I need help w/ a layout and a blinkie. I have a new journal and want someone 2 help me w/ a new layout and a new icon.. I also want 2 find out where i can get those lil gifs that you put next 2 your comment links and stuff like that. If anyone can help me then leave me a response pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <33
I need help.. if anyone can give me websites or anything to where i can download fonts and download cute layouts for my journal cuz i can't find anything.. If anyone could help me then please do thank you ...!!!!
If anyone knows where I can get a doctors note then please let me know so i can get it.. I really need one and its 4 a work.. I would greatly appreciate it and owe you back a favor.. So please help me out thanx........
p.s. I can't go 2 my doctor trust me i've tried but that's a different issue..