Fanfic Meme of the Year + Rec List

Jan 02, 2009 21:11

I did meme of the year about myself in 2008 a few days ago, and now I think I'm masochistic enough to do the one on fandoms and fanfiction respectively. I modeled it after the other one, and it's basically just me musing on my work and the works of others that I liked. Or... not so much. XDD

Fandom meme of the year )

gen, pb, lotr, naruto, p: sasuke/naruto, fanfiction, voldemort/tmr, harry potter, slash, kakasaku, het, fic rec, spn, doctor who, death note

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Comments 67

rosalui October 3 2009, 10:16:24 UTC
Looking back on this, way behind, but I just thought I'd mention - "Ruth" is hands-down one of the most amazing characterizations of young Sasuke I've ever seen. *_* The kid who can't hate no matter how hard he tries, and can't stop himself from caring either....


istne_pieklo October 3 2009, 14:43:32 UTC
OMG, how did you even find this entry? XDDDDD
But I wholeheartedly agree with you! That story left such an impression...


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