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Freemasons and their background
on the pages of the magazine "Sea". 1901-1917.
Introduction. Part 3.
Whether it is fated to our influential circles to get completely masonized and to obey to a definitive external governing, or some efforts to defend the interests will be made by respective actions, all the same the knowledge of freemasonry is necessary, and Russia has already expensively paid for the compelled ignoring its. That is why the editorial board of the independent «Sea» magazine considers it our duty to leave space on its pages to feature the subject of freemasonry.
Editorial board.
(«Sea», 1907, № 21-22, p.679)
«Russian freemasonry is a bygone past. There is no one left alive who saw it and could tell us about it as a witness. But many years ago freemasonry charms have imperiously captured all social classes. There was any madness on a freemasonry, serfdom enormous fortunes were spent for it, it were amused, as a kind of sports. Many people were absolutely sincere believers in freemasonry, hotly and with conviction trusted in it, it filled up all meaning of their lives, they loved it sincerely and enthusiastically.
Freemasonry was absolutely and definitively forbidden in Russia in 1826. It began to be forgotten. Only few Russian novelists, reviving the past, drew portraits of freemasons, and we still remember Pierre Bezuhov in «War and peace», we can vaguely recollect somewhere read stories about the Great Rosenkreuzer, about Count Saint-Germain, about Cagliostro. At last, Nikolay Ivanovich Novikov is recollected through a past smoke, as the remote echo of school years.
Laws of freemasons strictly ruled not to open freemasonic secrets to profanes - neither orally, nor in writing. Terrible oaths were used by freemasons to keep an oath secretly, signing the oath own blood. But there are no freemasons at present. Glass show-windows of museums with the freemasonic awards and signs are instead of the Brotherhood. Cold metal shine of daggers and swords has not changed almost for hundred years; the gold of burning stars sparkles; blood-red semiprecious stones burn with bloody shine; multi-colored silk of freemasonic attires has almost decayed; white kidskin gloves and cuff links have darkened; silver on freemasonic emblems of death has turned black; magnificent fluid medal tapes - green, pink, blue - have surprisingly kept the paints… Magnificent patents for freemasonic ranks are stored in archives. Numerous Masonic manuscripts and books are kept in archival cases: the darkened letters are tied carefully up by archival keepers; the big legal books in dark strong leather covers are carefully placed on regiments; Masonic ritual books in the form of small books in an eighth of a pound are bound in a scarlet and azure velvet, in the white atlas decorated with gold Masonic emblems».
The words above belong to a very keen expert on freemasonry Tira Ottovna Sokolovskaya. She wrote these words on the pages of the «Sea» magazine in 1907.
Almost ninety years has passed after this publication. There are no museum show-windows with Masonic treasures and curiosities already now, but the ‘Masonic theme’ excites domestic minds again, as well as then, at the beginning of XX century.
There are still some bound volumes containing old issues of the magazine «Sea» clipped together on the shelves of the former Imperial Public Library in St.-Petersburg, hiding some articles about freemasons whose history in their interconnection is interesting for us.
The magazine «Sea and its life» began to be published in St.-Petersburg in the end of 1901 (in October). It was titled simply «Sea» in late 1905. Let's recollect the external history of this magazine. It was a monthly magazine in 1901-1904, a weekly - in 1905-1907, and from 1908 till 1917 only one or two issues was released per year in the shape of brochures. The editors of the magazine were: N.N.Beklemishev, from the first issue of 1908 - A.D.Grigoriev also, and since 1911 - Y.V.Rummel, while N.N.Beklemishev was the publisher of the magazine.
The magazine in question could be regarded as a sociopolitical and popular scientific edition directly related to the Navy.
Retired major general Nikolay Nikolaevich Beklemishev was the soul of this periodical, so to say, «the ardent motor» of the magazine throughout seventeen years. Born in 1857, he was acting in different years as the editor and the publisher of the «Sea». The author of many publications, he used to sign his articles his own surname or a pseudonym, and also placed unsigned articles. Most likely, many materials of «Sea», which were signed by «Editorial board», belong to N.N.Beklemishev.
«Sea» as an organ of the Navy Renovation League serves the interests of the Navy and trading fleet and affiliated institutions, keeps in mind that the sea activity is an indicator of the state of affairs of the domestic policy of the country and realizes that the Navy renovation in a broad sense happens together with the renovation process of the country», - that was repeatedly marked on the magazine covers.
The Navy Renovation League originated under the «umbrella» of the IV Naval department of the Imperial Russian Technical Society in the walls of the famous ‘Salt City’ in St.-Petersburg (in Panteleymonovskaya street, 2) at the very end of 1905.
The main goal of the League was mobilization of public and political forces, and attempts of industrial and financial circles of Russia, aimed at the quick restoration of the Russian Navy after the crashing and drastic defeat in Tsushima.
The history of the occurrence of the League is interesting: «The Chairman of the IV Naval department of Russian Technical society at the desire of the person, wished to remain the unknown person, formulated on November, 8th, 1905, in session of indispensable members of department, the offer to establish a new society that has been met with hot sympathy by all participants of the session», magazine «Sea» wrote. During the subsequent sessions an exchange of opinions occurred, and the program and the League charter have been developed. Election of officials of the society has taken place on December, 20th, 1905. N.N.Beklemishev was appointed the chairman of League. On August, 22nd, 1906 the charter of the Navy Renovation League has been registered by the town governor of the Russian capital.
On December, 10th, 1915 the Navy Renovation League began to be called «The Sea League».
Judging by the report of meeting of the Sea League from March, 28th, 1917, that is after February revolution (which events have passed rather recently), the League continued to co-ordinate its actions with the IV Naval department of the Russian Technical society.
The participation in the edition of the magazine «Sea» (body of the Navy Renovation League) of grand duke Alexander Mihailovich was obvious to many contemporaries. Obviously Alexander Mihailovich also participated in various actions of the Navy Renovation League. His Imperial Highness the Grand Duke constantly financially supported the League, endowing thousand rubles. He supervised all trading navigation in Russia and headed the Sea museum in Petersburg.
The organ of the Navy Renovation League, dealing with various problems concerning the Navy, frequently touched upon the issue of the renovation of the Navy might of Russia, often concerning the political party of the question. The magazine wrote about the world political alliances of the great countries, about the role the Russian Empire and its Navy should play in the forthcoming war.
The appearance of the «Masonic question» and publications about the freemasons on the pages of the magazine “Sea” was not accident. This problem should be considered in terms of the main objectives of the magazine. The «Sea» edition considered: «It is possible to think that the formation of closed sea unions and circles will lead to a new revival of the activity of Masonic lodges». It is necessary to add here: in Russia as well as the world over. A group of persons has started to conduct purposeful propagation of various questions, plots and problems in order to describe a ‘freemasonic theme’. This group incorporated N.N.Beklemishev and persons around him. The publication dealing with the order of freemasons were carrying both «рrо» and «contra» messages, which was very unusual to the Russian periodicals, which had undergone by the end of 1900 the stage of political differentiation according to predilections of different parties and clans.
As it is known, Freemasonry as the secret society was forbidden in the Russian empire by two Emperor's decrees - Alexander I from 1822 and Nicholas I from 1826. Everyone arriving on military or public service has been obliged to give a written subscription about his non affiliation to freemasonic lodges. The October regulations giving more relaxation allowed the activity of political parties and led to the creation of the representative bodies of power, namely: the State Duma and the State Council. The activity of freemasonic lodges was not permitted anyway and freemasons actually were not so vivid on the surface, living in the underground.
The periodicals which have received the «freedom of speech», along with the set of other questions discussed also ‘the problem of freemasonry’, which constantly appeared on the pages of newspapers, magazines, collections, almanacs. For the period of 1905-1917 inclusive there were about 1500 articles on this subject. For the incomplete period of 12 years the pages of the periodicals in Russia practically posed all the questions dealing with freemasons and an interested reader could make it quite clear, what it is - freemasonry?
The appearance of a number of various information bits in the press devoted to the freemasonic order could not but cause the interest and reaction on the part of those who took part in the political decision making. The occurrence of different «information» around freemasons and at times horrible details about numerous ‘masonic’ bloody plots and terrifying plans was inspired by the right-wing press. It should disturb emperor Nicholas II and its nearest environment.
Nicholas II stimulates search of the freemasonic order, involving in this process employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the name of the Police department.
In the beginning of 1907 the gendarme colonel A.V.Gerasimov has been caused to Nicholas II. The emperor has set some questions to the head of the Petersburg security branch of the Police department. Gerasimov recollected:
«The second point, in which the tsar was interested, was a question on freemasonic lodge. He had heard that there was a close connection between revolutionaries and freemasons, and he would like to hear from me the confirmation to that fact. I objected saying that I didn't know what situation was abroad, but as for Russia, it seems to me, there was no freemasonic lodge or freemasons did not play any role at all. My information, however, obviously has not convinced the Sovereign for he has given the commission to tell Stolypin about the imperative to present the exhaustive report on Russian and foreign freemasons. I do not know, whether such report has been presented the Sovereign, but at the Police department there was a special committee functioning dealing with freemasons, which has not finished its activity by the time of the February Revolution of 1917».
Up to the time of his renunciation of the Russian throne Emperor Nicholas II considered freemasonry as one of the serious threats to the Russian state system - to its monarchy. The first researches have led the Police department at the first stage to the collection of information which outlined a circle of those who was to some extent involved in the freemasonic subjects, which was of such a great interest to the Tsar.
And the magazine «Sea» also attracted police attention since its pages were abundant in stories and plots about freemasons.
The editorial board did not hide its addresses, on the pages of the magazine it announced where it was possible to find its employees, the edition itself and the organizations close to the “Sea”. The Imperial Russian Technical society (Panteleimonovskaya street, 2) was among them - there the Bureau of the Navy Renovation League was located, and the Museum of inventions and improvements (Moyka, 12).
These two addresses are very curious for the domestic historians of culture, politics and freemasonry. That is why it is interesting to stop on them.
Panteleimonovskауа street, house № 2, was the address of the largest in the pre-revolutionary Russia scientific and technical society which worked under Imperial protection. The Society had set of branches (about twenty) in all parts of the huge country. This building was a part of the complex of the so called ‘Solyanoi Gorodok’ (‘Small Salt City’). The work of the scientific, industrial, financial and public provincial centers, the work of those persons in provinces which were interested in questions of scientific and technical development of the national industry in all known at this time branches of national economy was coordinated in the ‘Solyanoi Gorodok’. The Imperial Russian Technical Society raged new ideas, it has united in its ranks various persons, people of different temperaments, political weight and capitals, knowledge and life experience, a social origin and public influence.
The other address (the Moyka river, 12) is famous today: this is the house where, as it is known, there was the last apartment of poet A.S.Pushkin. The building changed its external and internal shape many times. Numerous fans of Pushkin who visit the building, in overwhelming majority do not know that at the beginning of the XX century the Petersburg Security branch of the Police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was housed there. Operative political search, investigation and supervision over extremists and terrorists, political and public figures, officials and civil servants, and also the political rascals of all colors was conducted just there. The role of the Petersburg Security branch in smooth suppression of the revolution in 1905, in prevention of political murders and terror acts is considerable...
In this building, after it was left by gendarmes, the Museum of inventions and the improvements peacefully worked, being one of divisions of the Navy Renovation League. Within the precincts of the Museum the League meetings passed, parties were given, reports and messages were read, letters and manuscripts for the publication in the magazine «Sea» were sent to this address. Here, in this house, N.N.Beklemishev worked - the editor and the publisher of «Sea», the permanent chairman of the Navy Renovation League (he cared of the Russian navy fleet revival together with his companions in the League) and at the same time - the director of committee of the Museum of inventions and improvements.
The house address on the Moyka embankment, 12, at the beginning of the XX century was well-known, because the calmness in many respects depended on the gendarmes housed in this building - the calmness both in capital, and in other cities and empire provinces, the calmness of the life of inhabitants, large dignitaries, members of the imperial house, and the Tsar himself.
Having obtained Nicholas II order to explore out the situation with the freemasonic issue, the Police Department started investigations of the persons having something to do with matter.
“His Excellency” N.N.Beklemishev was among those who was paid attention by the secret services of that time. At that time he was a retired major general, that corresponded to the fourth class according to “The Table of ranks”, and he was also the editor of the «Sea» which pages were full of freemasonic stories.
N.N.Beklemishev's person and his affairs were thoroughly examined by the political police, as well as other persons involved in the ‘Masonic theme’ were also examined. They were summarized in certain groups that were put under the police supervision. Observing of Beklemishev, the police began to examine his correspondence: they used to open his letters for perusal, copy the most interesting places and collect copies to draw conclusions.
There were no consolatory conclusions concerning Nikolay Nikolaevich Beklemishev. If only at that time he could read the «Masonic case» to know what the employees of the secret police wrote about him!
A lot of interesting was written! An extensive information note has been made in the depths of the political investigation which was observing of freemasons, in May, 1911. In this note we read concerning the editor of magazine «Sea»: «All Petersburg freemasons are grouped around N.N.Beklemishev, Т.O.Sokolovskaya and V.V.Arkhangelskaya-Avchinnikova. The main place of their meetings is the premise of the Museum of inventions and improvements (Moyka, 12) where almost daily discussions on all the possible themes, concerning freemasonry, take place». It was also marked in this note: «The meetings arranged in these premises are not, however, the meetings in the style of “lodges”, and represent itself a kind of preparatory instance in order to recruit new adherents of freemasonry, expressed in reading of tendentious lectures and reports».
They wrote just so!
But the major general and the editor of the «Sea» had a strong back and defense!
Behind the back of the editor of «Sea» and Chairman of the Navy Renovation League (later the Sea league) N.N.Beklemishev there was grand duke Alexander Michailovich who was a supervisor of the merchant marine at that time and a supervisor of the Sea Museum in St.-Petersburg. Being the Tsar close relative, grand duke has fastened his relations to the emperor, having married grand duchess Xenia Aleksandrovna, Nicholas II sister.
Let's add: Alexander Mihailovich (born in 1866) was the son of grand duke Michael Nikolayevich, in 1892 he ordered the «Revel» torpedo boat, in 1909 - the «Rostislav» battleship, and in 1905 he commanded a group of mine cruisers; he was an active figure demanding considerable assignments for the Russian navy fleet. He was one of the initiators and founders of the air fleet of the Russian empire. Thus, Alexander Mihailovich was not only firmly connected with the sea fleet, but he also fastened communications with the air fleet.
Elite in the higher spheres of the government, at court yard, and also in a wide circle knew about propensity of his imperial highness the grand duke to occult secrets, mysticism, spiritualism, rosicrucianism, a solution of secrets of the other world.
Alexander Mihailovich headed a lodge of the Russian phylalethes, conducting its sources from a XVIII century French occult society. Phylalethes have extended their activity on a number of the European countries and on the boundary of XIX and XX centuries started their activity in Russia also.
Nina Nikolaevna Berberova writes: «All interested persons could be accepted in the lodge of phylalethes, no questionnaires or recommendations were required. By 1916 about thousand persons were accepted. Nobody was excluded and nobody has been imposed by payments».
Alexander Mihajlovich's brother, grand duke George Mihailovich was the mystic also, he entered other Masonic obedience - an order of martinists.
Today it is well known that mysticism at the Russian imperial court yard used special attention, was held in high esteem.
See the next