Sep 12, 2010 21:31
im 24!
do you think that when justin timberlake was 16 and in nsync, 24 year olds looked at him and wondered when he would hit puberty?
because this is how i feel about just beiber...
talk about things you dont understand, kthxbye!
Sep 12, 2010 10:42
We are a spoiled generation, with the luxury to chase our dreams and search for love in a way that our parents could never. Don't abuse it.
So true...:)
Sep 04, 2010 18:13
i hate being emo, but im super depressed right now! basically certain family members constantly feel the need to put me down and make me feel like im not good enough despite the fact that i try to please them! i dont know what to do with this living situation anymore,i feel like i need to move out of here ...it doesnt even feel like home anymore...
Apr 07, 2010 23:12
what is that thing that they went on during the challenge with nigel???
also, discuss the ep idk
Feb 25, 2010 14:00
ok catch me, i am about to fall!
also iselin, abbey, natasha, jac, etc! my new bb joan smalls; such an amazing cast ok i die!