Drabble: And His Heart Raced 1/4

Nov 03, 2007 00:13

Title: And His Heart Raced
Author: Chris4Short aka Christine
Rating: PG-13
Genre: UST/Angst
Time line: After Combat...
A/N: I hope someone else will come and post... even so between Ani and I we have several to post... we like to read what ya'll are writing.

Jack paused as he left his office; Owen was bent low over Gwen, hushed and harsh sounds coming to his ear even standing from afar.

They parted and Jack couldn’t miss the tears that flooded Gwen’s eyes. He drew closer but paused, only speaking of the next case, and not of the heartbreak he saw.

A lingering hand on her arm was all he could afford. How would it have looked after knowing the love affair of the two had been stopped and here he was showing why he really wanted Owen away from Gwen?

He watched.

His heart raced.

genre: ust, !drabble, genre: angst, writer: chris4short

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