Dear Gerdy: Chapter 3 - The Uncertainty of Things

Sep 10, 2011 15:28

Happy Saturday everyone! I’m sorry that it’s taken me nine days to get this chapter out to you guys, it was definitely not my intention. Between this chapter giving me problems and working full time, the days just got away from me. With that said, my goal for this story is to post a new chapter at least once a week, but that will depend on how my week goes and how easy/hard the chapter is to write.

Before you guys actually read the chapter, I just wanted to let you guys know that the “Dear Gerdy” part of each chaptr doesn’t always have something to do with the story as a whole. Some of them are just filler and others are important to the story - but you guys will have to figure out which is which :D

Title: Dear Gerdy
Rating: T
Pairing: Scorpius/Rose (eventually)
Genre: Romance, Drama
When: Next Generation
Warnings: n/a
Story Links: Masterpost | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | Epilogue
Rose is in her 7th year at Hogwarts and is new Gerdy for Hogwarts' anonymous advice column Dear Gerdy. That coupled with her school work and changes in her relationship with Scorpius, will make this year interesting.

Chapter 3: The Uncertainty of Things

Dear Gerdy,

I want to play Quidditch professionally after school, but my parents’ refuse to accept that as an “appropriate” career goal. What do I do?

Frustrated Fifth Year

Dear Frustrated Fifth Year,

If you’re serious about wanting to play Quidditch professionally, you need to prove that to your parents. Show them that you are dedicated to the sport. For example, instead of sleeping in during holidays, get up early and train. Also, look into the Quidditch related careers and get a feel for what is open to players once they retire.

However, I do recommend you address your parents’ concerns. Not only can Quidditch be a dangerous sport, but there is also the chance that someone else might be that much better than you and make the team (or take your spot). So instead of thinking about an alternative career as one that is “acceptable,” think of it as a back-up plan.

Good luck and happy practicing!

Lying to people who knew you couldn’t lie worth shit was nerve-racking.

Luckily for Rose, Lily, the youngest of all the Weasley grandchildren, was an expert at it and apparently even more perceptive than they all thought. It seemed her cousin had figured out what was going on simply from the desperate look Rose sent her as Albus and Scorpius rounded the corner.

“Sorry I kept you waiting, Rose,” Lily said. “Have you been here long?”

Thank Merlin for Lily! She hadn’t even batted an eyelash in Albus and Scorpius’ direction.

“Just got here,” Rose lied then slowly turned around to face the guys. She was sure the fact that she was lying was written all over her face, but it was too late to back out now. “Oh, hey, guys.”

They were both staring at her like they were waiting for her to crumble and tell the truth that they all knew: she had been listening in on their conversation.

“Well, we should get to the library,” Lily said. “You promised to check over my essay for Professor Longbottom, Rose.”

“Oh, right,” Rose nodded, once again thanking Merlin that Lily was her cousin. “We’ll see you guys later.”

They didn’t wait for the guys to reply before walking away, but instead of going to the library, Rose found herself being pulled into the closest girls’ lavatory.

“What the bloody hell was that all about?” Lily demanded, displaying one of her most annoying traits: nosiness.

Rose sighed and rubbed her forehead, knowing there was absolutely no way she could come up with another lie, especially not one that Lily would believe.

“I really was going to the library,” she finally said to her cousin after taking a quick survey of the room to ensure they were really alone. “And I heard their voices -”

“So you stopped to listen,” Lily grinned. “And what were they talking about?”

“Albus thinks that Scorpius is trying to impress a girl,” Rose shrugged. “But Scorpius wouldn’t admit to anything.”

“Well, what do you think?” Lily asked.

“What do you mean?” Rose replied.

There was something in the grin her cousin was giving her that Rose didn’t like, but she couldn’t put her finger on it.

“Do you think Scorpius is trying to impress anyone?” Lily asked.

“I don’t know, I guess,” Rose said, biting her lower lip. “I mean he’s wearing cologne now and he seems to have really matured this summer. If we’re going somewhere together, he always opens the door for me or lets me go into a room first.”

“Well, has he said anything to you about it?”

Rose shook her head then frowned when she saw her cousin’s smile widen.

“What are you grinning about?” She asked Lily.

“Nothing,” Lily replied, pulling her long red hair back in a ponytail. “We should probably go to the library and study in case the boys show up to check on us.”

Rose nodded and followed her cousin out of the room, bumping into Clarity McMorgan, a seventh year Slytherin, with straight black hair that ended at her waist.

“Watch where you’re walking, Weasley,” Clarity snapped. “You too, Potter.”

Rose was shoved backwards into the door frame as Clarity pushed past her. Ignoring the pain in her back, Rose quickly grabbed Lily’s wand hand before her cousin could hit Clarity with a Bat-Bogey hex.

“She’s not worth it,” Rose said, once the lavatory door closed. “Come on.”

Fearful of what Lily might try, Rose kept her hand tightly around her cousin’s wrist and led her to the library. It was there that she let go of Lily and followed her cousin towards the table area, where they found Albus and Scorpius sitting with their books spread out.

“What are you two doing here?” Lily asked.

Rose winced at the loud way Lily threw her book bag on the table and sent apologetic looks to the students around them before setting her own book bag down.

“We came to study with you guys,” Albus replied. “And imagine our surprise when we got here after getting our stuff from our rooms and you two were nowhere to be found.”

“I had to pee,” Lily retorted. “Is that ok with you, Albie?”

Rose rolled her eyes and looked at Scorpius to give the ‘they’re really going to fight about something this stupid’ look she always gave him when Albus and Lily got started, but the second her eyes met his, she couldn’t do it.

Her eyes remained locked with his, searching for something anything that would give her a glimpse of what he was thinking.

“And you, Scorpius!”

Rose jumped as Lily’s voice tore her and Scorpius’ eyes apart.

“You tell your friend McMorgan what it’s like to get hit with a Bat-Bogey hex, because I swear to Merlin, if she pushes Rose into another door frame, I’ll get her. Mark my words.”

“She pushed you?” Scorpius asked. “Are you ok?”

Rose nodded, touched at the concern that filled his face. “It’s not as bad as Lily is making it sound,” she insisted. “We ran into each other in the lavatory doorway.”

“Are you sure?” There was something in Scorpius’ voice that seemed odd.

Rose nodded and pulled her Charms book out of her bag.

“As for Clarity being my friend,” Scorpius said, distracting Rose from opening her Charms book. “She isn’t. We have known each other our whole lives because our parents are friends.”

“Yeah but that didn’t stop you from writing that she looks hot in a bikini,” Albus snickered.

Rose swallowed hard and forced her eyes on the book in front of her as what her cousin was saying made its way to her brain. She knew that Scorpius’ family and Clarity’s family always went on holidays together during the summer, but she had never considered that Scorpius might be attracted to Clarity.

The combination of Scorpius and Clarity didn’t make sense to her; they were like day and night. Granted, she had never spent time with Clarity outside Hogwarts, but she couldn’t imagine her being anything but the bully she was like in school and her favorite targets had been Rose, her brother and her cousins.

Dread filled her stomach.

Surely, Scorpius wasn’t trying to impress Clarity McMorgan. He wouldn’t do that to her and her cousins, right?

But why would he hide the identity of the girl he was trying to impress if it was someone they would all approve of?

It was Charity, the girl Scorpius was trying to impress.

Filled with a sense of panic, Rose stood up, suddenly, knocking her chair over completely. She grabbed her stuff and left the library before the others had a chance to react.

Knowing that Scorpius would be able to follow her to the common room, she ran up to the seventh floor and disappeared into the Room of Requirement. Once there, she dropped her stuff on the floor and fell face first on to the sofa that hadn’t been there the last time she had worked on her letters.

She couldn’t explain the panic that had overcome her. Scorpius was her best friend and she knew she should be happy for him if this was really what he wanted, but she couldn’t fight the dull ache that settled in her stomach and the thought that it wasn’t supposed to be this way that settled in her head.

story: dear gerdy

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