Baby in the Hub

Jun 19, 2008 22:07

Summary: There's a baby in the Hub. Chaos ensues. Eventual Doctor Who crossover
Warning: PG

Jack was sitting quietly at his desk, filling out another report of a completed mission, thinking of ways to get the others to leave so he could talk with Ianto properly, without him running away. Unfortunately, the rest of the team had refused to leave, afraid that he would up and leave with the doctor again.

He had been extremely pleased when he had found out how well they had been dealing, but it was obvious that they both wanted and needed him there.

He was just standing up to get himself a cup of coffee (Ianto was now a full member of the team, they had a rota to who made the coffee and took over the main Hub cleaning duties) when he heard a loud crash followed by a loud squeal from one of the girls.

Running out of his office, he stopped.

On the floor in front of him was a dark haired infant looking around the age of one year old.

Gwen and Tosh were standing slightly further back, the latest alien device in Gwen’s hands, looking at the baby in shock.

“What the bloody hell is goin’ on?” Owen shouted, coming out of the autopsy room, not noticing the tiny child in front of him.

“An’ where’s Yan? He said he’d be dow’ to help me in a min- Is it just me or is there a one year old Ianto sitting on the floor, looking like he’s going to cry?”

That jumped Jack out of his daze and into action.

He reached down, gently picking up the baby in his arms rocking him gently, quietly murmuring soothing words to the distraught babe, trying to calm him down.

The infant gave a sniffle and looked like he was going to fall asleep on Jack’s shoulder.

“Tosh. What happened? Is this Ianto?” Jack asked quietly, stroking the soft baby hair while continuing to rock backward and forwards, the action seemingly to sooth the small infant.

“Yes Jack. That’s Ianto. Gwen was fiddling with that device which had fallen through the rift and Ianto was walking to go help Owen when she triggered it. It hit him and well, you can see the result.” She had said this while quietly pointing out the fact that the baby Ianto was only wearing a dress shirt, that was obviously too big for him.

Jack shifted Ianto, so he was more comfortable and looked exasperatedly at Gwen.

“Gwen. I though I told you not to play with that! Jeese! Would it kill you to listen to me for once. I actually know what I’m talking about when it comes to these things. Now onto more immediate concerns. Tosh. I don’t want to trouble you, but could you possibly go and get some clothes for Ianto, just some warm stuff, cause I really don’t want to take him outside in the snow like this. Also some nappies, if you could.”

Tosh nodded and slipped her jacket on, not wanting to go outside into the cold unprotected.

“Right away Jack, just so you know, it’s not a problem at all. I don’t mind going to get stuff for Yan. After all, it’s not like he can do it himself. I’ll drop them off before I leave for the night, if that’s okay. Also, the program you requested for me to run is nearly done, I’ll set it up fully and send some instructions to you.”

Jack grinned at her as she walked away, glad that she and Ianto had become good friends when they had met, they both needed someone in their life to cheer each other up, so that they didn’t become lost in the job. Especially after Mary. Tosh and Ianto had a few talks and they started working closer together, getting to know each others moods, actions and motivations.

“Owen. Would you be able to try and figure out that device,” Jack held up his hand when Owen opened his mouth to protest. “I know that you weren’t able to make any progress last time, but now it seems even more important than before. Also, whenever it’s convenient for you, I’d like it if you were able to take a look at Ianto. He’s a little - different than most children are at this age, and I want to know if he’s okay.”

“That’s fine Jack, and what I was GOING to say was that I think that it would be a good idea for me to check him out anyway. We can do it now, it’ll be easier.”

Owen smirked at him and they both walked over to the Autopsy room, Gwen trailing behind, looking guilty.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Right, little fella. Let’s take a look at you.” Owen was surprisingly gentle and caring as he lifted Ianto away from Jack, pulling funny faces, to make him laugh, succeeding slightly.

Little Ianto looked upset to be away from Jack, but Owen was doing a good job at keeping him happy by playing with Ianto while he conducted some preliminary exams. Jack smiled lightly as an unrestrained laugh came from the infant, the darkness and despair that was found in the adult world not touching his innocence.

Owen was an interesting employee to Jack. While in no doubt a genius and very smart, he had a very tough and snarky outside, but if you managed to crack the surface, you saw a completely different side of him. For all his nastiness, he did really care. After he had returned, Jack had found that Owen and Ianto were closer friends, necessity having them working closer together and they had found similar likenesses and generally got along better together.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” ‘Stupid Gwen and her incessant questions. Hadn’t she done enough damage today?’ Jack asked himself inwardly, noticing the change come over the little boy, who had started to shake. Gwen, on the other hand, had seemed to make it her job to become the conscience of every member of Torchwood 3. She had questioned everyone of their motives and actions and had managed to drive every single one of the team up the wall.

“Sorry Gwen,” Owen called in a forced, cheerful voice that Jack could tell straight away. “I don’t really need any help and if I didn’t I think that Tosh would be more qualified than you in this area.”

“But -”

“Gwen. You heard Doctor Harper. Leave. Just go home. To your BOYFRIEND.” Jack said sternly, emphasising the last part, making it clear that if she tried to stay, Jack would officially kick her out of the Hub. He had tried to make sure that she didn’t lose her life outside of Torchwood, but she seemed to just be letting it slip.

Gwen sighed theatrically and stormed out with a huff.

Owen hugged the little Ianto to his chest, bouncing him up and down for a minute, before turning to face Jack again, complete resolve o his face, none of his usual joking manner about him.

“Alright Harkness. Spit it out. What’ s so different ‘bout Yan here? I felt an irregular heart beat, and his breathing was a little ………off. I think there’s something that you have to tell me. What’s up with our little friend, eh?”

Jack sighed and walked over, relinquishing Owen of his hold on the little angel faced child.

“Ianto will probably be annoyed that I told you this, but I think that it’s important that you know. The heart murmur, isn’t a heart murmur and his breathing is perfectly fine.” He stopped rocking the sleeping infant, Ianto had fallen asleep in his arms, resting his cheek on Jack’s chest; and Jack looked the confused doctor in the eye.

“The heart murmur isn’t a heart murmur, it’s his second heart beating, and his breathing sounds different because it’s a binary vascular system. For his kind, he’s a perfectly healthy baby.”

Owen looked stunned.

“You mean that Ianto’s a - a - Ianto’s an alien?! Why didn’t you tell us!? Why didn’t he tell us? This is kind’ove important!” He whispered furiously, glaring angrily at Jack. But softening his voice at the whimper, coming from the little bundle in Jack’s arms.

“First of all, yes Ianto is an alien. Secondly, I didn’t tell because it’s none of my business who Ianto tells and thirdly, Ianto’s the fourth last of his kind, it’s not very likely that he would tell anyone, given a choice.”

“Owen. Ianto is a Time Lord. A Master of Time, one of the supreme races- whatever you want to call him, but right now, he’s just a lost little baby, and he needs our help. Now are you with me, or do I have to retcon your ass back to primary school?”

“I’m with you Jack. I’ll always be on your side, it’s just a bit of a shock. Here, this might make him a bit more comfortable.” He helped Jack wrap a soft green blanket of Ianto and waved goodnight as Jack made his way to the side entrance to his room.

Entering slowly, he saw the small bundle of clothes from Tosh on his bed and gently changed Ianto into the pyjamas, without waking him up.

“Sweet dreams, Iantozachariasjacksonpeteronjones. We’ll figure this out soon. Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out. I just hope that you’ll eventually forgive me and your father.” He kissed the smooth forehead, resting him more comfortably on his chest and turned out the light.

fanfic, fanfic:pg

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