i need more milky way dark

May 24, 2010 18:38

I am an enormous dweeb, and it's one of those days in which I think of enormously dweeby things instead of doing anything constructive in any way at all. I should be cleaning. My room is thigh-high mess right now, and it needs organizing. Trash needs to be taken out. I am a lazy, dweeby mess and all I can do is surf the net and be a giant nerd. So ( Read more... )

cooking, fandom, dr who, foodgasm, lots, animorphs

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Comments 26

samatethecookie May 24 2010, 22:50:15 UTC
As someone who watched Heroes for three seasons...I only enjoyed the first season. The first season? Was really good. Actually, I own it on DVD. Second season is okay, but it's nowhere near the first season, and it leaves behind a lot of plot holes that were never answered. Even the writers didn't like what they did with the second season, and notably that season occurred around the time writers boycotted their shows. The third season just sucked; and I kind of don't get why people still watch it.

That's only my personal opinion, though. I do recommend the first season, but proceed with caution for the other seasons. (And some storylines are continued in the comic series rather than shown in the show's timeline itself, so...I don't know how you feel about that, since it doesn't really effect anything drastic in the series, but yeah.)


ivy_chan May 24 2010, 22:53:12 UTC
Question: is watching the first season going to leave me with hundreds of unanswered questions that will require me to watch the crappy other seasons?


samatethecookie May 24 2010, 22:56:26 UTC
Probably. Heroes is notorious for leaving cliff hangers in their finales. I think the last episode of the season will leave you wanting to watch the second season, just to find out what happened with a few characters. But it depends on how you've responded to the first season.


ivy_chan May 24 2010, 22:58:20 UTC
Alright. Well, I guess if do get the burning need to know and can't stand it after a few episodes, I can always wikipedia it!


t3h_toby_chan May 24 2010, 23:41:11 UTC
Speaking of Fan-Foods, I never did perfect my fireflakes recipe to my liking. :( It was pretty good, but not good enough that I felt like I could post it. (And this is exactly why I've not posted about 90% of my fics lately)

I was thinking about making fire gummies too; maybe a tapioca jelly with cinnamon and/or clove oil, or possibly some kind of Japanese sweet (like daifuku or youkan) with cinnamon/clove flavoring.

Perhaps we can challenge each other to a gummy-off?


ivy_chan May 25 2010, 01:30:40 UTC
Awww. I would have liked to see the unfinished fire flakes! I've seen a couple recipes for them before, and they seem cool. As for fire gummies, I'd be able to make and tast-test them with someone, but they probably wouldn't be for me. XD I've a low tolerance to spicy. A gummy-off sounds like a blast, though!


t3h_toby_chan May 25 2010, 02:09:58 UTC
I'm thinking that they'd just be cinnamon-y in varying degrees, so not too much scariness on the spice.

Or maybe I could make up a chai flavored gummy snack. OMG. MILK CHAI MOCHI WOULD BE SO GOOD! *epiphany* Fire nation would totes have spicy teas, amirite?


ivy_chan May 25 2010, 02:33:57 UTC

I can see chai in the Fire Nation quite easily! I was going to make spicy orange/something fruity, but your idea sounds better.


scdsam May 25 2010, 02:41:19 UTC
I watched the first season of Heroes and loved it 110%...and then I watched the 2nd season and I hate hate hated it so much (as did most others). Third season got a little better but by then the spell was broken and I only watched the first 3rd of it. This next season will be their last, from what I hear. I guess what I'm trying to say is you'll love the first season and I think you'll be glad to watch it, and if you go any farther it's up to you.

Don't watch LOST. Just, don't. It's all the worst things about fanfiction wrapped up into a crappy package that NEVER. ANSWERS. ANYTHING. My husband has watched every episode in the last 2 months and I can honestly say it's crap. You will be foaming with the writing!fail.

I have some plans for fan_foods in the near future (like, er, joining) but since you've got such awesome gourmet tastes I think maybe you should try something from Ratatouille? I'd be interested :D


ivy_chan May 25 2010, 03:06:57 UTC
I guess I'll watch the first season of Heroes, then. And possibly decide that it's the ONLY canon and the rest of the season is a bizarre delusion!

And hmmm. I HAVE been interested in making ratatouille!


hungrytiger11 May 25 2010, 04:11:01 UTC
Okay, so we don't get Doctor Who on TV here, and I'm still trying to figure out how to get the series via the internet, but I think your reasoning over why you don't like Rory/Amy makes perfect sense. For some reason this pairing of awesome girl with boring (often not-engaged-in-life) guy drives me nuts too. I don't know if Amy would fall under that trope of "Magical Girl" like many in this pairing trope do, but... it is boring and disappointing when one half of a pairing is dull.

As for the Heroes or Lost, I'd go for Heroes. I've enjoyed the later seasons too.

Unrelatedly, you icon rocks.


ivy_chan May 25 2010, 04:25:03 UTC
Have you gone to dailymotion? I've been watching it there!

It's funny, I'm cool with a normal girl going after an awesome guy, but that's because the normal girl, in those storylines, gets awesome in the process. The normal boy stays a dull, boring square, and I hate seeing the awesome lady paired up with him. I feel like she'll be so unfulfilled, especially since Amy loves the exploration and excitement and danger and Rory's so...safe and small town.

And thanks about the icon. XD I love Mulan!


obsessive0514 May 25 2010, 04:27:19 UTC
On Heroes vs. LOST ( ... )


ivy_chan May 25 2010, 17:21:21 UTC
Hmmm. From the sound of it, I should just watch a few episodes of first season Heroes and possibly just buy first season and then spend a lot of time ignoring everything else. XD It's the superpower angle that interests me. I am a shameless fan of superheroes.

Is there a good place online to watch Lost?


obsessive0514 May 26 2010, 02:40:15 UTC
That's the same reason I started watching it. I was so excited when I heard that there was going to be a show about people discovering they could fly or heal or stop time. But there's only so much fail I can tolerate for my geekiness. (So much fail, seriously. There was one episode about a solar eclipse, and they had a character look at the sky before the moon started to overlap the sun... IT WAS A FRAKKING QUARTER MOON. A QUARTER MOON. RIGHT NEXT TO THE SUN. SIDE BY SIDE. WHAT THE HELL. 5th Grade Astronomy Fail! It's like they didn't even care ( ... )


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