Title: New Friends
Pairing: Axel/Demyx (well, Lae/Myde only no pairing yet)
Rating: G
Prompt: #8 Young
Summary: Ever wonder how Lae and Myde met? Well wonder no more! (I suck at summaries)
Authors Note: I’m planning a series of these, there are currently 9 in my head, but I may make it 10 just to make it an even number cause I’m anal like that.
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Comments 8
XD made my day ♥ even better since a friend of mine just totally ditched on me.. granted, I was an hour late getting home from work, but he could have left a note that he waited around and he was leaving, and to call him, or SOMETHING, anyway I'm pissed because I wanted to eat food and talk to people and have fun D:
But I guess that means I'll be home tonight so I can write fic and stuff... and draw that party picture like I wanted to... *sigh*
ANYWAY you made my day a little brighter ^____^ Sankyuu. I want Reno/Aerith now D: that's so wrong. And yet kind of awesome...
The second fic in the series is almost finished
Wish I was going to be home tonight, but alas I have to work.
Reno is Axel's somebody? Nah, he's his daddy! :P
and SHIT i love those stupid ipod commercials. I want a pink one. Really bad.
...I just conceived a series of artworks in which the Organization is cast as Soul Calibur characters... *headdesk*
Myde's dad should be Zack. It fits in with the whole story. And as for Lae's mom... Elena? That fits even more, and even the names fit XDDD
I can totally see them as Soul Calibur characters, that's awesome
Hmm.... the names sound familiar... at least I'm not completely lost :P (the only FF games I've placed are X and the new one and I've seen Advent Children too many times cause I love Kadaj.)
Even though I totaly don't get any of this
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