Enchantment Gone Wrong - j2_crack Comment-Meme

Jun 28, 2013 20:05

So, our very first comment meme * waves pom poms * After exhaustive focus group testing we’ve come up with our first theme, so come join the party, give us a prompt, or create something in fic, art, or vid, about enchantments gone wrong.

The Rules:

1) Comment to this post with any and all prompts for enchantments gone wrong. You want spells, witches, invisibility, tattoos from dusty books, herbal drinks with weird kickback, disastrous results from reading your lines aloud backwards, ancient objects you should never have touched, (and definitely never inserted)? This is your meme! Channel all your enchanted feels and crack on! Prompts can be kinky, porny, or gen, and other characters are welcome as long as the prompt includes at least Jared or Jensen.

2) Fill those prompts with fic or art or vid! Writers and artists, you don't have to follow the prompt to the letter, but try to help the prompter go home happy. More than one fill to a prompt is welcome.

3) For PROMPTS: Please list your pairing and any kinks when prompting, prompt as many times as you want, one prompt per comment.

WHEN FILLING IN: Please put "Filled" in the subject line along with a title for your fill. Linking to your own journal for fills is fine, even preferred for longer fills.

4) And have fun doing it! It is J2_crack after all

5) Tell all your friends! And family or not

6) And spread the love. Let’s make our first meme a success and spread the news.

Anonymous commenting is on, but will go through moderation, IP logging is off. And PM me if I've messed anything up!
A list of fills will be assembled as they happen.

Pimping Banners
Code courtesty of digitic who came to our rescue. Thanks so much!

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[ Free pimping Icon for the taking ]

Now Get cracking!
Hey, Nobody's Perfect bycleflink Jensen/Zombie!Jared [PG]
Prompt by meus_venator: Alone and fighting for his life in the middle of a zombie apocalypse when Jensen wished for a little intelligent conversation and some 'personal attention' he never thought this would happen. Journal link here.

(Speech Is Silver,) Silence Is Golden by linvro21 Jared/Jensen [NC-17]
Prompt by etoile_etiolee: Jensen is in love with Jared but so shy he can't even talk to him. He prepares a potion that's supposed to make him able to declare his love but he ends up spicing up the recipe a little too much and basically can't shut up, declaring his love with passion and adding all the dirty thoughts he's been having, as well as a whole lot of embarrassing stuff. Hilarity,then maybe sex, ensue. Journal link here.

Js' and M's Big Adventure: Super-Size Me by citrusjava by Jared/Jensen and J2M [NC-17]
Prompt by sweetspicyhot:  Established J2 relationship, can be AU or not. Jensen gets greedy and casts a spell to make a certain part of Jared's anatomy even bigger. The spell backfires and suddenly all of Jared is exponentially bigger--giant sized. The spell will right itself in 48 hours. But Jared is horny and Jensen must find a way to get him off. Definitely NC-17 on this one, will Jensen need help?, an additional cast member or friend--it's up to you! Journal link: here.

Bloody Sasquatch (or, I've Fallen Fur You) by firesign10 Jared/Jensen [NC-17]
Prompt by meus_venator: When Jared found the old script behind Erik Kripke's desk during an office clean up at the set he never suspected that saying the words "Bloody sasquatch" three times would have such dire consequences. Journal link here.

Signs by anniespinkhouse, Jared/Jensen, [PG-13] AU, Crack
Prompt by meus_venator When grouchy neighbour Jensen put up the 'No Swimming' sign on the pond on his property new neighbour Jared didn't see any harm in sneaking a skinny dip in the moonlight. But then his feet hit the water and everything changed. Journal link: here.
NOW WITH ART FILL for Signs by dragynville here, check it out!

The fire is in our pants by brokenhighways Jared/Jensen [PG-13] AU
Prompt by linvro21: Wizard J still has a lot to learn concerning his magic wand. Journal link: here.

Art fill by dulcetine unicorn!jensen and horse!jared [PG]
Prompt by linvro21: Who knew touching an enchanted unicorn would have this effect?  Journal link: here

Not the French Mistake by annie46 Jared/Jensen - Sam & Dean - hints of Sam/Dean [NC-17]
Prompt by citrusjava: Can be Jensen/Dean, Jared/Sam, or any other combination
J's looking over the new scripts, trying to figure out his character's motivations. If only, he tells the other J over a beer, he could have a serious talk with the guy and get some questions answered. Little does he know, J's not the only one listening. Journal link: here.

Not In My Trailer by walking_tornado Jared/Jensen [NC-17]
Prompt by meus_venator: When Jared found the old script behind Erik Kripke's desk during an office clean up at the set he never suspected that saying the words "Bloody sasquatch" three times would have such dire consequences. Journal link here.


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