Jason quickly wheeled himself up the corridor of the hospital towards one of the ward waiting rooms. For obvious reasons he hated this place with a passion. Even the smell of the place set off a small discomfort deep in his gut that was boxing up all the post-accident memories. He spun around the corner with ease and offered a slight wave to one of the nurses who greeted him. Yeah, there was a lot of staff... if not most... who knew him here and that in itself bothered him.
But Tim was here so now was no time to be chicken shit. That was surreal. Jason couldn't quite wrap his head around Sam's message that Tim had been rushed to hospital. He and Mac had been well and truly getting into their Valentine's plans when the message came through. They had been so wrapped up in each other, they just ignored it at first. Jason was so convinced he was that close to getting a boner, so they didn't stop. But the phone kept buzzing with new messages as the time progressed and finally both were so distracted they had to stop and check who it was. Jason's hair was still make-out messed up and he hadn't even realised his t-shirt was on inside out. It was a scramble to get out of the hotel door by the time they heard. Jason had come to the hospital himself with Mac deciding to drop in at Tim's to see if she could find Billy and collect some things for Tim's hospital stay which Sam hadn't likely thought about in her panic.
He finally managed to get to the waiting room and found Sam sitting along holding a cup of coffee. One of the nurses actually revealed to Jason (even if it was against privacy policy) that Tim was in the theatres for some tests of some sort. That's all she could tell him. "I'm sorry!" he told her breathlessly from the sheer speed he had wheeled through the hospital. "We didn't... get the first messages."