i have now been asked the big question

Mar 15, 2009 14:50

In response to the five interview questions asked by redbrunja:

(1) Your thoughts on slash.

cut for my super-long thoughts on yaoi )

fanfic, shipping, foeyay, naruto, slash, meme

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Comments 44

dinpik March 16 2009, 06:28:05 UTC



ivy_chan March 16 2009, 07:06:16 UTC

Larkspur: Lightness, levity, hilarity, ardent attachment.
Fool's Parsely: Silliness.
Lupine: Voracious imagination.
Mignonette: "Your qualities surpass your charms."
Lilac, purple: First emotions of love.
Valerian: An accomodating disposition.
Flora’s Bell: Without pretentiousness.
Zinnia, magenta: Lasting affection.
Rose, Daily: "That smile I aspire to."


ivy_chan March 16 2009, 07:17:54 UTC

Acacia: Chaste love, concealed love, friendship.
Apricot Flower: Doubt, distrust.
Catchfly, white: "I fall a victim," betrayed.
Mourning Bride: Unfortunate attachment, "I have lost it all."
Myrtle: Love in absence.
Zinnia: Thoughts of absent friends, "I mourn your absence."
Lily of the Valley: Return of happiness, sweetness, humility.
Hazel: Reconciliation.
Everlasting Pea: "Wilt thou go with me?", everlasting pleasure, "Do not go away."


princedevlin March 16 2009, 07:42:03 UTC
Maarten/Dorian. :0


ivy_chan March 16 2009, 07:51:59 UTC

Red Catchfly: Youthful love.
White Rosebud: A heart ignorant of love.
Hyacinth, pink or red: Games, sport, rashness, play.
Carolina Rose: Love is dangerous.
Barberry: Petulance, ill temper, sourness.
Chamomile: Energy in action, energy in adversity.
Grammanthes: "Your temper is too hasty."
Daphne Odora: "I would not have you otherwise."


pi90katana March 16 2009, 08:09:55 UTC
Got three for you.

Bishop/Stockman <-- Crack Pairing Yayz!


ivy_chan March 16 2009, 14:23:40 UTC

Rosemary: Remembrance, "Your presence revives me."
Honeyflower: Secret love, sweetness of disposition, sweetness, affection.
Ivy, Sprig of, with tendrils: Affection, anxious to please.
Edelweiss: Noble purity, courage, daring.
Butterfly Weed: "Let me go."
Sweetpea: "Thank you for a lovely time", blissful pleasure, departure, good-bye.
Verbena, purple: "I weep for you," regret.
Everlasting: Never-ceasing memory, always remembered.


ivy_chan March 16 2009, 16:04:37 UTC

Amaryllis: Pridefulness, splendid beauty.
Saffron Flower: Do not abuse, excess is dangerous.
Rose, Maiden's Blush: "If you love me, you will find me out."
Eucalyptus: Protection.
Plum Tree: Genius, fidelity, keep your promises.
Straw, whole: Union, a contract kept.
Palm: Victory, triumph, peace.
Chrysanthemum, white: Truth.
Phlox: Harmony, a good partnership, united hearts.


ivy_chan March 16 2009, 16:12:53 UTC

Venice Sumach: Intellectual excellence, splendor.
Wall Flower: Fidelity in adversity, fidelity in misfortune.
Nasturtium: Conquest, victory in battle, patriotism.
Thorn Apple: Deceitful charms, disguise.
Sunflower: Lofty and wise thoughts, haughtiness.
Teasel: Misanthropy.
Tuberose: Dangerous pleasures.


(The comment has been removed)

ivy_chan March 16 2009, 16:31:28 UTC

Rose, York and Lancaster: War.
Tansy: "I declare war against you."
King's Spear: Regret.
Apple Blossom: Good fortune, Harbinger of better things, A strong liking.
Petunia: Your presence soothes me, anger, resentment.
French Willow: Bravery and humanity, the beneficence of rain.
Tiger Flower: "For once, my pride befriend me."
Ivy, sprig: Affection, anxious to please.
Tulip: "Believe me," declaration of powerful love.
Phlox: Harmony, a good partnership, united hearts.


ivy_chan March 17 2009, 03:13:00 UTC

Rosemary: Remembrance, "your presence revives me." Loyalty and friendship.
Meadow Saffron: "My happiest days are passed."
Satin Flower: Sincerity, forgetfulness, "Have I been forgotten?"
Nightshade: Dark thoughts, sorcery, dark truth, bitter truth.
Chrysanthemum, white: A heart left to desolation, truth.
Cinnamon Tree: Forgiveness of injuries.
Roses, white: Innocence, humility, silence, "I am worthy of you." (In the language of the series, a prince's rose.)
Everlasting: Never ending memory.
Xeranthemum: Cheerful in adversity.


MORE PAIRINGS FOR MY PLEASURE aflightoffancy March 16 2009, 22:41:42 UTC



Re: MORE PAIRINGS FOR MY PLEASURE ivy_chan November 9 2009, 04:09:37 UTC

Pheasant's Eye: Sorrowful memories.
Violet, white: Let's take a chance on happiness.
Tulip, yellow: Symbol for cheerful thoughts, sunshine, "There is sunshine in your smile." Also means hopeless love, love that has no chance.
Ragged Robin: Wit.
Shamrock: Lightheartedness.
Roses, bouquet in full bloom: Gratitude.
(Dog Roses): Pleasure and pain.
Columbine, purple: Resolved to win.
Heart's Ease, purple: You occupy my thoughts.
Mezereon: Desire to please.


Re: MORE PAIRINGS FOR MY PLEASURE ivy_chan November 9 2009, 04:25:40 UTC

Asparagus Fern: Fascination.
Thorn Apple: Deceitful charms, disguise.
Teasel: Misanthropy.
Monkshead: Danger is near.
TuberoseDangerous pleasures.
Gloxinia: Love at first sight.
Hyacinth, yellow: Jealousy.
Mimosa: Secret love.


Re: MORE PAIRINGS FOR MY PLEASURE ivy_chan November 9 2009, 04:38:16 UTC

Grass: Homosexual love.
Chickweed: I cling to thee.
Dead Leaves: Sadness.
Lint: I feel my obligations.
Geranium, scarlet: Consolation.
Orange, mock: Deceit.
Mourning Bride: Unfortunate attachment, "I have lost it all."


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