Title: As Family Author: marishaten Rating: K Prompt: Good and Ready Word count: 248 Genre: General Warnings: None Summary: Inuyasha looks at his family after seven years.
Awww, I'm so happy they are happy! Lovely scene as always, so wonderfully written! These moments between them, whether they are good or bad, it's fantastic to read something that shows their relationship so well. The strength especially in them, the close bond.
You conveyed that here spectacularly. ;) Wonderful job!
Thank you so much for the review! I was initially going to skip the epilogue, but then I felt I should give the story some sort of a closure - maybe a brief pointer towards the future. I'm really happy that you thought that I was able to convey the mood properly. It's always very uplifting to receive compliments from such wonderful authors as yourself!
Very nice ending. Glad they got their happy ending. You did a great job, and it did provide closure to the whole series. Wonderful job with the entire series, I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
Thank you so much for the very kind words. I'm really glad you liked it. I was considering a back-story for the events that led up to the beginning of the series but it would be something quite dark and heavy so I don't know...maybe someday, if the prompts are aright. Once again, thanks a lot for being so supportive throughout the series!
Thank you so much for the review and glad you liked it. Sorry for the late reply - I was out of town in between and was inundated by work the moment I returned.
Comments 6
You conveyed that here spectacularly. ;) Wonderful job!
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