NCIS; 188: Chance

Nov 25, 2008 18:54

Title: Laughing at the Devil as His Train Goes By
Fandom: NCIS
Rating: PG
Warning(s): One-sided DiNozzo/McGee, mentions of a past relationship between the two,
Word Count: 100
Summary: 'You're the lucky one/Always havin' fun/A jack of all trades a master none/You look at the world with a smilin' eye/And laugh at the devil as his train goes by.' [Missing Series]
Prompt: Challenge #188 - Chance
Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS.

Tony is the lucky one. McGee knows it, knows it too well; can feel it deep in his bones, in all his marrow. Tony is the lucky one. He always has been; he always will be. If McGee tries, and tries hard, then he can make himself hate Tony for being that lucky.

But he knows better. Hating Tony would accomplish nothing -- except makes things worse. Though, how that could be currently escapes him.

Tim stands from his desk, and bumps into Tony by accident. He winces at Tony’s smirk, and wishes that he could move on as easily.

pairing: dinozzo/mcgee, fanfiction: ncis - missing

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