LJ is actually working on the SMC campus...well, at least in computer lab 312 of the O'Leary building! Yeah, so the power in out in the bulding where my office is...so I'm in a computer lab "working." Well, I really shouldn't complain...I am getting paid for this.
Is FREAKIN' AMAZING!!! And, if you haven't seen it, you NEED to...I don't care if you're, "poor," "broke," "have too many bills," etc...you beg/borrow/steal and get your butt to Chicago and see that show...believe me, you won't regret it.
It's been a long time...I know. Anyway. I'm in "libraryland" w/Tara right now...it's pretty boring...I feel REALLY bad for her! :( So, I PROMISE to update sometime this week!
Wow, so it's been quite sometime since I last updated this journal with any sort of interesting information! -- Not that it ever really is interesting, but at least most of the time it's better than most recent posts
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Yes...Michigan just beat State after a 5 hour game, including 3 OT's!!! GO BLUE!!! -- So, I'm all sorts of pumped, being that they (Mich.) were behind 3 TD's and yet still won!!!
Anyway...nothing too new...
Catch ya'll later...HAPPY HALLOWEEN: May every ghost & goblin treat you!
Yeah, so it's been a l-o-n-g time since I last updated...but, I have a good excuse! The retarded college I go to blocks lj on all of its pc's, and my pc here at home is REAL slow! -- So yeah, I';d say that's a pretty good excuse
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