldn't wait to get better as all this forced bed rest was getting on his nerves and he felt restless.

"Do you want to watch tv, a book or to sleep?" the Doctor asked, sitting on the bed next to the young red head.

"If I sleep any more, I'll be awake all the time later."

"Tv then?"

"Yeah, okay," James answered miserably. "What's on?"

"You poor thing," the Doctor said, stroking James' hair. He was glad the TARDIS had changed the young red head's bedroom to include a television. "What do you want to watch?"


The Doctor stood up and turned the television on, making sure that the volume is quite low. "Oh, it's some sort of talk show. That okay with you?" the Doctor questioned, smiling when James nodded in reply. He walked over to the bed and sat down next to James. "Do you want me to stay?"

"Please," James said, giving him a smile which was a shadow of his normal one. "I feel like such a child," he said, almost mouthing the words. "Sorry to be such a nuisance."

"Don't ever apologise for being sick," the Doctor said, lying down and wrapping an arm around James' waist and snuggled close to him. He could feel the heat coming off the other man but it wasn't too uncomfortable. "By the way, love your socks."

fanfiction, character: tenth doctor, character: james (oc), series: the james tales

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