30kisses, Drabble 17: mortality/mortal coil

Mar 09, 2007 20:29

Title: Death
Author: jack_infinitude

Pairing: Franklin Delano Donut x Sister Grif
Fandom: Red Vs. Blue: The Blood Gulch Chronicles

Theme: # 17: mortality/mortal coil; Alpha List

Disclaimer: I don't own Red Vs. Blue, or Rooster Teeth.

Rating: PG

A/N: In all my Red Vs. Blue fanfictions, "Sister" shall be referred to as "Kitty." This is simply my personal preference.

For my Donut/Sister claim at 30kisses!


The sky in Blood Gulch was bright blue, and a lot more beautiful than Donut ever remembered it being.

He sighed as the figure in yellow armor approached.

“Sorry I’m late,” Kitty said quietly as she drew near. “Dexter wanted me to give you this.” She knelt down by the concrete grave marker and tied something around it. She stepped back, and the pink ribbon, slightly worn and frayed now, flapped softly, kissing the wind.

They were both silent for a long time.

“I’m sorry,” Kitty whispered.

“It’s not your fault,” her ghost-boyfriend replied wearily, wishing with all his heart that he hadn’t been so weak that it took only a single bullet to send him shuffling off the mortal coil.


pairing: donut/kaikaina, fanfiction: red vs. blue

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