Title: For the Sake of a Friend, (Logan/Veronica), PG-13, 5/WIP Author: jacedesbff supported by Merc4Pairing/Character: Logan/Veronica, Duncan, ensemble
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That explains perfectly why Veronica now has a reputation as a slut and why Duncan will still talk to Logan but he's upset at Veronica (and whomever she had sex with of course!) Logan's not going to appreciate the names and rumor's that pop up in regards to Veronica's sex life now but that's a choice they both made to keep Donut from offing himself! I guess I can cut Donut a slight break since he does think he's in love with his sister and therefore he can't have her but he can't stand the thought of anyone else being with her...Great update as usual and I'll anxiously wait for more since this is literally my favorite story! :)
yeah i love this, its AU but....kind of could also not be. i can't wait to see what happens when troy comes. are you going to do it like that? following the season but with ur twist on it???
Comments 30
and hey I got to play mini golf thanks to the insparation from the last chapter. Score! LOL
I love your stories. You have some of the best shit going :)
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