it's nice having you around again. just the familiar feeling, and actually being comfortable around someone. these days im only anxiety around people. you know, you're one of a few that i can be completely honest with. and i think right now i need that most. we both do.
quick update. i've been at the Regis Signature Salon for about 2 months now. it's great, the clients, the location, the money. i'm happy and this first huge step in my career is only going to carry me further. i 'm determined.
i found the perfert v-necks ever! i want to say its my happiest moment ever but so many more moments recently have been better. it's just like sprinkles to my cupcake, being so happy about a shirt of all things today, has made me realize how good my life has really turned into. i'm very thankful for everything and everyone in it.
a year ago i would've fought so hard for something not worth fighting for and now i cant even fight for something that could be worth it.. but i'm okay with that.