jackofallcards Nov 23, 2009 23:51
card suits, all my dreams have symbolism, *event: revolving reveries, fire and smoke and ashes, wonderland weirdness, what's with the butterflies, hobo mode, in need of nicotine, ♠Bastet, ♠NPC, what's with the little girls
jackofallcards Sep 25, 2009 20:48
♠Ghost, ♠Roswell, ♠Cross, how drunk was i?, ♠Lucy, wonderland weirdness, ♠Rabbit, why are my siblings always creepers?, ♠P/Raise, ♠Grift, ♠Yehuda, ♠Eyepatch, ♠Codename, booze is man's real best friend, ♠Juliet, ♠Gene-1, in need of nicotine, ♠Bastet