Summary: In the Cybus universe, history repeats itself, with a few twists along the way Warning: Unfinshed, may never be complete. Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Rose/Ten, Jack/Ianto, implied past Ianto/Lisa and Jack/Lisa Link: Here
Hey! Dragon*Con begins this weekend and I know some people from this fandom and community are going to be there. If you'll be there and you fancy a meet-up (I strongly suggest before or after the Gay Themes in RTD's Whonverse Panel), please leave your name or username (whatever makes you more comfortable) and when you can do a meet-up, along with
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I've never really listened to this song much before, but it is like a plotbunny machine for me. I have really bad writers block at the moment so can't do the song justice, so I thought I'd share in the hope that someone else could :)
Hello again! I have yet another Fanvid idea. Well, two actually.
The first one is to the Song Always by Saliva. It fits really well to their love-hate relationship. I suppose it'd be from Ianto's POV because that'd make more sense, but Jack's POV would work too.
-hides behind a wall- Hey first time posting here, and i'm sooo sorry if this isn't allow, but i would like to promote a new project that my friend and i have come up with,
Torchwood season 3, - a fan series...please come have a look -gives coffee-
(Moderators, please delete if the post is inappropriate. But in a roundabout way, isn't anything that produces more and better Janto action really the business of this community? :D )
I heard the perfect song the other day for Jack and Ianto. It's called "Gunslinger" by Avenged Sevenfold. Everytime I hear it, I can picture the exact scenes I would use for a video, but my skills (and software options) don't include making videos. Anyway, here are the lyrics...if anyone wants to make a video... *g*