Title - Gluttony (7/7) Pairing - Unnamed/Xabi Alonso, Alvaro Arbeloa, Fernando Torres Rating - R Disclaimer - Not true Summary - Last one. Promise. Short and sweet. A team of rooms.
Choose your own narrator. He is, indeed, nameless.
brilliant and spot-on :) I loved the passage about Xabi as a library, especially this bit: "When Xabi calls my name it doesn’t echo from empty walls because his room is full."
one small error? his eyes an unnatural shade of blonde
I still love Sloth so much, but this one is my second favourite now. Everything you describe is so very tangible, so very real. I read it and I actually /see/ them, you know? Plus you carried it off in first person which wows me. I find it can be a really irritating mode to read sometimes, but you made it a treat. It invites you to share things first hand just as the narrator offers up his experiences for perusal. Works very well
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I don't know. Initially I thought Fernando until he popped up and then I thought of Stevie, but it didn't feel like Stevie at all. After that I admit I didn't think too much about it. Just let it almost be me, you know? I see you said to someone else you were thinking of Finnan. That fits very well for me. The quietness seems to belong to him very much when I read it through with him in mind
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Stevie does not have that voice. He is too common. If you want it to be you then that is your choice. Perhaps it is you.
Glad Essays are over with, etc.
He went over the ad boards, stayed down for a full minute before even moving. Allegedly, he twatted his head and looked semi conscious, did not know where he was. He also injured his arm.
Then, later on, he injured his arm again but our beautiful, perfect Fabio was on hand to make him feel better. Check this out. Tell me it does not look like they are kissing.
Comments 29
Melikes imagery.
I loved the passage about Xabi as a library, especially this bit: "When Xabi calls my name it doesn’t echo from empty walls because his room is full."
one small error? his eyes an unnatural shade of blonde
Hope you have been okay, dear. Did essays take forever? I had been worried.
You see our Martin fucked himself up again? Twice, in fact, in one game.
Stupid boy.
Glad Essays are over with, etc.
He went over the ad boards, stayed down for a full minute before even moving. Allegedly, he twatted his head and looked semi conscious, did not know where he was. He also injured his arm.
Then, later on, he injured his arm again but our beautiful, perfect Fabio was on hand to make him feel better. Check this out. Tell me it does not look like they are kissing.
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