If anybodys interested there is a new Goth/fetish night starting on Friday night (23rd of march) called PROJECT MAYHEM at the old Bar Oz site (i think its called BLUE now). Its a bit pricey at £6 a ticket B4 10pm bot apparently they put on quite a show!!! Oh yes, and i will be djing it for an hour or so from 10pm. C YA THERE!?
Looking forward to tonite!!!! **We have a guest dj Stuart from club Hades in Canterbury! **New and improved DJ booth! **Better sound design! **More room on dance floor! ++++Improved lighting! ??see you later??
As a matter of interest, since plug n play are very willing to bend to our needs, are there any particular drinks they don`t have that we need to get in for you all?
It looks likely that we will be having a house party on thurs 28th december since i don`t have to work the turtle yay!!! Let me know if u want to pop round?