Drabble: And His Heart Raced 3/4

Nov 16, 2007 00:42

Title: And His Heart Raced
Author: chris4short
Rating: PG-13
Genre: UST
Author's Notes: None really, just that I wanted to post something too. Can't let Ani and I have all the fun, now can you? And I am hoping posting will get the muse back to writing drabbles.
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Everyone left, and Jack started flipping off the lights. Not that the bill was much of an issue. It was something to do.

Going back to his desk, Jack paused at the sight. Draped on the back of his chair was a pair of trousers, and a neatly folded shirt. Jack turned to call out who was there when he saw her.

Backlit and silhouetted, her curvy figure could be seen from across the way. A finger beckoned him to come nearer to the woman and Jack, tugging at his shirt, did so.

His arms stretched and his heart raced.

genre: ust, !drabble, writer: chris4short

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