Vampire Heart *Chapter 9*

Apr 20, 2010 21:31

Title: Vampire Heart
Author: me and Faradakiut
Pairing: Sakuraiba, Ohmiya
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Fantasy
Summary: Sho is a vampire prince and he finds himself the perfect snack when he meets up Aiba. The things get strange when he starts to have feelings for him...
Disclaimer: We only own Arashi in our dreams and fantasies XDD

Chapter 9

Masaki looked at Jun with so much hate that it could have frozen anyone. He wanted to see him dead. But he was already dead... Which sure didn't helped at all. He didn't want to show him that he was afraid of him so he tried his best to act all strong and fearless. It had succeded cause Jun's smile faded away from his face when he saw the way the human boy was staring at him.

"I've become his already. So you can do whatever you want, I don't give a damn." Masaki said, on a cold tone.

Jun looked at him strange, opening his mouth to show his big fangs, like a strange wolf who was getting ready to attack. Masaki felt like a small, helpless bunny in the hands of a true best. Jun brought the boy's neck to his nose, smelling the blood inside of him. Indeed, his blood smelt different. Sho's fragment was inside of Masaki's fresh, pure blood now. He threw the boy back in the bed, making some few steps behind you.

"He fucked you, didn't he?" Jun asked, on a angry tone.

"No. We made love. It is a difference." Masaki said, looking him straight in the eyes.

"Love?" Jun laughed. "You're such an idiot. He dosn't love you. Vampires don't have that feeling. All we feel is anger, hate, pleasure and nothing more. Fellings such as love, caring, pitty or mercy disappear when we die."

"They may had disappeared on you, but master Sho still has them. He loves me!" Masaki said, feeling revolted all of a sudden.

"Your sweet master Sho is gone forever. And no, I did not killed him. I've send him away." Jun said, putting a grin on his pretty face.

"What..?" Masaki said, starting to feel a big empty place forming in his stomach.

"You really thought I won't find him in that celler room? You are more stupid than I believed. Grow up, child! This is not a game!" Jun said, looking at him, his eyes getting red as blood.

"Where is he?" Masaki asked, as if he wouldn't even have heard him.

"He is somewhere far." Jun said, on a indifferent voice.

"Where is he? Tell me!" the boy continued, on a much more angry voice.

"And if I don't what will you do?" Jun said, raising his eyebrow.

The teenager was breathing hard. He was feeling his heart beating so fast that it almost broke his chest. He couldn't believe what this insane guy had done. Why was he doing all this? Why did he had tu ruin everything??

"It's unfair... It's damn unfair, this is so fucking unfair!!" he almost screamed. "Why can't you just leave us alone? Why don't you let us be happy? What the Hell have I done to you??"

"That's it. Keep that feeling. Anger makes your blood run faster!" Jun said, getting closer while licking his lips.

"I HATE YOU!!" Masaki yelled, so hard that he believed the entire house heard him.

Jun laughed. A creppy, scary movie type of laugh that made Masaki feel scared. Jun was on top of him in the next second, with both of his hands holding his wrists firmly, his head bowed and their noses touching.

"I'm better in bed than he is." he said, starting to kiss Masaki's neck.

"What?!" the boy said amazed.

"I'll show you how good it can actually feel." Jun said.

He unbuttoned Aiba's shirt fast and he bite his neck strong, so strong that Aiba thought he was going to rip it off. He screamed powerfully, of pain, fear and sadness all in the same time. He was still trying to fight back though. 'I won't let any tear fall from my eyes. I won't allow any moan to get out of my lips. I won't give him the impression that he won!' Masaki was telling to himself in his mind. The blood was falling fast from the two big bite marks that he had on his neck and Jun was drinking it all, not letting one drop fall.

He took off the boy's pants too, throwing them on the ground and unbuttoning his. He didn't felt like preparing him for it. He was way too upset on this boy. The more painful it was going to be, the better. He entered him deep from the first thrust, pushing so hard that he felt it started to bleed. The boy however didn't seam to want to cooparate. He was bitting his lips and keeping his eyes shut strong so he could stop himself from making any noise or shading any tear.

"Strong, aren't you? Well then, let's see how strong you will be after this." Jun said.

He started getting faster and faster in and out of him, with a speed that would have made a porn star jealous. He bited him again, from the other part of the neck this time. Masaki just bared it all, crying deep inside of his heart but not having any reaction on the outside.

'Where are you now, my love?' he thought in his mind. 'What has he done to you? What is he doing to me? Come back... I need you so much... Master!'


"Masaki!" Sho said, getting up from the bed fast.

He felt a sudden, horrible pain taking over him. And he felt as if he heard Masaki screaming for him. But that was impossible. He was so far from his castle... He had no idea where the hell he was. Jun's soliders had took him and brought him to this place... wherever this place was. It seamed to be a dungeon. There were no windows anywhere which was good. The door was locked though. And everything inside of there was dusty, old and dark. He loved darkness but he didn't wanted to be there. He wanted to go to his Masaki...

That boy... That boy was the only person who has ever told him he loves him in his entire, over 160 years of existence. He never thought someone could feel such a pure feeling for such a horrible creature like he was... That was what made Masaki so special. He was not sure if he loved him or not... But he was sure of one thing. He wanted to go back to him. He was feeling such a strong feeling of terror, agony, sadness, disesper... All at once. And he had no idea why... His heart was beating faster and slower in the same time and he couldn't breath. His neck was hurting him a lot, in both sides, as if he had been bitten... It was so strange...

The door opened and some voices where heard.

"Get in there!" a man's voice said.

A boy felt on the floor, before the door got closed again. Sho looked at him and smelled him. He was dead so he head to be a vampire. He helped him get up and checked him out. He was tall and he had a beautiful face. He had black, asian eyes and brown hair that got to his shoulders. He was beautiful and his face looked quite girly.

"Hey. Who are you?" Sho asked him.

"I am Kamenashi Kazuya. How about you?" the new vampire said.

"Sakurai Sho. Nice to meet you I guess... I don't like the place and ocassion with which we met though." Sho said. "Why are you here?"

"For the same reason you are. I disobeyed my master." Kazuya said.

"So this is the famous vampire jail?" Sho asked, starting to realize where he was.

"Yeah. What you've thought? That you are on a trip?" Kazuya said ironical.

He took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, taking one out and lighting it up, starting to smoke it as he was sitting on the cold, dark floor.

"I've never seen a vampire smoke before." Sho said, looking at him.

"It's the only human habbit I've kept. It's quite calming, really good for the nerves. Want one?" Kazuya said, raising the hand with the cigarettes pack to Sho.

"Yeah.. I guess. Thank you." Sho said, taking one as sitting next to Kazuya on the floor.

The boy lighted the cigarette for him and looked at the wall in front of them while taking a long puff.

"So! How long will we stay here?" Sho asked.

"Until your master comes and sets you free." Kazuya explained.

"And what if he dosn't come?"

"Then you will remain here forever."

"Oh yeah... Great news..." Sho said, covering his face with his hands, starting to feel ready to explode.

arashi, fanfiction

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