I was waiting on a different story - Sylar/Peter - Wall Fic

Feb 16, 2011 15:33

Character: Sylar/Peter
Genre: slash
Author: thewatchmaker
Fandom: Heroes
Word count: 1026
Rating: PG
10. "How You Remind Me" Nickelback for 30_ballads 4/30
Notes: Follow up to these the First Kiss and the Nightmare, and the RP with my Sylar talldarknpsycho. There is adult content in the RP. A special Happy Birthday to my bestie flying_monkees.

It was the shift in weight and the absence of the warm body next to me that woke me up. Sylar hadn’t said anything to me, so I decided it was better to keep my mouth shut. The sun was barely up as he shambled around the little bedroom gathering clothes. The sound of the shower lulled me back to sleep, and the sun was shining down on my face the next time I opened my eyes. Sylar was gone.

“Fuck,” I grumbled as I climbed out of the bed. I don’t know what I was expecting. After what we’d done, I thought it would be different between us, but I guess he wasn’t as receptive as I thought. We’d made out. I’d shown him a few things, and he let me climb into bed with him when we were finished rocking each others’ worlds. But here I was alone.

“It was probably too much for him. I shouldn’t have.” But I wanted him. After my nightmare I needed to be with someone, and it’s not as if I have a choice in this hell hole of his. We are the last men on Earth. “Fuck my life!”

After I brushed my teeth, shaved and showered it dawned on me that it’s the first time I’ve ever really been alone in his place. I have no idea where he is. I mean if he was working on the wall, I could hear it from here. He’s always bitching at me that he can hear it. So he’s not down there. I haven’t got a clue where he is, and if he caught me snooping I’d just tell him I was checking to see if he’d left me a note.

“Yeah right, like he’ll believe that.” I knew I shouldn’t do it, but I couldn’t resist. I pulled on a sweatshirt and jeans, and got to work poking around. First thing I did was look at the titles of all of his books. They were all alphabetized by author and then title. Each section was separated too by fantasy, scifi, historical and non-fiction. I repressed the urge to move a few of them around just to drive him a little more crazy, but that would be wrong.

“Screw it.” I did it anyway. Nothing big, I switched the order of the Dune books and the Lord of the Rings. “We’ll see if he even notices.”

I took a few steps back to check my handiwork, and that’s when I noticed the wall didn’t quite fit right. I knew the place was all in his head, but he’s so anal retentive that having something fit funky was like having a big flashing neon sign saying ‘look at me!’ So I went to work, checking out the edges, and that’s when I found the crack in the wall.

Pushing on it, the piece of wonky wall shifted, and I tumbled into a secret room of some kind. The walls were unfinished. A string of lights flickered among the cobwebs along the ceiling. It was cold, and I could see my breath as I took a few steps inside. It smelled like old blood and death, reminding me of the call I had where I had to help move an old man’s body. He’d died months before, and no one had noticed he was missing. It made me so sad, but now it was making me something else. I was afraid.

“What the hell is this?” There eas a familiar map on the wall, covered with pictures and string. I’ve seen it or something like it before. “This is how you hunted us. Jesus.”

“How could I let this go? What the hell was I doing.” My fingers trembled as I followed the thread with Nathan’s name on it. Then I took a little trip along Claire’s. My stomach clenched when I thought about how I’d been willing to forgive him for what he’d done. I was so afraid of being alone, that I’d fallen for the bullshit act of redemption he was dishing out. All because I wanted someone to kiss me, Christ I’m pathetic.

“Peter.” I didn’t turn when he walked in behind me. His fingers hooked into the back of my sweatshirt, pulling it tight around my neck. “You shouldn’t have seen this.”

“Yeah I bet you didn’t want me to see it!” I tried to squirm loose, but he had me too tight, holding me at arm’s length by the scruff of my neck. I tried to twist around, to bring my knee up into his crotch, something anything, but his arms were too long for me to connect. “Might as well see the rest.”

Then he threw me into across the small space, and I landed on my hands and knees inside of a closet. The walls were yellowed, and the same words were scrawled over every inch of it. ‘I have sinned.’

“Sylar. Please.” I looked back at him as my hands traced over the words. Jesus he’d been crazy since this all began.

“Please what, Peter? No one is supposed to see this! No one is supposed to know. I was born in this room. It’s where I killed Gabriel. It’s where I took control. So are you happy now, Peter? Want to give me another blow job now that you remember what I am?” His voice cracked as he ranted at me. His hands tightened into fists, and for a moment I thought he was going to beat the hell out of me until my blood joined his guilt ridden graffiti.

“No worries, you sick son of a bitch. I don’t want you anywhere near me.” I pressed my back against the wall to climb back to my feet. Any feelings of compassion I had for him were wiped away. I wanted outside. I wanted to be anywhere but here. “I can’t believe I forgot about who you are.”

“I can’t either,” he said, and then turned his back on me. “Get out! Get out before I see what else I can to do to remind you about who I really am.”

Thanks for reading. Comments make my day.

who - talldarknpsycho, verse - the wall, comm - 30_ballads, what - fic

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