Interview Meme

Oct 16, 2008 18:12

Here's how this works:

Leave me a comment saying "interview me."

I will ask you five questions.

Post the answers on your lj and then interview your friends!

Here are the questions dm_wyatt asked me:

cut to save my flist from my gabbyness! )


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Comments 22

iliana_1 October 16 2008, 22:25:15 UTC
I began watching Smallville in the summer before season 6 too :D My cousins were huge fans and I'd caught a few episodes here and there with them but my obsession started with the season 5 finale and that kiss. I caught up over the summer and the rest is history.

I adore the booty shaking icon. Tom has a very attractive way of strutting ;)

And um...interview me :)


ivorykiss October 17 2008, 01:16:31 UTC
That summer was such a hopeful summer! I miss those bright and shiny and much more hopeful times for Chlark. *mourns*

Hee! I just love to watch him strut! *g*

Hmm... okay, let's see... (sorry I know they're not great questions)

1. I think as writers we all have certain things/themes we like to explore in more than one fic. And I adore your baby!Clark stuff! What is it about baby!Clark that fascinates you?

2. Speaking of hope. :) Do you feel that romantic Chlark is still possible? Why?

3. What is the one movie you just love and can't figure out why everybody else hates it?

4. What is most bizarre thing to ever have happened to you?

5. Are you an early bird or a night owl?


tariel22 October 16 2008, 22:33:54 UTC
1) Your experience coming to Smallville exactly mirrors my own, except mine happened in the summer between S4 and S5, and I found the S1 DVDs while trolling Amazon for something new to watch. I watched four seasons in less than two weeks, and on at least one occasion I stayed up all night watching episode after episode, and called in sick to work. I was instantly addicted!

2) I'm so glad you enjoy it, because I love your Tommy icons beyond measure! I think so many of them are my favorites because they're made with love for our boy, and it shows.

4) I love that strut! I think Clark was channeling Tom that day. :)

5) Your selflessness knows no bounds. ;)


ivorykiss October 17 2008, 05:06:50 UTC
Whee! I'm so glad to know I wasn't the only one who marathon-ed SV!

Awww... thank you! I really means a lot to me that you likes them! *huggers*

That strut is a thing of beauty! Hee! When I saw that I knew I had to have that as an icon!

Yeah, I'm all about world peace and harmony. ;)


carolandtom October 16 2008, 23:16:52 UTC
Great interview! I always like to know how this nice kind of addictions are born.

I loved Clark, and Tom, from season 1, so I've been watching steadily for eight years now. The more I watched, the more addicted I became to the character and, above all, to the gorgeous man playing him. And, after watching Exile and Phoenix, I knew I'd love them both forever! Nice to know we kind of share a special love for those episodes. :)


ivorykiss October 17 2008, 05:17:26 UTC
I too like finding out how others Tommy love was born!

You're right! Clark/Tom love is an addiction! Like I said before, I wasn't a big Supes fan, but Tom made me love Clark and watching the character grow along with how Tom's acting just blew me away well... What can I say? I'm hooked. :)

That is so awesome we both love Exile and Phoenix! *smishes*


dm_wyatt October 16 2008, 23:45:37 UTC

AWESOME Answers!


Okay, now it's my turn... interview me.


ivorykiss October 17 2008, 05:42:18 UTC
Hee! It was fun to play! Thanks for some great questions! *huggers*

Hmm... lets see...

1. Totally stealing this one from you. *g* How and when did your Tom-love start?

2. SV has had its good share of stunt casting over the seasons. Which super special guest star was your least favorite, and why?

3. Stealing from myself this time, well, sorta. *g* I think as writers we all have certain things/themes we like to explore in more than one fic. What is it about torture!Clark that fascinates you?

4. What would be your dream job?

5. If you could delete one SV episode from existence, which one would it be and why?


dm_wyatt October 21 2008, 18:03:21 UTC
Great questions...

Here are my answers:


stoodupforlove October 17 2008, 01:22:46 UTC
I would accomplish world peace and harmony by making it illegal for Tom Welling to ever wear clothes again. *eg*

So you're running for Prez this year, right? Or do I have to write your name in? *beg*

Also, that icon you used? I swear I thought it said "a gift from the MANroom" when I glanced at it. That would also be fitting! LOL


ivorykiss October 17 2008, 05:44:47 UTC
Yes, my slogan is 'More Tom. Less Clothes.'

Thank you for your vote. *g*

*giggle* Manroom? Hee! I'll go to his manroom any time!


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