Fic: Andros Blue Part 1

Mar 16, 2010 23:27

Title: Andros Blue
Promt: Here at anon_lovefest
Pairing: Bob/Brendon, Brian/Spencer and faint faint faint hint of Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Liberal use of the f-word (I may have been a little too enthusiastic with it), Brian making calls when he probably shouldn't be at inappropriate times, hints of happy sexy times.
Disclaimer: None of these people belong to me they belong to themselves. All things in this story are complete and utter fiction that came to me in the middle of the night - none of it is real. I make no profit from this work of absolute fiction.
Summary: The brothers Way have a way of getting Bob to run errands for them. Apparently they're not the only ones who can convince him to do something he probably shouldn't. Brendon just wants to see more of the universe, and if he happens to see more of Bob at the same time well no one can blame him for trying to. Featuring stowaway!Brendon clueless!captain!Bob. Cast includes brothers Way, Frank, Ray, captains Walker, Beckett (mentioned) and second in command, possibly an AI, Ryan, angry!stowaway!Spencer and angry!frustrated!Brian
Final Note: I somehow managed to pull this off in 13 hours, it may get a little thready near the end because by that time it was almost noon and I'd been awake for the whole night.

Bob sighed rubbing at his temple, the headache he had long predicted finally making its appearance. He didn't know why he ever agreed to any 'errands' that the Ways ever asked him to do. If it were anyone else making the requests the brothers regularly made Bob would just tell them to go fuck themselves and walk away. Unfortunately Bob had more luck facing down men twice his size with guns pointed at his chest than he did facing down Gerard or Mikey and their fucking earnest hope-filled eyes. Whenever they asked him to make a last minute run or delivery they would throw these looks at him with their eyes and he was helpless. It sucked and totally messed with his reputation.

Checking the readings on the computer to make sure he wasn't heading towards a sun or something, he pushed away from the console and engaged the autopilot, making sure that his wristcom was synced to give him advanced warnings of any possible trouble that could arise, as well as updates every half hour.

It had been a close call this time around, luckily he was able to leave the atmosphere and jump the system before shit really hit the fan. He debated going to his bunk and grabbing some sleep or getting something to eat but after a month of reconstituted meals Bob wasn't really looking forward to eating it again. At the same time he had enough experience to know that the headache would just keep him up anyway and trying to sleep was a lost cause. With that decided Bob made his way down to the hold to make sure that his cargo, or more specifically Gerard's cargo, was safely strapped down.


After checking and finding the boxes strapped down and nothing likely to rattle about during landing Bob left the cargo hold intent on finding his bunk, his headache finally lowering to a level that would allow him some sleep. He made his way down the narrow hallway scratching his beard, wondering idly if shaving next time he was dirt-side would be worth the itching once it began to grow in again. As he passed a column of storage closets he pause, head tilting, brows pulling down and shifted, hand going to the gun strapped at his thigh. Pulling the gun from its holster Bob pressed the command button and pointed the gun into the dark space of the closet as its door slid open with a hiss.

As his eyes adjusted to the low light Bob made out the curled up form looking up at him with wide, wide eyes blinking rapidly behind glasses trained at the gun pointed between dark brows, a wide mouth opened in surprise.

"Who in the fuck are you?" he asked hand tightening on the gun as the boy shifted further back into the small cubby he had somehow contorted himself into. Bob didn't know anyone aside from a small child, or Iero, could actually fit in there, apparently whoever this was could. Receiving no answer he gave a small growl and gestured with the gun. "Answer the fucking question unless you want me to lock you in there and conveniently forget to open the door again. You'd be surprised how easy it is to dispose of a body in the dark." With a squeak the figure threw itself out of the storage closet, arms flailing, legs kicking out and luckily Bob had enough control not to accidently shoot the kid at his sudden movement. The boy landed on his hands and knees in front of Bob, wide eyes rounded as he opened his mouth and Bob was assaulted with words reminiscent to any conversation Bob can recall having with an enthusiastic Gerard.

"Please don't kill me! I'll work for my passage. I don't want to die, and I don't need to know how easy it is to get rid of a body in the dark! I can help you, I can do small chores or like if you want I can stay out of your way. I'll be quiet as a mouse if you want. I don't even eat much, please don't kill me. You don't look like someone who'd kill an innocent man, and I'm totally innocent. Please don't kill me I'm too young!" At the kid's tirade Bob's eyebrows made their way up his forehead, he didn't really know anyone aside from Gerard who can go that long without appearing to require oxygen. Seeing the kid take a deep breath Bob sighed and put his gun back on the holster and slapped a large hand over the kid's mouth, before he could begin talking again.

"Okay I get it, you don't want to die," he said as the kid stared at him dark brows twisted in confusion before nodding quickly. "I'm going to take my hand off and I'd like it if you actually speak slowly enough that I can understand you. We clear?" The kid gave another nod and Bob pulled his hand away, wiping it on his pant leg as he eyed the kid as he scrambled to stand up, straightening his wrinkled clothes and brushing off dust from where he'd been curled up. "What's you're name?"

"Brendon," the boy replied with a smile, holding his hand out. Bob reached out and shook it, making note of the calluses and the steady grip.

"Brendon, care to explain what the hell you're doing on my ship?" Bob crossed his arms as Brendon shifted uncomfortably scratching his arm and biting his lip.

"I - umm - I needed to get off the planet, I was at Wentz's, you know the bar, when I overheard you talking to the bartender about leaving soon. I had money saved up and I was going to ask you but I was mugged. I was going to pay, I would have paid," Brendon looked up at Bob, eyes earnest as he explained his situation. Bob sighed, and leaned back against the metal wall, his headache was making a comeback with a vengeance. It was always the eyes that got him.

"Where exactly were you planning on going?" he asked, cringing at the blinding smile that overtook Brendon's face.

"I can stay?" he asked in awe. "You'll let me stay? I didn't really have a destination but the further away from that planet the better."

"You're not a criminal or something are you? I have enough shit to worry about I don't need to have the fucking cops after me." Brendon shook his head quickly.

"No! No I'm not in any kind of trouble, promise; I just needed to get off the planet."

"Usually most people who need to get off a planet and are not in trouble don't stow away," Bob pointed out. Brendon shuffled uncomfortably and Bob sighed. "I can take you up to Andros Blue, when I get there you're off the ship and we never saw each other in case whatever you needed to get away from decides to come knocking on my door. Deal?" Bob had expected a nod and maybe another blinding smile, what he got instead was a small body plastered to his and arms wound around his neck, a litany of thank yous breathed on his neck.


Brendon had been on the ship with Bob for a few days now and he'd taken to following the tall blond around. Not getting in the way of course just seeing how everything ran. At first Bob had glowered a lot but after the third time Brendon had handed him a cup of coffee he had given a now familiar sigh and began to explain what he was doing. Brendon gave a secret smile as he recalled Bob's expression when telling him about how he'd come to be a pilot, his face had held a fond expression, almost dreamy. Which, Brendon thought was a legitimate word that could be used to describe the blond, not that he would say so out loud where Bob could hear, because despite coming to accept his presence Brendon didn't want to undo any of the progress he'd made on his quest to getting Bob to let him stay.

Brendon's plan had been simple, get off of the planet via ship and onto another planet, it was simple and straightforward. Sure there had been some bumps along the way - getting found out before he could leave the planet and getting mugged had put a slight damper on things - but Brendon was lucky enough to end up on Bob's ship because now he had a new plan. It involved Bob and never leaving the blond's side. Brendon was determined that nothing go wrong this time around.

Unfortunately his time on the ship with Bob was getting shorter and although the blond didn't glower at Brendon as much as he did before he didn't think Bob would welcome his idea of a shipmate. From what he had observed Bob seemed determined to be alone, in fact, if Brendon didn't know any better he'd think that Bob rather enjoyed being alone, which was kind of ridiculous in Brendon's opinion. He couldn't understand how anyone could travel the dark between planets alone without going crazy. Brendon supposed it was because he came from a large family so he was more sensitive to the absence of people, but just the same he was more than willing to give up being around people if Bob would say yes to him staying on board. So he watched and learned, silently and stealthily making himself a fixture in Bob's ship.


Bob stared at the small thing that was staring at him from the console. He was sure it wasn't there before, he didn't place it there, but still, there it sat, staring at him, swaying slightly at the breeze created by the atmosphere vent. He didn't even know what it was. Bob poked at it with a finger and watched as it tipped over, its legs, or what could be its legs - or tails, sticking up. With a frown he picked up the folded paper and twirled the figure between thumb and forefinger, twisting it one way then the other trying to figure out what it could possibly be.

"It's a Wazoo bird."

Bob started and dropped the paper bird turning to see Brendon's shadowed figure come into the light as he entered the room, grinning apologetically. Bob bent down and picked up the folded paper, holding it out to Brendon as he sat on the long empty co-pilot seat.

"My sister taught me how to make it," he said as he took the bird by a wing, or what Bob thought could be a wing, or a foot. "I hope you don't mind, I thought this place could use some colour."

Bob frowned and looked around the small room, at the blinking lights and glowing monitors, he never thought of his ship as lacking before despite Gerard's many offers to add some homey touches to it in the past - Bob had managed, through some strength of character, to say no because Gerard's idea of homey had been a hoard of zombies and blood dripping from the ceiling. Things that Bob didn't need to be staring at while in the dark, thank you very much. Now though, he wasn't so sure.

"I hope it's okay," Bob blinked as Brendon rushed to explain. "It's just, kind of, err - I was here the other night and I was bored and there's really no colour on the ship and I found some paper..." Brendon stopped and bit his lip, the bird (Bob still didn't see how it was a bird) suspended between his fingers. "I can throw them out," he finished voice small.

Bob shook his head, feeling like he'd kicked a small child, or a Way, and plucked the paper figure out of Brendon's hand and placed it back on the console.

"Nah, it's alright, this place would look a little colourless to someone not used to it," he said, throwing a small smile at Brendon who answered with a much larger one. "I guess I've just gotten much too used to it, been here long enough after all."

Brendon nodded, looking stern. "Well now I'm here and I can tell you that as awesome as your ship is, it could use a little colour." Bob raised a brow and Brendon grinned, "But don't you worry Bob Bryar, by the time I'm done this place is going even more awesome. To reflect its occupants, of course."

Bob nodded looking serious, his eyes glinting with mirth."Of course," he agreed, if possible Brendon's grin just widened.

"First thing's first," he said leaning closer to Bob, an arm coming up and Bob leaned back slowly, eyes locked onto the younger man's.


"Wazoo bird's aren't known for standing on their heads," Brendon said softly, his smile smaller but still genuine, as he reached over Bob and turned the paper bird over, his arm brushing Bob's as he pulled back.


Bob didn't know how his ship had shrunk. He knew it wasn't the largest ship in the galaxy, but it sure as hell wasn't so small that he couldn't turn around without bumping into Brendon. It was becoming ridiculous how someone as small as Brendon seemed to be able to take up so much room. When he left his bunk Brendon was coming down the hall and bumping into him, sitting on the commissary table his knees would be bumping into Brendon's, stretching his arms out in the pilot deck and he'd be punching the kid on the head, accidentally of course, though by the looks Brendon had thrown at him one would think Bob had taken a swing at him deliberately.

It was beginning to become a problem, not because Brendon was annoying, Bob had actually come to enjoy the younger man's company, but rather because Bob was simply used to having room, not having someone always there. Always at his side, watching his back. It didn't piss him off as much as he originally thought it would, it was more like it became clear how much space Bob had before and now he simply didn't know what to do with the presence of a body where before there was just emptiness.

Brendon liked to talk, much more than Bob, and he liked to ask questions, and learn and his hands were always moving. Tapping beats onto the consoles, or the arm of a chair, flicking switches or making more of those paper animals that were now taking over the deck (Bob had even found a couple in his bunk, though how they got there was a mystery). Also Bob found out that Brendon liked to sing, a lot, and he had a pretty decent voice, though a lot of the songs he sang were more or less about whatever it was he was doing. Bob was sure he had heard Brendon singing in the small shower about taking a shower, his voice steady and echoing in the hall. If Bob had stood for a minute listening to him sing it was really no one's business but his own.

So not only was the unoccupied space in the small ship taken up, the silence that had long been Bob's companion in his journeys had also gone. Bob was perhaps a little worried that his life was becoming much fuller than he was used to and was, perhaps unprepared for the thought of losing what he had, at first, unwillingly gained when deciding not the throw Brendon into the dark.

There was only a week left until Andros Blue then Brendon and he would part ways. Bob was mildly surprised at the little voice in his head that suggested taking a detour on Alexandriah VII, and even more so when the thought actually garnered some consideration and maybe some computing on the flight plan before he discarded it. He couldn't afford a longer travel time and the chances of Brendon wanting to stay on the ship longer than he needed to wasn’t very good from the amount of excitement Bob detected in his voice when talking about seeing the sights of the galaxies. The thought of Brendon being excited to be away from Bob may have caused Bob the most worry.


Brendon paced the small space between the boxes in the cargo hold, his lips pulled tight, brows furrowed. They would reach Andros Blue's atmosphere the following day, he was severely out of time and Bob was still unresponsive to his hints at seeing other planets with Bob. In fact the blond had given him a smile and said that there was sure to be ships on Andros that Brendon could join to travel with. Brendon had resisted the very strong urge to slam his head against the ship's walls at Bob's suggestion of giving Brendon recommendations to some captains he knew, ships that would take him to all corners of the known universe with good captains who took care of their crew. Brendon had wanted to scream at the blond that the only captain he was interested in seemed terribly keen on getting him off of his ship as soon as possible.

Brendon's hope of staying with Bob longer had risen when he saw the captain looking at flight changes that would take the ship towards Alexandriah VII but sadly that ended when Bob had said that they were still on schedule and on course to Andros Blue.

He had thought that making himself as visible as possible, being around as much as he could be, would make Bob more keen to the idea of allowing Brendon to stay but so far the most that had gotten him were smiles for the ever growing menagerie in the pilot deck, countless apologies for bumping into the taller blond (and if Brendon maybe, pressed in closer rather than away, he really couldn't be blamed) and grins over meals when he apologized for his knees knocking into Bob's under the table. He had even began to fill the ship with noise, whether talking or singing - and he had a wonderful singing voice if he could say so himself, it was too bad he didn't have any instruments with him actually because he was sure he'd be able to convince Bob more effectively if he had some sort of musical instrument to accompany his singing - but that had gotten him a poke and a demand for quiet and compliments on his voice. The compliments often came with a rather sweet smile that Brendon was sure he'd remember for the rest of his life, even if he never saw Bob again.

At the thought Brendon's face became determined and he swore that by the time that the ship reached Andros Blue's atmosphere Brendon would have a new home, and he would make sure that it would be this ship.


Bob sighed and turned in his bunk, shoulders tense his muscles tight. It was unusual he thought, in the past being this close to Andros Blue had always relaxed him. It was home, as much as any planet could be home for him, he didn't grow up there but he spent much of his days, when not in the dark, on the planet. Spending time with friends and catching up on news of what had been going on. Now it seemed that getting closer to the planet was just making him anxious, making him want to go into the deck and plug in any co-ordinant in the nav system he could think of that would take him as far away from Andros Blue as he could get. Unfortunately there was nothing that could be done, he had already told Brendon how close they were and he'd received a smile he was starting to realise he'd grown quite used to seeing.

Bob was in trouble.

With a grunt he pulled himself out of his bunk and gave a stretch before making his way to the pilot deck. He paused in the doorway as he saw Brendon's form hunched over the console, shoulders slumped a hand tangled in his hair. Bob had walked into Brendon in the deck by himself before, this was the first time he'd ever seen the younger man so quiet and still. In the past when he's found the younger man alone he'd always been moving or humming under his breath. This was the quietest Bob had ever seen Brendon since the younger man had fallen at his feet.

Bob stood in the dark watching for a moment, trying to engrave the image into his memory, the looming future alone closer than it had ever been.

"Hey," he said voice low, unwilling to break the silence. Brendon looked over his shoulder, throwing Bob a small smile, eyes dull.


Bob moved into the small space taking the seat next to Brendon, a hand clasping the back of Brendon's seat, brushing strands of dark hair before pulling away. He turned and read over the computers, idly noting the ETA, mouth tightening at the time noted.

"What are you doing up? You should be resting," he said turning his seat to look at Brendon, who had pulled his legs up onto the chair, arms tight around his legs hands grasping the opposite arm, head buried in his knees. Dark eyes peaked over knees, glasses smudged, reflecting the lights of the monitors dully.

"Couldn't sleep, I tried but..." Brendon shrugged before once again burying his head in his knees.

"Excited?" Bob asked picking up a crumpled paper animal, it could be an Alto cat, or a Geniia Horse, Brendon had tried to show him how to tell the figures apart but despite how well Bob could now make the delicate animals he was still shit at telling them apart. He turned back eying the mop of dark hair, all he could see of Brendon's head, and waited for a reply, receiving only silence. Bob bit his lip, tonguing the ring that ran through his skin, wondering if the younger man had fallen asleep. Reaching over and setting a light alarm for when the ship reached Andros Blue, Bob leaned back in his chair eyes closing tiredly. After a moment both were asleep lulled by the sound of the other's presence.


Brendon groaned as light flooded the deck, his muscles protesting as he unfolded from his position. Pulling his glasses off and cleaning them off on his shirt he put them back on and leaned forward reading the monitor, biting his lip at the reading. Andros Blue was just minutes away. His time with Bob had just literally run out. When Bob had arrived in the deck Brendon had been in the middle of planning how go about his final plan on convincing Bob to let him stay, he'd been so tired though, the lack of sleep from worry about getting so close to the end had finally caught up. Brendon closed his eyes tightly, his hands curling into tight fists, nails digging into his palms. He'd fucked up. He should have worked harder, done more. Now it was too late.

Bob shifted in his seat, and Brendon turned to look at the blond. Bob's face twisted, brows furrowing and Brendon resisted the strong urge to run his fingers through the older man's hair. Blue eyes slit open and Brendon gave the older man a small smile, accompanied by a small wave.

"Time to get up," he said.

"Andros?" Bob asked his voice rough and sitting up, rubbing at his eyes looking like a scruffy little boy.


Sitting up Bob reached forward and pressed a button and with a whir the front panel of the deck split and slid into the side the front of the deck becoming a window to the outside. Brendon's mouth opened in awe, this was his first real sight of the dark, the lights of distant stars twinkling in the blanket of darkness, the sun of the system shinning brightly. His breath left him in a rush as he caught his first glimpse of Andros Blue; the name was apt he thought as the planet swirled blue and white looming in the viewing window, its land masses a mix of deep and light greens and browns with snatches of blue within.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Bob asked, and Brendon turned away reluctantly, eyes wide behind his glasses as he looked at Bob his face full of awe; but as his eyes met Bob's blue, blue eyes his expression fell somewhat, losing some of the awe and joy.

"Yeah," he replied voice raw, eyes locked with the blond's. "Yeah it is."

Bob licked his lips and running a shaking hand through his hair turned back to the consoles beginning the landing sequences, flipping switches and taking readings.

"You should strap in, it'll be bumpy entering the atmosphere," he said. Brendon nodded and reached behind him to grab the straps.

"Fuck," he growled as a strap stubbornly stuck, twisting around and wiggling a hand to try and coax the strap free. "Fucking shit."

"Here," Bob said leaning over and reaching behind Brendon one arm braced on the back of the seat as the other gently pulled Brendon's away from the strap before taking its place and pulling, the buckles clinking as the strap pulled free. Brendon turned back his eyes meeting Bob's, blond hair brushing over his forehead, his breath caught in his throat as Bob's hand brushed his side warmth seeping through his clothes. "It get's stuck sometimes," Bob said voice low.

Brendon nodded his eyes flickering down to Bob's lips where the ring glinted reflecting the blue of the screens and he couldn't help but lick his own. "I should remember that for next time," he said just as low and leaned closer.

A beep of the monitor pulled Bob's attention away and Brendon closed his eyes and leaned his head back on the rest as the pilot took his seat once again the moment lost. Reaching down blindly he pulled the straps closed, buckles closing with click, straps tight around his shoulders.

"We're entering the atmosphere now," Bob warned and Brendon closed his eyes nodding but not answering. His time was over.


Bob turned his head and looked at Brendon as the ship began the docking sequence, noting the tight grip the brunet had on the armrests. Without thinking he reached over to the closest armrest and pulled Brendon's fingers from the leather, wrapping his own tightly around the younger man's. Brendon's eyes opened and met his small smile in thanks pulling at his lips.

"It takes getting used to," he said with a squeeze and Brendon nodded.

As the ship finally finished docking the computer chimed and Bob reluctantly let go of Brendon's hand and reached over pressing a sequence of buttons. Gerard's face bloomed onto the screen ginning at Bob widely, his tiny teeth all in show.

"Hi Bob," he said, voice cracking though the speakers. "How was your travels? Good I hope? Dammit Frank wait you're fucking turn!" Bob smiled and shook his head as Frank's head pushed Gerard's away his wide smile greeting Bob.

"Hey Bryar! Good to see your grumpy face. Mikey was starting to worry," he said giving a yelp as Gerard's pale hand pulled at his hair. "Fuck Way, what the fuck? Don't touch my hair."

"You deserve it asshole," Gerard grumbled as he pulled Frank back and the two jostling for position in front of the screen. "Anyway, did you get the package, okay?"

"Yeah, but I have to talk to you about the meaning of all is clear with the seller, again," Bob said, rolling his eyes at the antics on the screen. "I'll be planet side for a couple of days though, so we can catch up then." Gerard and Frank nodded in tandem.

"All right we'll talk to you when you get here, Ray should be there he agreed to help you unload," Gerard say and sure enough a familiar beep rang through the deck and a small screen came on Ray's face coming up as he waved at the camera located at the cargo hold's doors. "He's here I'll talk to you idiots later." Disconnecting Bob rubbed at his face before turning to look at Brendon, who stared at console, shoulders hunched up, the corners of his mouth pulled down.

"Hey, you ready for your first view of Andros?" he asked unbuckling and reaching over to squeeze the brunet's shoulder.

"Yeah, I - uh...I can't wait," Brendon replied with a weak smile. Bob nodded and gestured towards the door.

"I'm gonna go unload the shipments and then I can show you around if you want. I'm sure you're up for some real food too," he said smiling as Brendon nodded quickly a real smile finally making an appearance.


After unloading the boxes Bob signed the tablet Ray held out to him and shook his head at the other man's offer of a meal.

"Nah I've got plans," Bob said apologetically. "I'll see you later at Gerard's though." Ray frowned in confusion before his expression changed, a smile pulling at his lips as he looked behind the blond and raised a hand, giving a small wave. Bob turned back to see Brendon standing at the open cargo doors, looking uncertain and nervous shuffling in place.

"Who's you're little friend, man?" asked Ray with a friendly smile. Bob turned around and smiled reassuringly at the small young man, waving him forward. Brendon walked down the ramp stumbling slightly at the change in gravity, stopping to stand beside Bob.

"Ray, I'd like to introduce you to Brendon, stowaway extraordinaire," Bob said throwing an arm over Brendon's shoulders and pulling him forward and close to his side. Ray's smile widened and he held out a large hand enveloping Brendon's smaller hand and shaking it vigorously.

"Nice to meet you. I'm guessing you found out Bob's not actually as mean as he likes people to think huh? The last time Bob brought back stowaway here...well, actually his last stowaway is living with one of our best friends," Ray said, voice quirky. Brendon smiled, and gave a small laugh at Ray's expression. "Anyway what brings you to our little part of the galaxy?" he asked.

Brendon shrugged and answered voice small, "I just wanted to get away."

"Understandable," Ray said, not asking more before snapping his fingers and grinning. "You should come over to Gee's later, meet Bob's only other surviving stowaway."

Brendon looked up at Bob, eyes questioning, his glasses sitting crooked on his nose. Bob smiled and nudged the black frames until it was sitting on the bridge of Brendon's nose, straight. "If you don't have any other plans, you're more than welcome to join the insanity," he said lips quirked.

Brendon nodded squeezing closer to Bob's side. "That would be awesome."

"Great, I'll see you two there," Ray said moving closer and enveloping both men in a tight hug before turning away, the carrier loaded with Bob's shipments following him.


Andros Blue Part 2

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