Bystander Theme- Bystander?

May 01, 2007 05:34

  Title: Bystander? 
  Genre: Humour
  Word Count: 250
  Rating: T

Summary: Miroku never likes being a bystander, then why now?


“ My Hero!”, the beautiful princess screamed as she ran into Miroku’s arms.

Miroku sighed softly in his sleep, as one more dream involving pretty women swooning over him came to an end. This scenario had been played out many times in real life, partly due to Miroku’s lecherous mind, and partly due to the fact that Miroku would never stand by quietly.

Miroku never backed down from a fight. He always used his Kazaana, sometimes in the best interests of others, and sometimes his own.

Especially when a damsel was in distress, Miroku would help in his own words, interfere in Inuyasha’s and letch in Sango’s words. But he’d always participate, or come even to just meddle in a situation.

The forest reverberated with loud howls, and Miroku woke up with a start. He assumed that Kagome and Inuyasha had gone for another of their long midnight sojourns, which were no doubt, the source of the sounds that awoke Miroku.

But where was Sango?

Concerned, Miroku quickly got up and started searching the near vicinity.

Then he could hear a soft moaning sound coming from behind the bushes. Miroku rushed in that direction, only to find Sango taking a late-night bath in a hot spring.

Miroku quietly settled down near the bushes, and watched her pale, perfect figure bathed by moonlight.

In a few seconds, Sango would notice him, call him a pervert, and hit him so hard he’d be sent to the seventh heaven.

For now, Miroku decided he’d just like being a bystander.

shalinilahiri, #026 bystander

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