This Will be the Last Time Feeling Like This (6/?)

Feb 08, 2011 18:09

Title: This Will be the Last Time Feeling Like This
Rating: PG-13 overall.
Pairing: Jalex, and surprise, Olex.
Dedications: Alyssa <3 for totally being my proofreader and putting up with me.
Summary: Alex has been keeping something from Jack, and it's getting more and more brutal every day.
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys what so ever. The only thing that is mine is the plot and the writing itself. Title comes from 'The Last Night' by Skillet.
Author's Notes: I hope i confused some people.
I tried.<3

Alex woke up, his lower body in slight pain, his fingers tangled in the boy's hair who was curled up against his unclothed body.

And then, eyes opened from both of them, and Oliver Sykes was staring back at him, a slightly tired smile on his face.

"Mornin' Lex," he said with a quick kiss to Alex's forehead. Alex just smiled and muttered a 'morning' before closing his eyes again. "Oh, come on. You're not that tired. Did I really tire you out that bad?"

Alex chuckled a little. Truthfully, if he closed his eyes, he almost felt like he was with Jack, despite the cold body instead of the warm one.

"You seem off, Lex," he said quietly, his accent throwing off the thoughts of Jack in Alex's mind. He opened his eyes and stared at the boy, who had a blank expression on his face like he always did when Alex was with him. He didn't know why Oli intimidated him so much that he had to give into everything when he was around him. He just knew that he did.

"No, I'm fine," he muttered, sighing and shaking his head.

Alex knew Oli from before he and Jack got close. They went out a few times, and slept together once or twice, but Jack didn't know that. He wouldn't ever know if Alex had a say in it. Because if Jack knew, then all hell would break loose. Because Oliver wasn't someone he knew to stay loyal and true to anyone at all.

"Can you at least tell me what you won't tell Jack?" he asked, and in an instant Oliver's lips were on Alex' neck. Alex tilted his head up and closed his eyes.

"You won't judge me or anything?" he asked, his voice coming out in shakes.

"No, darling," he muttered. Oli bit down on his neck a few times, darkening spots showing up in no time. Alex sighed and started explaining.


It was actually day four of the search for Alex. It was going to take a while, because now he knew that he was okay and was staying with someone. The only problem was, who was he staying with? Jack searched everywhere until he came across Alex's favorite Taco Bell where they all used to go when they were in that part of town. He stepped in, the employees knowing him by name.

"Jack!" the one girl called, smiling and coming out from the behind the counter. "You've been missing for a while, where've you been? The staff here missed you and your desire for our burritos."

That gave Jack a genuine laugh before he spoke. "Alex been around here?"

"Yeah, actually," she said with a blink.

"When did you see him?" he asked, a little stunned. Someone else had seen him, so he had to be in the area somewhat...

"Yesterday. He was looking pretty nervous. Why? You lose him?"

"Yeah, actually."

The girl grew quiet. "O-Oh," she said quietly. "Sorry. Well... What else do you need to know?"


"Well then I guess we shouldn't do what we did last night anymore," Oli said with a wink, kissing Alex's head. "And you think that Jack is cheating on you, so that's why you're not telling him... right?"

Alex nodded slowly. "You saw my stomach, I'm guessing. Well I mean, you noticed the cuts...?"

The other boy nodded and smiled lightly. "Yeah. You shouldn't hurt yourself there, still. You know, even if you're unsure about what you're going to do, you could really screw things up cutting there."

Alex only nodded and held onto his stomach, grimacing. "I don't want this to happen, Oliver."

"I'll protect you," he said quietly, kissing his lips softly.

There was never any love in his actions though.

"He was in here with some guy... I dunno," she said quietly.

Jack sighed and shook his head. "W-Well, what about... does anyone else know who it was?"

Almost without warning, a younger boy from behind the counter came up to them , nodding. "It was ... well, I actually can't remember his name. But we have his phone number. Do you want me to call?"

Jack nodded vigorously. "Yes, please!" he said antsy. "I want to talk to this guy."

"It's early. Maybe we can arrange for you two to meet here?" he asked, smiling.

Jack nodded. "That would be fantastic."

"Oh! That guy?" the manager asked. "I remember he had some accent. I couldn't fucking understand any of the shit that came out of his mouth."

Jack just bit his lip and sighed, shaking his head. Now this would be challenging.

"Tell him in two days I want to meet him here," Jack mumbled, leaving the restaurant.


Alex was up already and in the kitchen, starting on breakfast. He was making some sort of eggs and toast, and failing, because hell, Jack was the cook, not him.

Oliver came out of the bedroom with a yawn, his arms instantly wrapping his arms around Alex from behind.

"I won't hurt you," he whispered against his neck. "Alexander, I will keep you so fucking safe you'll never have to leave my house."

And Alex's stomach dropped and he was breathing shaky. What the hell was Oli trying to say...?
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