Should I be a Girl *Chapter 4*

Apr 23, 2010 18:01

Title: should I be a girl ?!
Pairing: Sakurai Sho/Aiba Masaki
Genre: romance, fluff , AU
Rating: PG- 13
summary: aiba?? should aiba be a girl??!!
1- I wish I own sakuraiba.
2- This all are fiction

Chapter 4

Aiba was still shocked by the strange event that had happened between him and Sho. He didn't understand how come the man was being so bitchy around him. If Sho would have been thinking he was a girl, Aiba would have found things much easier to understand. But Sho already knew he was a man... Did that mean he was into boys? Aiba found it somehow impossible. How could such a beautiful and respected young man be so messed up? Cause for a man to like another man was sure not something natural. At least, it was not natural in Aiba's mind at that time.

Aiba was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't even heard the door open. He was finishing dressing up when Sho tapped him on the shoulder.

"Boo!" he said, slowly in his ear.

Caught by surprise, Aiba made a small jump and left out a silent scream, turning to look at the man. He placed his hand on his chest, feeling his heart beating powerfuly and he looked at the floor for a second to calm down. Then he raised his head and faced the man.

"What?!" he said, a little piessed off.

"Hey, don't be so angry. The head maid is a bit busy with the lunch now so she asked me to show you the house in her place. It's a damn big place and you must know all rooms and for what each of them is used." Sho explained.

"I see..." Aiba said, letting his head down, feeling a bit guilty for almost yelling at Sho.

He was his new master after all. He just fallowed him when Sho left the room, going easy in his back, pulling his skirt a bit to make sure it was in place. That mansion sure was huge. They had 3 floors, 20 bedrooms, 3 livingrooms, 5 bathrooms, a game-room, a pool inside and one outside and a huge garden.

"You guys sure are rich..." Aiba said, while he was going through all the house with Sho.

"Well, me, my mom and my dad are all business man. So, yeah, I guess you can say that again. However, I don't like this place. It's so big that you can get lost in it. I would feel more confortable in a apartment." Sho said.

"What?!" Aiba said amazed. "You would change this amazing place for an apartment?"

"I am not so into all this extravagant stuff. Beside, it dosn't matter where you are it matters with who you are. There are people who are happy together in a small house but they would be crushed if they were separated in huge mansions." Sho said, explaining his point of view.

"I see where you come from..." Aiba agreed.

For some few seconds he had forgot that Sho was his new boss. They had the same age and Sho knew about his true identity. It was so hard to try and be fake around this man. He was like making you to be honest with him. Aiba stopped when they got to a really calm and lonely hallway from the second floor. Sho realized it and he stopped too, going to him.

"Is it something wrong?" he asked Aiba.

"What if your parents will find out that I am a boy? Will they kick me out?" Aiba asked.

"More than sure. Not only that you're a boy, you also lied to them. Which is harder to forgive." Sho said, thinking about it. "But don't worry, they won't find out. I only realized it cause I've seen you before. And cause you are too beautiful to be a girl."

"What?" Aiba asked surprised.

"Women are not beautiful to me. I respect them a lot cause, you know, the one who brought me to this world is a woman. But I don't like them, they don't attract me at all. You, however... You attracted me from the first moment I've seen you. So, there were two options. You were the only girl in the world who I found beautiful or you were a man. I went for the second option." Sho said, on a bit careless voice.

"So... You're gay?" Aiba asked, wanting to make sure.

"And proud of it." Sho said, kissing his forehead. "Of course, my parents don't know it. Now come, there are still more rooms to show you."

He placed his hand foreward, invinting Aiba to take it in his hand. Which Aiba did. His entire face was red and he was feeling uncomfortable. But somehow, his hand fitted perfectly in Sho's hand.

"Okay, so, do you understand everything now?" Sho asked him after they have been in all the rooms of all the house.

"Yeah, I got it sir." Aiba said.

"Don't make me feel old... We have the same age. Call me Sho. When someone else is near you can call me sir or whatever. Not when we're alone, okay?" Sho said with a smile.

"S-Sure..." Aiba said, feeling a bit insecure.

"Good. Now go in the kitchen, Jun is waiting for you." Sho said.

"Who is Jun?" Aiba asked confused.

"Oh, he is our chef. His food is like totally the best from Japan. You must meet him, you will work with him after all. Oh and by the way. Tomorrow we will go to your house so you can take all your things from there. You will live here as long as you work for us." Sho said.

"I will..?" Aiba asked.

He didn't knew this job meant also that he will move in the huge mansion. It didn't bother him so much though. He had no family or friends who would miss him. He agreed to Sho's offer of taking him home the next day and he went fast to the kitchen where he was sent. He found Jun fast. He was a tall, young boy of maybe 20 or 21. His hair was black and a bit currly, his eyes were a deep brown, he had a apron and a funny chef hat as he was walking fast in all the kitchen, making around 6 different type of food in the same time.

"Hi, I am Misaki, the new maid." he intorduced himself, trying his best to make his voice as light and girly as he could.

"Very nice to meet you" Jun said, while still runing all over. "Did you got along with the masters?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Aiba said.

"Dose master Sho likes you?"

"He has to like me?"

"Well, yeah. You will be his personal maid after all."

"... What?"

The news took Aiba by surprise. He didn't knew he was going to be Sho's personal servant. He thought he was going to be the maid of the Sakurai family. This information was not written in the job description.

"They were searching for a long time for a maid that master Sho would like. He is very picky. He dosn't like women so much... It's really remarkable that he accepted you. You should really feel lucky." Jun explained, while he was mixing eggs and suger in a bowl.

"So I will have to take care of him?" Aiba asked.

"Yeah. Wake him up in the morning, make his bed, clean him room, wash his cloths, serve him breakfast, watch over his stuff, go to his office and give him things if he forgot to take something in the morning... This kind of things..." Jun said, still concentrated on his food.

"Like a wife..." Aiba said.

"What?" Jun said, raising his head to look at Aiba.

"Uhm! Nothing. I was just thinking with loud voice." Aiba said fast.

"Okay then." Jun said. "Well, you must come here every time we serve food. The brekfast is at 7:00 AM. Make sure to woke up at around 5:30. You should go to bed early."

"Yes, I understand." Aiba said.

"Good. Now go and see if he needs something, ne?" Jun said, smiling to him in a frinedly way.

"Hai." Aiba said, returning his smile and getting out of the kitchen.

This was probably going to be more easy then he thought. All he had to do was take care of Sho... So he didn't had to clean all that huge house. It was a relieve. However, he was a bit scared about people finding out about him. And now he also knew that Sho was gay... Which was not such a simple thing to get used to if you're a boy and his personal maid...

A/N: Okay, I know I am damn late but I really considered the idea of not writing anything anymore duo to some peope who have been annoying me. I've decided though to let everyone who annoys me go fuck themselves and keep writing. After all, I write for myself and for everyone else who wants to read it. So yeah, I shouldn't stress, ne? ^^ Hope you guys enjoy this ^.^ Love you sis ^__^ Your turn now ^^

arashi, fanfiction

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