Twitterpated 3/3 (PG-13)

Nov 21, 2010 20:29

Title: Twitterpated (3/3)
Rating: PG-13, for mild sexual humor (because I'm just like that :P)
Word Count: 2931
Spoilers: If only.
Summary: Kurt's denied the dream of walking in with Blaine on his arm, but he's given so much more.

Running across the soccer field wasn’t really what Kurt always imagined he’d be doing before his first prom, but given their late start, he wasn’t about to protest Blaine’s shortcut. Especially when Blaine was holding his hand so tightly, running his thumb along Kurt’s wrist as they navigated the puddles left from that afternoon’s sudden spring rain. The plan had been to leave Kurt’s around five thirty so that even with traffic, they’d arrive in plenty of time for Blaine to introduce him to the other people at their table before meeting up with the warblers to sing the evening’s theme song. Unfortunately, the unexpected excitement that accompanied Blaine’s arrival at the Hummel-Hudson house meant they had exactly five minutes to get from Blaine’s car to the auditorium before the curtain rose, and given that the legitimate path from the parking lot would take at least ten minutes, they really didn’t have much of an option. Each of them almost fell at least twice, but the other was always able to catch them before they got too far. If they hadn’t been in such a hurry, it would have been almost romantic.

“I’m sorry I can’t introduce you to everyone,” panted Blaine as they reached the stage door. “There just isn’t time. The Warblers are all sitting together, so just look for some unaccompanied girls, and that’ll probably be our table.” Blaine hurriedly twisted the door’s handle and stepped halfway inside. “I’m really sorry, Kurt. I didn’t want to just send you in alone like this.”

“It’s fine,” Kurt said as he motioned for Blaine to be on his way. “Just go, before that crazy blonde guy insists on taking your solo. I’ll be fine.” Kurt heard Wes and David’s muffled voices saying something he couldn’t quite make out from behind the door, and Blaine suddenly stumbled completely through the door as if dragged, which, Kurt guessed, was probably what had happened.

After a minute or two of wandering, Kurt spotted a small cluster of girls heading for a set of double doors. ”Bingo,” thought Kurt, as he made his way toward them. “Hello, ladies. I’m sorry, but I got separated from my date. Do you think I could join you for a bit?”

A tan girl with long blonde hair gave him a curious once over before sharing a look with the others. “Sure, I guess.” She extended her hand, “I’m Lisa.”

“Kurt. Thanks, I really appreciate it,” he answered, taking her hand and giving a small shake as she gestured toward her friends and introduced them. Moments later, they were sitting at a large, round table in the center of the cluster that had been set up in front of the auditorium’s red-curtained stage.

“So, Kurt,” started one of Lisa’s friends (”Julie?” he thought to himself), “you’ve got to tell us what they’re singing. We’ve been trying to pry it out of them for weeks, but they’ve been really tight-lipped about it. You have to know more than we do.” It wasn’t until the question had been asked that Kurt realized her really had no idea. He’d just gotten so used to avoiding the topic of performance numbers to avoid conflict between the rival glee clubs that he’d never even thought to ask what Blaine would be singing tonight.

“No idea. I’m not a Warbler, and I didn’t really think to ask.” Kurt racked his brain, trying to think of any gooey love songs he may have heard the guys playing more often than would have been expected. Nothing came to mind, and he was (for once) grateful they’d run so late, as it meant he had far less time to wonder about it.

“Wow, you don’t even know?” asked another girl. “They must be more serious about this secrecy thing than I thought, if they don’t even tell the other students.”

Kurt gave a sudden start, realizing for the first time that they thought he was waiting for a girl-date as opposed to a Warbler-date. “Oh, no, I’m not-“

“Shush!” whispered Lisa, lifting a finger to her lips. “It looks like they’re starting.”

Kurt turned a little in his seat, not much, but just enough for him to see the heavy red curtains on either side of the stage rise to reveal the Warblers in an assortment of evening dress. Not as polished a look as when he first saw them perform in their matching blazers, but still very nice. Most of the guys were wearing the standard black tuxedo, though they sported a variety of colors in their ties and the occasional vest, and it took him a moment to realize that Blaine, in his pale dinner jacket, was the only one standing out from the pack, both fashionably and literally. Blaine stood directly under the spotlight, eyes focused intently on his shoes, front and center of the other boys. Kurt’s breath caught in his throat for a moment, as the silence was broken by a familiar beat. ”No,” he thought to himself. ”They’re not singing-“ but then, Blaine’s voice rang out, loud and clear, throughout the auditorium.

”You think I’m pretty, without any makeup on…”

The girls at Kurt’s table squealed in delight, and Kurt’s eyes widened as he stared, transfixed, at Blaine. He’d replayed that performance from the common rooms over and over in his mind that he could almost tell what dance move was coming before they made it, but it still took his breath completely away from him. The first time he’d seen Blaine sing this, he’d assumed Blaine’s flirtatious behavior was part of the show. One of the first rules of reaching your audience, Kurt knew, was to direct yourself to a specific person, so you could really project the entirety of the emotion behind the song. Since they’d known he was a spy, Kurt had rationalized; it only made sense that Blaine would put his focus on him. This, however, was different. Blaine was, again, focusing on Kurt, but this time, something different was in his expressions. It wasn’t sadness, exactly, but it was serious.

“Oh my god,” sighed the petite redhead seated between Kurt and Lisa. “I don’t know who Blaine brought tonight, but she’s got to be the luckiest girl in the world. Look at how he’s singing right at her. He’s got to be, I mean, you don’t look like that unless you really mean it.”

It was as she said this that Blaine’s eyes locked onto Kurt’s, and both his voice and movements grew more intense.

”My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back”

Kurt felt his own heart threaten to stop, and had to restrain himself to keep from pointing to himself and crying out that he was the lucky one that Blaine was singing to, that this was his own teenage dream coming true in the midst of all these people. He couldn’t, though. It was too perfect, too precious, to risk saying anything that might break the spell.

As the end of the song approached, there was some excitement as the Warblers, led by Blaine, split into two groups and began to descend the stairs that led from either end of the stage to the auditorium floor below. They continued their singing, stopping to direct a line or two to various couples along their way, before reaching the general area of Kurt’s table. One by one, most of the boys reached for the girls who sat without their dates, and began singing directly to them, allowing the small microphones Kurt now saw pinned to their lapels to continue amplifying the sound. It wasn’t until the last few lines that Kurt saw Blaine heading for him, eyes full of emotion. Before he knew it, Blaine had taken him by both hands and placed them on either side of his chest.

”Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight”

The song stopped quickly and cleanly, but the cheers and roars of applause that followed were a joyful cacophony of teenage happiness. Kurt felt hundreds of eyes boring into him as he felt Blaine’s heart beating under his palms, and the color in his cheeks rose as Blaine stretched on his toes just enough to give Kurt a small kiss beside his ear. “I know it’s not your favorite song,” he breathed in Kurt’s ear, “but I really wanted to sing it to you the way that you deserve.”

Kurt pointed to the red rim of one of the orchids at his own chest. “Deep red, for perfection,” he whispered softly, taking delight at the exuberant smile that erupted on Blaine’s face before they finally broke apart and took their seats.

There was some embarrassed laughter from the girls who hadn’t caught on that Kurt wasn’t a student, and Melanie (as he now knew the redhead) leaned over to whisper to him that even if he wasn’t a girl, he was still the luckiest person there, but for the most part, the banquet was free of the kind of reaction he knew would have followed Blaine’s stunt had it taken place at Kurt’s school. He and Blaine never ran out of things to say, both to each other and the rest of the table, and he found himself really warming to Melanie and Lisa. They weren’t Mercedes and Quinn (or even Rachel), but they were nice, and made him feel really welcome. David and Wes were, sadly, at another table, but Kurt had to admit that it was kind of nice to get to know some of Blaine’s other friends. There’d be time to hang out once dinner was over, and maybe an after party, if there was one. Blaine was clearly the life of the table, though, and it was nice to see him shine so brightly. It was strange to think that if they hadn’t bumped into each other at the mall that day, they’d both be sitting alone in their rooms and miserable as their friends had fun without them. Thanks to the randomness of the universe, however, Kurt was having the night of his life, and he was pretty sure Blaine would say the same.

After dinner ended and the tables were cleared, people began to slowly move out to the dance floor. Kurt was trying to decide whether he should ask Blaine to dance, or wait for him to make the first move, when Blaine placed his hand on Kurt’s arm. “I just wanted to apologize, again, for just leaving you like that when we got here. I know it had to be kind of awkward to be left sitting with a group of strangers.”

Kurt shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. It was a little awkward when I realized that they thought I was a student, and more so when I realized that most of them didn’t know you were gay, but I wouldn’t take back a moment of it. That little serenade was more amazing than any grand entrance could have been. It was -“ he stopped himself before he could utter the words “a dream come true,” and took a breath. “It was amazing, Blaine, and I know I’ll never forget it.”

“Great,” Blaine breathed happily. “I just really wanted tonight to be special for you, and after the whole scene at your house, I was really worried about how you’d react.” He tilted his head slightly as a new song started playing, and gave a smile. “Come on, let’s dance.”

Kurt didn’t put up a fight, and gladly walked hand in hand with Blaine to the dance floor as the soft strains of a piano filled the room. He was just about to make a joke about how it sounded as if the DJ had stolen Mister Shu’s iPod when Blaine began to sing into his ear.

”It's a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live”

Kurt’s eyes widened, as he realized that Blaine’s voice was getting louder, and not just because he was raising his voice. The body mic had to be on. Kurt whipped his head around, and sure enough, there were Wes and David, working the soundboard at the DJ’s table, big grins plastered upon their faces. Panicked, he turned to look at Blaine, only to see from his expression that Blaine had to have been in on it. His dark eyes sparkled as he and Kurt twirled around the dance floor, and he put more warmth into his voice.

”And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world”

As the last of the verses began, Blaine appeared almost giddy as he sang loudly and clearly while looking directly into Kurt’s eyes.

”So excuse me forgetting but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen”

As the last refrain of the chorus neared, Blaine’s face took on a sweeter look, and he sang more softly.

”And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world”

Before Kurt knew what was happening, Blaine’s hands were softly cupping his face, and his eyes looked slightly wet. “I love you, Kurt. I’ve loved you for a while now, but I wanted the right moment to tell you.” Kurt’s heart raced as Blaine leaned in to press his lips against Kurt’s, and he was only vaguely aware of the fact that Blaine’s mic was picking up their heartbeats, and less aware that that meant Blaine’s declaration of love had also been audible to everyone. Part of him was mortified by this, and wished he had a sound proof invisibility cloak to give them a bit of privacy, but the larger part of him was too happy to care, and set about returning Blaine’s kiss with reckless abandon. ”It’s not how I always imagined my first kiss, or even my second or third,” mused Kurt, ”but then again, I never thought I could dream this big.”

Eventually, they broke the kiss, and Blaine took his hand again. Silently, they exited the auditorium and made their way back to the soccer field, where they sat, side by side, on one of the bleachers. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a really long time, Kurt. I just…didn’t want to rush you, or assume anything, I guess. It wasn’t until tonight, at your place, that I realized you really did feel the same, and I wasn’t just seeing what I wanted to see.” Sensing the question Kurt was about to ask, he continued, “I was going to sing that song to you, anyway, just because I had to get it out, but the kiss…that wasn’t planned. I just want you to know that. I know this is all pretty new to you, and the truth is,” he exhaled sharply “this is all pretty new to me, too. I’ve been out since I was a freshman, but I’ve never…”

Realization dawned on Kurt. “You mean that was- I was your-?”

“Yeah,” whispered Blaine. My first. You’re kind of my first everything, Kurt. First real crush, first date, first kiss, and my first love, if you’re okay with that. I meant what I said back there, and I wouldn’t take it back for anything,” he bit his lower lip for a moment, “but I understand if you’re not in the same place as me on this, and I don’t need to be your boyfriend to be around you; I just need to know that I’ve done everything I can to let you know how I feel, and that you understand I’ll always be here.”

”He’s cute when he’s being oblivious,” thought Kurt, as he placed his hand on the back of Blaine’s neck and pulled him closer. “Courage, Blaine, is a good thing to have when exploring new territory.” He pressed his lips to Blaine’s and felt a happiness he’d never known before welling in his chest. “Luckily, neither of us is lacking in that department.” Their smiles grew so large that they could no longer kiss properly, so they leaned against the bleachers behind them and began to talk of all the things new couples do, bathed in the light of the star-filled sky. Kurt may have been a horrible spy, but he was determined to be an excellent boyfriend.


Subject: Success!
They totally made out on the dance floor. Our girlfriends are now whining about why we can’t be more like Blaine, but it’s worth it to see those two crazy kids finally get together. - David

To: DASingerGuy
Subject: About time!
Sweet! Gotta tell Rachel so she can see about getting the gay mafia to stop cock-blocking me. - Finn

Subject: ?????
HUH?!?!?!?! =O

To: DASingerGuy
Subject: N/M
Long story, will explain another time.

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series: twitterpated, rating: pg-13

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