Baby, I'm A Star - 10 Song Drabble Challenge (R)

Nov 22, 2010 21:46

Title: Baby, I'm a Star (10 Song Drabble Challenge)
Rating: R-ish, to be safe.
Word Count: 999. Satan clearly rolled over in his grave.
Spoilers: Hahahaha - no.
Warnings: Questionable taste in music brazenly on display. ;>
Summary: You know the drill by now. iTunes. Random. Drabble per song for 10 songs. Go!

1) ”Baby, I’m a Star” - Prince
Blaine’s not too sure what brought Kurt to Dalton, but he’s never been one to let an opportunity slip through his fingers. When fortune offers a gift like this, only the foolish pass it up. It may be Katy Perry’s words he sings, but it’s another artist that Blaine thinks of as he performs. Kurt may not know it yet, but Blaine is most definitely a star.

2) ”These Are The Days of Our Lives” - Queen

It’s three a.m. when Kurt finally creeps through the bedroom door after a long night putting the finishing touches on next season’s collection. Silently, he shuts the door and tiptoes to the bed, doing his best not to make a sound. As he undresses and prepares himself for bed in the dimly lit room, he catches a glimpse of black curls shining in the moonlight. Seventeen years of memories flood him in reverse, ending on a stairwell with a handsome boy taking his hand and, though they couldn’t have known then, leading him into the future.

3) ”Winter” - Tori Amos

Sometimes, when Kurt misses his mom more than usual, he gets in his car and drives until he finds a spot where he can just wander through some trees and think without distraction. Right now, things are changing so much, so fast, and he needs to be alone, with her, in the only way he knows. He rests against a tree and slides to the snowy ground, tears streaming down his face, and whispers through the scarf around his face, to someone long since gone; “I love him Mom. Please let him love me back.”

4) “I Walk The Line” - Johnny Cash

Blaine’s never been too good at resisting temptation, though he puts up a brave fight. For a while, he even managed it with Kurt. Sure, there was flirting, but nothing he couldn’t pass off as friendly banter. It wasn’t until Kurt took charge and asked Blaine what they were doing that he finally confessed his feelings and took him in his arms. As they melted into each other, Blaine had to remind himself to take it slow. Really slow. He didn’t trust himself not to rush in and spoil things just yet.

5) ”Forever Young” - Alphaville

Kurt is sixteen, going on seventeen, and he knows he’s supposed to hate this. That he should be counting the moments until some landmark year like eighteen or twenty-one, when people will consider him an adult. Part of him does, if only because it means he’ll have more freedom, but another, bigger part of him, secretly relishes being young. As he and Blaine stand side by side, and he feels Blaine take his hand in his as the music starts and they begin to sing, sixteen, Kurt thinks, isn’t so bad an age to be.

6) “Your Sister’s Clothes” - Pulp

“You know, Blaine,” starts Kurt, “your own jeans look rather nice on you. I appreciate the sentiment, but there’s just something weird about seeing you in your little sister’s skinny jeans, no matter how well you fill them out.”

“These aren’t hers, she just keeps stealing them from me. Besides, I got them just for you to put your hands on,” retorts Blaine, placing Kurt’s hands on his back pockets.

“I think I’d rather put my hands on what’s under them, if you don’t mind,” his boyfriend purrs as he begins reach for Blaine’s belt buckle.

7) “Sneaky feelings- Elvis Costello

Kurt really likes Blaine, and he's pretty sure Blaine likes him, too, though neither has told the other just yet. Still, the looks they give, the way they find reasons to touch, it can't be anything else. Sometimes, Kurt thinks Blaine is just waiting for Kurt to give him some kind of sign that he's ready, and he's kind of thankful for that if it's the case. Their frequently sudden departures always seem to come as they're just on the brink of...something, and this, Kurt thinks, will make the day they're ready to stay all the better.

8) “Racing Like a Pro” - The National

This isn’t the first time he’s wanted someone, but it’s the first time he’s thought they want him, too. He knows he should find this comforting, but it’s exactly the opposite. Thoughts of Blaine wrapped around him and breathing hot and fast into his neck makes Kurt’s heart race not just because of the imagery, but the thought that it could actually happen. He stretches across his bed and tries humming himself to distraction, but it doesn’t work; so he runs his fingers through the hair that runs down his belly, and gives in to the thoughts in his head.

9) “What Do I Get?” - The Buzzcocks

When Blaine hears that Kurt’s got a boyfriend, he locks himself in his room for the rest of the weekend. He thought something was there, but just like every other time, he was wrong. He doesn’t eat; he doesn’t sleep; he just painstakingly recreates their every encounter on an endless loop and tries to figure out where he went wrong. When “Defying Gravity” chirps from his phone, he’s afraid to look.

Confession time. I kindasortaaccidentallyonpurpose called you my boyfriend on Friday. Hope I didn’t assume too much?

He laughs, cries, then texts back.

Nothing that shouldn’t be true <3

10) ”Gay, Not Gay” - King Missile

“Sven is such a dick!”

“Hey,” Blaine shoots at Wes, “Sven is a jerk; not a dick. Calling him a dick is an affront to my favorite body part; and before you ‘go there,’ I hear assholes can be pretty damn fun, too.”

“Dude, you just made this entire conversation super gay. Any time two guys discuss sex, it’s gay. Just like two guys watching porn is always gay.”

“Straight people fucking is not gay. Guys fucking? That’s gay.”

“Well, not necessarily…” Wes trails off mid-thought.

Blaine shakes his head and leans back. “Dude, your twisted logic scares me.”

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rating: r, bits and bobs

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