DRABBLE: Truth and Dare

Dec 12, 2008 00:41

Title: Truth and Dare
By: Bellebet
Rating: PG
Genre: General
Time Line: Post S2

Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies... )

!drabble^, writer: bellebet

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Comments 3

elinor_godwin December 12 2008, 06:22:35 UTC
Ack! You can't leave it there! There must be more, right? Please? Interesting take on their relationship. I like it. Thanks for the read.


bellebet December 12 2008, 12:42:09 UTC
Thanks! Actually, I thought it up right before bed last night. I may have to expand it to a full fic sometime.


talkingtothesky December 12 2008, 20:15:01 UTC
Aww! *squishes Jack*

Ahem. I would like to second the call for more, please? I hope Gwen's okay too. She'd better be, because she has to tell Jack that she always thought it was because she wasn't good enough for him and then they both laugh at what a misunderstanding it all was, fall into each other's arms and live happily ever after, Y/Y? :P

Anyway, you got the voices spot on. My favourite line is Jack's "Heart on my sleeve here." Love it! :D


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