This Will be the Last Time Feeling Like This (5/?)

Feb 07, 2011 16:15

Title: This Will be the Last Time Feeling Like This
Rating: PG-13 overall.
Pairing: Jalex, and a secret. (;
Dedications: Alyssa <3 for totally being my proofreader and putting up with me.
Summary: Alex has been keeping something from Jack, and it's getting more and more brutal every day.
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys what so ever. The only thing that is mine is the plot. Title comes from 'The Last Night' by Skillet.
Author's Notes: Not too long. But I like this chapter.
lololol i described him wrong at first, so uhhh
i edited. very slightly.

Jack had been a complete mess for days. Alex hadn't come home, and Rian and Zack stayed out all day looking, and Jack would walk the streets at night. He didn't want to be so harsh when he did what he did. He was so angry at Alex, everything was spur of the moment. Everything would have been fine if Jack wouldn't have found that stupid suicide note in the top drawer.

And the one day, Zack came home with Rian who looked sick as a dog. "Jack," Zack muttered to the boy. "We've been out for a week every day looking for him. We need to take a break. Rian's sick, and I need to sleep. I'm sorry." Jack just nodded; he understood. It was just way too hard to get through this alone. He needed Alex by his side at all times. He needed his lover. He fucking needed him.

So Jack packed up EVERYTHING he owned into a backpack. All of the essentials, of course. He got his credit card and stash money from under the mattress, about five thousand dollars. Jack was going to be set for quite some while. Almost as if in success, he walked down the steps fleetingly, making his way to the door. Damn, he wanted out of there.

But once he was, he regretted it.

He stepped into the cold air, wondering how Alex was going to cope with the winter. It only made him want to freeze up and crawl into a hole. It was cold yesterday, but not this cold. Not this freezing! He shuddered but his mind then wandered to Alex. He had to be cold and alone too... right?


Alex was walking with a duffel bag slung over one of his bony shoulders, looking at the address on his phone. He kept repeating the house number to himself as he walked, the bitter cold stinging his face, causing a light pink to rush to them. He shivered and found the house, finally feeling slightly warmer. Though he was only nervous. This guy...


Jack had made it across town and had to stop to eat. He hadn't eaten right in a few days because he was so worried. He stopped at a fast food restaurant and got three hamburgers, needing something substantial. Who knew how long it'd be until he had something else that he could eat.


Alex knocked on the door, a beautiful eye popping up in the keyhole. Alex's heart, he swore, skipped a beat when the door opened and he saw a ravishing dark brown haired man standing in the doorway, a smirk on his face.

"Lex," he nodded, subtly licking his pale , plump lips. Alex smiled lightly and stepped in, the door slamming.


Four hours. Jack had been walking for four damn hours around town. There were so many people he could go too, and found him no where. He checked with Cassadee, one of their closest friends, and Travis, and Matt. But no one knew where Alex was. No one had him. And Jack was getting awfully paranoid.

"Rian," he called into his phone, the other male answering.

"What, Jack? It's four in the fucking morning. You just woke me and Zack up." Zack shifted in the bed a little, still holding onto Rian's torso.

"He's not anywhere, Rian," his voice shook. "I looked EVERYWHERE. Where the hell is he?!"

"Jack, he's not coming back. Chill out. Just calm down and come home."

"I'm not coming home until Alex is with me," he snapped. Tears were running down his face.


"No!" he shouted. "Alex is okay! He's out there somewhere! I'm telling you!"

Rian hung up, and Jack just broke down into sobs. He couldn't control his emotions. What was going on??


"Lexy, I've missed you so much," he pale boy muttered, pushing Alex against the door, causing him to gasp. A tattoo clad arm slid up under Alex's shirt, and his lips quivered, watching the intimidating boy in front of him.


"Hush," he commanded, kissing him harshly, Alex giving in. This boy always did this to him.

"Jack, I'm in love with Jack," he murmured against the other's lips, causing him to break away.

The man frowned, and stepped backward, his colored arms pulling him back into his bedroom. "Jack left you. He yelled at you. He's not here now, is he?"

Alex shook his head wearily. "But I-I love him... and..."

The brown haired male leaned closer to Alex once the bedroom door closed. "Lex, I can do things to you that Jack couldn't ever do."

Alex felt his knees buckle a little as the other was whispering in his ear. He felt the male's hot breath on his neck, and was starting to get a little too excited... He felt guilty.

"Get on your knees," he purred, and Alex fell. The other boy just chuckled darkly, unbuttoning his own jeans and sliding them boy, holding onto Alex's caramel hair.

"All right then," he said crisply. "Get to it." His boxer's fell around his ankles and Alex's lip quivered, nodding. "And we'll get to the good stuff later."


"I haven't seen him," one of the boys that worked the coffee shop said to him. "I mean, he came by to get a coffee but that was a week ago."

"I saw him! Gaskarth?" A girl from behind the desk asked. "Yeah! He came in yesterday, got a coffee. He looked pretty depressed. And he was talking to some guy on the phone about staying at his place?"

"Who?" Jack asked intently. He was extremely glad Alex hadn't hurt himself yet.

"Dunno," she shrugged. "Sounded important."

"Well, thanks anyway." Jack sighed and got his coffee, and went out into the snow, freezing.

Two steps forward, three steps back.
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