Drabble: Diary of a Chronic Secret Keeper - July 4th, 2009 (Part 185)

Aug 19, 2009 04:30

Title: Diary of a Chronic Secret Keeper - July 4th, 2009 (Part 185)
Author: dryler
Pairing: Jack/Gwen, Gwen/Rhys, Jack/Ianto... you know canon.
Summary: Gwen starts a blog as an outlet, because she really needs an outlet.
Overall Rating: R
Timeline: I once read that Torchwood was set a couple years in the future, but I’m not sure if that’s true or not, ( Read more... )

!drabble^, writer: dryler

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Comments 3

amelia_potter36 August 19 2009, 13:02:14 UTC
yes a very good thing she never listens to her mother. Besides against J I don't think she would hold out very long. :)


dryler August 21 2009, 07:26:34 UTC
lol No one can resist Jack for long


davidsgirl8414 August 25 2009, 17:16:01 UTC
very good thing awkward talk with her mom


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