Bystander - Smackdown

May 01, 2007 14:25

Title: Smackdown
Author: Amara Anon
Rating: PG
Genres: Humor/Action
Word count: 250
Summary: It's the ultimate showdown! Who will be victorious? Koga versus... Jaken? Wait, what?!

The battle between Koga and Sesshomaru had gone on long enough. Jaken could no longer sit still as an unwilling bystander.

"Lord Sesshomaru, allow me to finish off this stubborn wolf for you," he said, stepping into the fray, Nintoujou in hand.

Koga barked with laughter. "This little wimp? What the hell do you think you can do against me?"

Sesshomaru said nothing, but watched as Koga began running circles around his vassal. Faster and faster Koga went until there was a veritable whirlwind surrounding Jaken. He tried throwing fire from his staff, but the winds instantly extinguished the flames.

"See, wimp," Koga said from somewhere within the vortex. "Your fire ain't gonna get me, and that's all your puny weapon can do."

Jaken looked nervous, but suddenly he puffed out his chest. With one quick movement, he stuck the Nintoujou into the whirlwind's path, and something big went flying through the air. Koga landed--THUD!--on his chin in the dirt.

Jaken spun the Nintoujou around in his hands deftly and smirked. "That's not all it can do. Idiot."


"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru?"

"Let's go."

They left as Koga picked himself up, shaking his head and shoving away Ginta and Hakkaku's attempts at assistance. He growled... then started to laugh. The little imp had got him.

"Oh, and Jaken?"

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru?"

"Not bad."

Jaken's heart swelled to bursting at the compliment. Now, he wondered, should he tell Lord Sesshomaru that tripping Koga had been a lucky mishap...? Naaah.

amara anon, #026 bystander

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