Interview Meme

Oct 16, 2008 18:12

Here's how this works:

Leave me a comment saying "interview me."

I will ask you five questions.

Post the answers on your lj and then interview your friends!

Here are the questions dm_wyatt asked me:

1. Your Tom-love is almost legendary. How did it get started? When did you fall in lust love with him?

Once upon a time I was in the dvd section of Wal-Mart looking for something to watch and saw a box set that had this really good looking half naked guy tied to a wooden cross on the cover. *g*

I don’t watch a lot of tv, but I’m a huge scifi/fantasy buff, and while I never really had got into the Superman mythos much, (I just knew the basics) I had recently seen Superman Returns (its okay, but kinda meh, imho) but was really fascinated by the whole ‘stranger in a strange land’ concept. So I bought the first season thinking, if nothing else, the pretty guy on the cover will be a nice summer distraction and dammit if I wasn’t hooked before the meteors even hit the ground. I totally spent that summer in Smallville. I watched all 5 seasons before the 6th started. And here I am watching the 8th.

One thing about me is that I’m more of a character fan than an actor fan. I fell in love with Clark before Tom. But there is just something about him that releases my inner 13 year old pervy fangirl that I just can’t resist. I like to laugh and say Tom has forced me to admit to kinks I didn’t even know I had! Bad Tom Welling! Bad, bad Tom Welling! ;p But all perving aside, along with being the most gorgeous man on the planet, those early interviews and such with him make him seem to be such a sweet guy. Its too bad he’s more closed off now, but certainly understandable.

2. You did such a good job on the icons you made for me, I have to ask why do you do that? Do you just enjoy the happiness you spread by sharing the joy of teh pretty? ;)

Yeah, I think I do just enjoy sharing the pretty! I just can’t help playing with all the lovely Tommy pics out there!

3. You say you love all of Smallville, which is your favorite season? Or your favorite episode?

In terms of being happy with the season as a whole, probably 5.  Despite being having the Clana, to me it was a very Chlarky season. They worked so well together as a team. And Clark did a lot of growing up and major progress on his path to destiny (which in S6 he took a whole bunch of steps backwards *gah*). I did a lot less WTF’s in 5 than in any other season.

Fav eppy? Of course I can’t pick just one! I have a great fondness for Exile/Phoenix, besides just the oh so pretty superficial and kink factor in these, it was really heartbreaking to see just what lengths Clark would go to mask his devastation over Martha’s miscarriage and Jonathon’s horrendous words to him. I also love rewatching Phantom/Bizarro. Clark’s darkside unleashed and personified in Bizzy? How could I not love it? *g*

4. Which icon of yours is your favorite?

Again, I can’t pick just one! This
 by unique_kiwi and this
 by mssullivan were made just for me and I lovelove them both! I adore the plaid and that grin, silly as it is and he’s just so pretty in that pic! And the superbootyshaking one. Clark's most underrated superpower! And the only part of Static that is worth re-watching.

5. If you were queen of the world for a day and could do anything, what would you do?

I would accomplish world peace and harmony by making it illegal for Tom Welling to ever wear clothes again. *eg*



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