New (Old) Fanfic + a New Look

Jan 23, 2010 16:10

Yes, yet another new look.  Thanks to premade_ljs for the new layout.  I think it was about time that I got a new layout, kind of like a fresh start. =]

I cannot believe that I haven't uploaded the fanfics to this journal that I had already uploaded to!!  I believe that I have two stories that I have yet to upload here, so this post is for the first of the two.

I really have no idea how I came up with the idea for this one-shot.  I mean, the typical image for a prompt titled "chocolate" should be some sort of romantic/valentine-y fic, wouldn't you think?  I guess I just wanted to really think outside the obvious, hehe.

To those who follow me through my Fanfiction account, you've probably read this before, long, long ago.  But to everyone else, here it is, and hope that you enjoy!

Title: Lean on Me
Fandom: FAKE
Pairing: JJxDrake
Rating: PG-13
Summary: They were their own support system in their highest and lowest moments, and slowly, love came through.  A collection of 10 oneshots of JJ and Drake.
Prompt: #1 Chocolate
Wordcount: 1,570

. . . Lean on Me   //  II. Chocolate

JJ Adams brought the cup of lukewarm coffee that he was about to drink away from his lips to avoid choking on the caffeine-loaded liquid. He was having enough trouble as it was attempting to stay composed and leaning against his desk instead of on the floor, laughing his head off.

Drake Parker was slumped over in his chair, not bothering to reach for his own cup of coffee sitting on his desk. His expression was a picture of miserable defeat, the dark circles under his eyes an indication that he hadn’t slept the night before. Although JJ pitied the state he was in, he couldn’t help but be amused at how he had gotten that way in the first place.

“How could you have known that she was allergic to chocolates,” JJ said with the most sympathetic face he could muster, though internally he chuckled at the idea of the gift-gone-wrong.

“I should have just gotten flowers like I usually do. Why the hell did I get chocolates,” Drake questioned himself as he shook his head in disbelief.

“Maybe because you wanted this to turn out differently from all the rest,” JJ mused, but didn’t say aloud. “It’s really not your fault. As to the restaurant situation, I’m sure there must’ve been other dishes on the menu that she could’ve ordered.” The comment earned a groan from the blonde.

“Just the fact that I brought a vegetarian to a steak place was a disaster,” Drake said as he slapped a hand over his eyes at the thought. “On top of all that, we couldn’t find anything to talk about! And when we did, we totally disagreed. Sure, she was a pretty face, but everything else was just wrong…”

“Where did you say you met this girl again?”

“Blind date. One of Janet’s friends.”

JJ almost dropped his coffee from the sudden revelation. Maintaining his grip, he took the opportunity to safely place the cup on the table, just as Drake finally reached to take a drink of his.

“You actually trusted Janet to match you up with someone? No wonder it was a disaster,” JJ replied, lips fixed into a smirk.

Drake glared across the top of his cup as he took another sip. “Well, I’m glad someone finds the whole situation funny.”

JJ let out a sigh, and a more sympathetic expression easily slipped back onto his face. He pushed away from his desk and crossed the short distance to Drake’s, taking a seat on the only corner not covered with paperwork to face his partner.

“Then don’t bring chocolates next time. Or better yet, don’t trust Janet again. At least you learned something,” the blunette answered.

The blonde abruptly put his cup back down to run a hand through his hair. “It’s not even about the damn chocolates or the terrible date anymore. No, it is about the date, but… I mean… it’s been weeks since I’ve had a successful date. A successful first date,” Drake said in a frustrated growl.

“Aw, c’mon, I know I’ve probably said this a lot before already, but there are so many other fish in the sea…”

“That’s just it. Maybe I’m just too small a fish for such a big sea. Maybe I’m just…” Drake sighed as he looked down, further slouching in his chair.

JJ turned his head to properly look at his partner, startled by his last statement. Drake had talked to him of failed dates and relationships before - many, many times before - and had even joked about his luck with women, but never before had he voiced serious disbelief in himself. But this time, Drake’s expression, attitude, whole aura just spilled defeat and disappointment in himself.

As Drake sat unmoving in his seat, JJ took the time to study his partner. His jacket was off, hung on the chair behind him as it usually was. His sleeves were unrolled and tie still properly tight despite his total lack of enthusiasm with work, though JJ couldn’t think of any time Drake was excited about paperwork. Though a bit unruly, his blonde locks were mostly swept back from his habit of running his hand through his hair. And even though a tired expression remained on his face, JJ knew that just a smile would chase away those dark circles and bring back more of his handsome charm, not to mention warm the mood instantly. “He would clean up pretty nicely,” JJ thought before pushing it to the back of his mind. He looked away before speaking again.

“I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the fish at all. Maybe he’s just swimming in the wrong places.”

JJ felt Drake’s eyes lock onto him as he suddenly sat up. The blunette turned to the blonde again and was met with an intense gaze from stormy gray eyes. A question played in those eyes, and he wasn’t quite sure what to answer to them. Seconds ticked by as their gaze lingered. JJ instinctively gripped the edge of the desk on either side of his knees.

Both broke the connection at the same time, turning their heads away from each other. JJ pushed off from the desk to stand, still looking away from his partner. He nervously cleared his throat before speaking again.

“What are we doing, talking about fish,” he attempted to joke. “Coffee break’s over, so we should get back to work…”

“Yeah, yeah we should,” responded the blonde. The blunette could hear him straighten up in his chair as he walked back to his desk.

Suddenly, the door to their office opened as Dee popped his head in.

“Hey, Drake! Me, Ryo, Ted, and Marty were plannin’ to meet up at the bar tonight. Wanna join?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Uh… I guess your partner could come if he wants…”

“I’ll be there.”

Apparently, Dee noticed the strange lack of enthusiasm from them both and - with a last suspicious glance at each - shut the door again.

“I think we’ve scared him off,” Drake remarked with a small smirk. JJ just shrugged and returned it with a smirk of his own as he felt the awkwardness in the room dissolve.

x x x

It just figured that he’d be sitting in the bar alone. Dee was clearly absorbed with Ryo at the pool table, giving playful touches that his partner didn’t seem to mind at all. In fact, JJ could read the tenderness in Ryo’s eyes at whatever Dee was saying. He looked away quickly before a familiar feeling could well up in his chest. Ted was attempting to chat up some girls, as usual, while Marty sat nearby laughing at all of his corny pick-up lines. JJ turned back around to take a drink from the beer in front of him.

“Not jumping Dee tonight?”

He looked over his shoulder to meet the familiar voice as the blonde took a seat next to him.

“Late as usual, Drake Parker,” responded the blunette with a quiet laugh.

“Hey, hey, I’m not late for everything,” quipped Drake as he rolled his sleeves up and loosened his tie. JJ let him settle in with a drink before answering his earlier question.

“Nope. I don’t want to get thrown out. Besides, he seems a little wrapped up anyway.”

“Hm,” he replied in affirmation as he glanced at the happy couple, an apologetic frown on his face when he turned back to JJ. “So then why…”

“Well, someone has to make sure that you don’t go overboard in trying to drink away memories of chocolate allergies and vegetarians,” JJ cut him off, amusement clearly glistening in his blue eyes. Drake responded with a huff at the reference to his disasterous date, before he finally let himself chuckle at the memory.

As they continued their conversation over a couple beers and a shot each, JJ noticed that Drake had returned to his usual, laid-back self, the disappointment from earlier gone. He wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol doing its work on his partner, but he decided that he liked this Drake much better, and he hoped that he wouldn’t have to see doubting-Drake again. JJ also noticed out of the corner of his eye a certain brunette studying them, though he was pretty certain that she had her eye on the man next to him.

“Looks like someone has their eye on you,” JJ motioned with his head, before turning back to his beer. Surprised, Drake glanced back just as she giggled to one of her friends. “Maybe you should go talk to her.”

“Maybe I should…”

JJ focused his gaze on his beer, trying to hide the disappointment threatening to break through and waiting for Drake to stand up and walk back to her.

“Nah, I think I’m pretty comfortable right here for tonight,” the blonde said as he shifted a bit closer to the blunette, causing JJ to look up with widened eyes. Drake was giving a warm, slightly embarrassed smile to the beer in his hand - not being able to look at him - as a tinge of red glowed on his cheeks. JJ could feel the heat radiating from his own cheeks as he looked back down at his beer. Another awkward moment passed before he spoke again.

“You know, if a date ever doesn’t like your chocolates again, you could always give them to me.”

Drake simply chuckled in response. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

fake, jj, fanfiction, drake

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