Baby in the Hub pt4

Jun 19, 2008 22:42

Summary: There's a baby in the Hub....chaos ensues... Doctor Who crossover

Toshiko quietly followed the little glowing lights, hoping that the TARDIS was leading her to the kitchen, she was starving.

Turning the corner she entered and passed a whispered thanks to the walls, giggling as they glowed momentarily. The kitchen was vast and huge, with an older, homey look to it than most of the modern kitchens she had seen.

With a cheery grin on his face, the Doctor sat in the middle of the room, Ianto in a high chair right next to him, waving his soft toy around and banging his hands on the table top, where the was a mess which had obviously been from his bowel of food before the Doctor had rescued it from him.

“Hello there Tosh! Did you have a good sleep?” The Doctor said cheerily as he produced a plastic spoon and gave some to Ianto; only to have it spit back at his face by the giggling infant.

Tosh broke out laughing at the face the Doctor was pulling and she winked at Ianto, who grinned back at her. “I had a great sleep, Doctor. Thanks for putting me up for the night.”

“Oh that’s right, join his side! Every female in the Universe does! Now you mister,” here he glared sternly at the baby and Ianto turned to look at him squarely in the eye. “Are going to eat all the rest of your food and you’re not going to spit it back out or paint the TARDIS in it. It’s not polite.”

He pushed a chair back next to him and Tosh took the cue to sit down. The Doctor placed the plastic blue bowel back on the high chairs table and stood up gesturing to the pantry.

“Now, dear Toshiko. What would you like to eat for breakfast? Just ask the TARDIS and she’ll make it for you…as long as I’ve stocked up on it.” Tosh looked at Ianto as she thought and only just managed to stifle a giggle as she saw that Ianto had his hands in his breakfast again and was smearing it along the little table happily.

“Could I possibly just have some fruit for breakfast? I’m not really that hungry.” She smiled as the TARDIS produced a bowel of chopped fruit, exactly the right amount and only the fruit she liked.

“Thank-you TARDIS. Umm, Doctor maybe you shoul-”

“IANTOZACHARIASJACKSONPETERONJONES! What did I tell you about doing that?!” The Doctor’s exasperated voice echoed around the room as the door opened.

“You’re fighting a losing battle there, Doctor. He’s just going to keep on doing it to annoy you.” Jack’s voice contained mirth and he plonked himself on a seat next to Ianto.

“Do you mind if I try?” The Doctor waved his hands hopelessly.

“You can try. But don’t expect much more. He was always like this when he was young; something everyone says he got from me but I highly doubt I was this much trouble. I mean no one’s this ba- Oh come on now Ianto! That’s just not fair!”

As soon as Jack picked up the spoon, Ianto looked happy, as though he knew that the Doctor was doing it wrong somehow. Jack brought it to his mouth, making the whooshing noise of the TARDIS and the eleven month old happily put it in his mouth, swallowing most of it, while only a little bit dribbled down his chin. Jack carefully scooped it up and laughed at the Doctors expression.

“Doc, I think the only reason you could never get Ianto to eat properly is because you’re not making it fun for him. It’s got to be a game.”

He demonstrated again and Ianto still happily ate everything that Jack fed him. The Doctor snatched the spoon off the grinning Captain, who was only in pyjama pants and tried it himself while Jack grabbed something to eat that looked like a purple and blue squash with a glass of orange liquid.

At Tosh’s inquisitive look he cut some off with the quiet command to eat and she did, amazed at the alien texture and taste. It was like a cross between a fizzy drink and something unidentifiable but she enjoyed it immensely.

The Doctor was carefully feeding Ianto, pleased that Jack’s idea had worked, though annoyed at himself for not thinking of it sooner. As soon as he’d finished, he got out a sippy cup with some blue liquid in it and asked Jack to watch Ianto; carefully, while he put the dishes away.

He also took Tosh’s bowel and Jack’s knife, placing them on a metal tray and they vanished before he came and sat back down again.

“Now Tosh. This device you were talking about. I haven’t heard of something like that so I was wondering if you could bring it on board a bit later so I can have a look at it. If I can identify it, it will make it a lot easier to find out how to reverse this and then everything will be back to normal.”

As soon as he had finished saying that he turned around and took the cup from Ianto who was banging it on the table; indicating he was finished.

“Now. If you’d like to follow me we can go the Wardrobe room and you’ll find some clothes to wear until you can get home to change. And this little rascal,” he picked up Ianto, cuddling him and giving him an Eskimo kiss. “Can wear something that he’s more used to. And you,” he pointed at Jack who was wearing an innocent expression. “Will change into something other than that greatcoat. Even I’ve got out of my suits occasionally.”

He led the way and they followed him down the brightly lit corridors; though Jack obviously knew where he was going. As he opened the door, Toshiko gasped at the enormity of it. There were level upon level of clothes, with a huge staircase running through the middle and all the way to the top.

The Doctor pointed to a level three up. “That one there will be the one you want Tosh. There’s lots of women’s clothes up there; there’s bound to be something you want to wear. Don’t be worried about if you’re not allowed to wear it. Anything there you can wear and keep.” With an encouraging smile and motioning with his hands, he shooed her off and she ran up the stairs excitement on her face.

The Doctor pointed sternly at a different level and Jack marched sullenly up; knowing that the Time Lord wasn’t going to let him wear what he was fond of wearing.

When the Time Lord was sure that they were headed off, he quickly took an elevator to the hidden top floor; where all the clothes from Gallifrey were. Looking around, he spotted the aisle with all of Ianto’s clothes that he had worn over the ages. He walked slowly through with the silent child; lost in all his memories of when he was growing up. Finally reaching his destination; he looked at all the different baby clothes.

Selecting a full baby suit with blue writing all over it, he quickly changed him into it, smiling as he gurgled happily. Taking the moment with the fact that there was no one else but just them; he spoke quietly to the little babe in Gallifreyan, enojoying the fact that he could speak in it.

“Now Iantozachariasjacksonpeteronjones, I know that you are enjoying the fact that there are some different people around, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t behave.” He smiled softly and tickled him gently, letting him know without words that he wasn’t angry with him and he wasn’t expecting him to be perfect.

“Now come on, little one. Let’s go and see what Jack has got up to without us.” Ianto squealed happily and stuck his thumb into his mouth, only to have the Doctor pull it out and replace it with a dummy with a reproving look on his face, muttering about how dirty his hands got and how it wasn’t healthy for them to be in his mouth. Ianto just looked up, confused; his small hands grabbing onto the Doctor’s suit.

The Doctor walked back towards the lift but just before he got on, he quickly turned around and grabbed a baby pouch, putting it on and placing the infant inside it, smoothing his hair down gently.

He stepped into the lift and exited quickly, noticing Jack coming down the stairwell in a bright blue top and some pants from the 51st century. He grinned cheerfully and offered his arm to Toshiko as she followed him, wearing a grey top which was obviously from a different planet, along with a pair of plain dark pants from the 31st century.

“You look lovely Tosh.” The Doctor said, smiling happily at her; glad that she was getting used to the TARDIS and everything around her. If she hadn’t been working for Jack he would have offered for her to travel with him for a while, he took her hand and pulled them along planning to ask her later.

“Thank-you-Doctor!” She replied breathlessly, holding his hand tight as he raced them down the corridor; Ianto bouncing cheerfully. Jack grinned at her and raced ahead, ignoring the Doctor’s shout of ‘Cheater!’


They entered the consol room, after running around the TARDIS for a while, the Doctor and Jack cheerfully showing Tosh a lot of different rooms. Tosh and Jack happily sat down on the couch while the Doctor fiddled with the consol; Ianto asleep in his pouch, leaning against the Doctors chest. Toshiko leaned back happily.

“So Jack. This is what you did whenever you went and travelled with the Doctor.”

Jack smiled and nodded. “Pretty much. But with a bit more running from angry aliens and saving the Universe mixed in. Lot’s of fun.” The Doctor grinned cheekily at them both.

“It’s not my fault that aliens like chasing me!”

Finally Toshiko stood up. “I think I should go and get the device that turned Ianto back into a baby. Give me a minute.”

A Jack’s added careful, she walked to the door and stepped out, going over to the Autopsy Bay where Owen had last left it, after having studied it. She heard the door of the Hub opening and waved cheerfully at Owen as he headed in, two cups of coffee in his hands.

“Morning, Tosh. Have a good sleep on the spaceship?” He handed over a coffee and grabbed the alien artefact from a cupboard, earning a grateful smile from the Japanese woman.

“I had a great sleep, thanks. Did you get what you needed done?” When Owen said he couldn’t come, only Toshiko knew it was because he was helping out at the hospital. Owen nodded and together they started cleaning up some mess from the previous day, just chatting about anything like they used to before Gwen had come in.


The Doctor was still fixing some wiring under the consol while Jack was nursing a sleepy Ianto, giving him a bottle of purple milk, singing softly in an alien language.

“Doctor. You must have known about Torchwood for a while. So why did you let Ianto join? If Torchwood One found out that he was your son they would have never let him go.”

“Jack. I may be his father. But Ianto is still his own free being. He knew the dangers of joining Torchwood; but he wanted to do some good where others couldn’t. He managed to free a lot of different aliens while he was their and has always kept Torchwood two steps behind me.”

Jack rocked slowly, taking the bottle away from the dark haired child, bringing him up to his shoulder where he had a towel already there.

“So you let him do whatever he wanted, knowing that if he ever needed help he could always call you.” Bringing Ianto back down, he continued rocking him, handing him his blanket before placing him in the baby pouch again, bouncing lightly as he stared down tenderly at the innocent face.

“That was the idea, yeah.” Jack looked over at the Doctor, but all he was able to see was his jacket lying draped over one of the controls. He leaned back and smiled as the TARDIS produced a book out of thin air. He kissed the fluffy head before him and was soon engrossed in the words before him, happy to enjoy the chance to read something from further in the future. Ianto moved a little bit in the pouch, his head pillowed against Jack as he slept peacefully.

“Doc. Was Ianto always this sleepy as a child?” The Doctors head popped up briefly to survey the sleeping babe.

“Most of the time, yeah. He was always either really sleepy or really hyperactive. Funny how that turned out actually. We once went to go and see the Queen, he had been really sleepy the time before and slept practically throughout the whole meeting but the next time we came all he wanted to do was to play with her son the whole time, he was practically bouncing around the room. Best enjoy it while it lasts. But whatever you do, don’t let him suck his thumb. Give him a dummy or something.”

Jack nodded and continued reading, only stopping two times to take the little boys thumb out of his mouth again. They continued on like this for an hour or so and were shocked when they heard knocking at the door, before Tosh, Owen and an angry Gwen walked in, fury on her face as the other two tried to stifle their laughter.

Warning: PG


fanfic, fanfic:pg

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