Title: The Fox, the Dog, and the Monk Author ginnekomiko Prompt: Aesop POV: Kaede Rating: K Word Count: 510 Summary: Kaede tells a story (based off of this fable.)
Title: The Orphanage Author ginnekomiko Prompt: Sitting Bull POV: Sessmom Rating: K Word Count: 907 Summary: The Lady of the West takes InuYasha to an orphanage run by a friend of hers. Crossesover with the show Zakuro. Part of this
Title: Yura and Nae Author ginnekomiko Prompt: Weaved POV: Yura Rating: T Word Count: 570 Summary: Yura reflects on her new job looking after Naraku's bride. (Nae from Mermaid Saga.)
Title: Tales of Father Author ginnekomiko Prompt: August: "They say marriages are made in Heaven. But so is thunder and lightning." POV: Sessmom Rating: K Word Count: 325 Summary: The Lady of the West talks about her husband. Part of this (I'm also on AO3 now.)
Title: The Demon Market Author ginnekomiko Prompt: #107 shopping POV: Sessmom Rating: K Word Count:300 Summary: The Lady of the West takes her sons shopping. Part of this (I'm also on AO3 now.)
Title: Mirror Child Author ginnekomiko Prompt: #102 Moonlit POV: Kanna Rating: K Word Count:140 Summary: Kanna looks at the moon before her final fight.