
Feb 28, 2016 13:43

Title: The Orphanage
Author ginnekomiko
Prompt: Sitting Bull
POV: Sessmom
Rating: K
Word Count: 907
Summary: The Lady of the West takes InuYasha to an orphanage run by a friend of hers. Crossesover with the show Zakuro.
Part of this

"Lady Mother, where are we going?" InuYasha asked as he glanced around the unknown location. It was somewhere far, far from their territory. He held tightly to her hand. There were so many new sights and sounds; it was almost overwhelming. It seemed like they had been walking forever.

"We are going to Spirit Affairs," she said with a small smile.

"Where is that?"

"A special place that’s run by a friend of mine. It’s a repurposed orphanage for half-blood children like yourself."

“You mean there are more kids like me?” InuYasha asked in soft awe.

“Yes, there are many in the world.”

“Then how come I’ve never met any of them before?”

The Lady looked serious for a moment. “I did not feel comfortable showing you the kind of life one such as yourself normally lives. So I wanted to make sure I could introduce you to others safely. I trust Kushimatsu will create an ideal environment.”

“Is she a nice lady?” InuYasha asked with a tilt of his head.

"Yes, and very powerful.”

“But not as powerful as you, I’m sure,” InuYasha said with a smirk.

The Lady smiled with pride. “I may not agree with her optimistic ideals, but at least she is trying to advocate for the rights of these children. She’ll fight for them or die trying. Ah, here we are.”

InuYasha paused. The building was small, but elegant. The wall around it seemed to stretch forever.

“Kushimatsu, I am here," The Lady announced as they stepped through the entrance of the building.

They were greeted by a fox spirit in a lovely blue kimono. “Ah, it’s a pleasure to see you again Lady of the Western Skies. And is this?”

“This is my son, InuYasha,” The Lady said.

InuYasha bowed awkwardly.

“Ah, he has the ears of a powerful half- blood,” Kushimatsu said

“My ears?” InuYasha said as he instinctively made a grab to hide them. They twitched at the sound of footsteps. He turned to look at the source.

“Ah, "H-hello!" a girl said shyly through the doorway into one of the other rooms. “I um, didn’t realize we had guests. I’ll um! Go get some tea.”

“Wow, a girl,” InuYasha murmured. “She has ears like mine.”

"That is Susukihotaru. She’s a gentle soul," Kushimatsu said.

“Wow, are there more?”

“There is also Zakuro, Bonburi, and Houzuki. They are half-demons like yourself."

“No boys?”

“We do have two, but one is out at the moment and the other is an infant.”

“That’s fine. I can play with girls.”

“I shall fetch them then.”

He was herded into a room with a girl with black hair, and two blond twins. One of which was holding a baby.  Susukihotaru hid behind the smaller girl with black hair. The smaller girl stepped forward. “I’m Zakuro.”

Then the twins must be Bonburi and Houzuki. Not like he could tell which was which.

“I’m I-InuYasha,” he said.

The small girl sized him up. “Huh? That pretty lady doesn’t seem like the type to mate with a human.”

“Z-Zakuro!” Susukihotaru whimpered.

"My birth mother was a human!" InuYasha snapped.

“Eh?” said Zakuro with shock. “Then what are you doing with that pretty lady?”

“My human mom is dead, but Lady Mother is really nice! She’s taking care of me.”

"Oh. I see. Huh. It's still a little strange for a lady like that to care about the likes of us. She's doesn't have the same air as Kushimatsu."

“Not a single breath of it!” said one of the twins. “Right, Bonburi?”


“Hey, um, Bonburi? What’s with the baby?”

"Ah, he's our little brother! His name is Shippo," she said with a smile. “Isn’t he cute?”

"But he's a full demon right? His ears are different than ours." InuYasha asked.

"So? He’s our half-brother, technically, but we’re still family," Houzuki said. “We’re all foxes, after all.”

"Won't he.... resent you?" he asked.

"Perhaps, but he's still our most precious baby brother and we love him," Bonburi said with a smile.

“Yeah, maybe he won’t be as mean as my big brother. He pushes me around all the time.”

“So? Push back!” Zakuro said.

“I do!”

Zakuro smirked. “So you can play those kinds of games. Do you want to go?”

“Against you? Sure!”

“Alright! Let’s go!”

Suddenly, the other girls began to sing.

“Hey! No fair!”

“Didn’t you know? Working in a group makes you stronger! Prepare to be bewitched!”

InuYasha watched as Zakuro’s eyes began to glow.

"Wow…" he murmured.

"Don’t you dare look down on me! I won't allow anyone to look down on us, not even one of our own! We have just as much right to exist as anyone else!" Zakuro said.

She charged for him.

InuYasha dodged with some difficulty.  Half-demons like him could really be this powerful? Right now, he needed to look for an opening. If he could just land one blow…

“Here goes nothing!”

“You hit me!” Zakuro snapped as she rubbed her cheek.

“Well, you insulted my Lady Mother!”

Zakuro smiled softly. “Sorry. I know what you mean, though. Of course I miss my mom, but I really love Kushimatsu! Say, do you think you’ll come back and play with us again?”

“Count on it!” he said with a grin.

“My Lady, it appears your idea has worked wonders,” Kushimatsu said through a crack in the door.

The Lady smiled to herself as she drank her tea.

pov sessmom, !ginnekomiko, #002

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