Dec 05, 2009 23:29
Lads, I'm sleeping out in the park for now. Enjoy having the room to yourself Raise.
unicorns don't like me,
*event: virgins get unicorns,
booze is man's real best friend,
jack is not a virgin,
hobo mode,
fail brother mode,
Oct 06, 2009 01:04
Never a dull moment.
Oi Yehuda, mind moving our stuff over from the dorms? It's not too much for you, right?
too lazy to move his own shit,
useless comments on the state of affairs,
hobo mode,
fail brother mode,
avoiding work
Sep 25, 2009 20:48
Something they didn't cover in the greeting package--where do you get a drink around here?
And a pack of cigarettes?
((ooc: Forward dated to tomorrow but I am impatient.))
how drunk was i?,
wonderland weirdness,
why are my siblings always creepers?,
booze is man's real best friend,
in need of nicotine,