Fanfic Meme of the Year + Rec List

Jan 02, 2009 21:11

I did meme of the year about myself in 2008 a few days ago, and now I think I'm masochistic enough to do the one on fandoms and fanfiction respectively. I modeled it after the other one, and it's basically just me musing on my work and the works of others that I liked. Or... not so much. XDD

2008 hasn't been rich with books or films that I could call my fav (or I'm too amnesiac to recall), so let's start with other stuff)))
TV-show of the year: Prison Break, Supernatural, Doctor Who/Torchwood, Merlin, Life on Mars, T: SCC, etc.
Anime of the year: Junjou Romantica, Code Geass
Manga of the year: Naruto, 666 Satan, Blazer Drive, Junjou Romantica, Undergrand Hotel

Fandom of the year: Naruto!!! Also, Prison Break, Doctor Who, etc.
Male character of the year: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Itachi, Hatake Kakashi (Naruto); Michael Scofield, Alexander Mahone (PB); The Doctor, the Master (DW); Castiel (Supernatural)
Female character of the year: Gretchen Morgan (PB); Cameron (T:SCC); Haruno Sakura (Naruto). I used to dislike Sakura intensely, but she's grown real hard on me. XDD Now I even defend her in arguments with friends who bash her and claim she's a whiner with no personality. The old!Sakura - maybe, the new!Sakura - never. XDD
Slash pairing of the year: SasuNaru safely established itself as my all-time OTP; SasuKishi is the insane discovery of the year. Michael/Mahone has been rediscovered. Dean/Castiel - the first SPN slash pairing that I loved. Doctor/Master - angsty and sexy tear-jerker)))
Het pairing of the year: KakaSaku - my het OTP in Naruto; John/Cameron (T:SCC) - became canon, almost. Sam/Ruby (SPN) - became canon. Yay!

Fanfics of the year
Finished WIP of the year: Lunar, Solar (Naruto; SasuNaru; R) - I can say that I'm really proud of it. Like all of my WIPs, this one started with a one-shot, and I never expected it to grow to 20 chapters. I got almost 400 reviews for it, not counting the comments left on LJ, and I love every single review. It gained me what little fame I have in this fandom, and inspired me to write further multi-chapters, namely Out of the Sky and No Major Harm. And it's being translated into Russian; 10 chapters ready by far.

Unfinished WIP of the year: Out of the Sky (Naruto; Itachi and Sasuke; R) - This one is giving me hell, and has been giving me hell since spring, I think. I write it very slowly and with great difficulty, and I'm not so sure I like the way it's working out, but I do like the idea, so I intend to finish it.

One-shot of the year: Landslide (Naruto; SasuNaru; PG-13) - It's just special to me. XDD

Abandoned project of the year: Children Don't Stop Dancing (Harry Potter; HP/LV; R) - I started working on it in spring but I managed to write only a couple of pages and the general outline. It was supposed to be a future!fic that revolved around Harry's relationship with Albus Severus, the latter being a teenager and all, and Tom Riddle coming to life yet again to bring havoc into Harry's life. XDDD The idea was pretty good and featured Tibet. Somehow most of my HP fics feature exotic places or at the very least dreamworlds. But I'm so out fo the fandom I can't even fathom to pick that story up. It makes me a little sad. I hope one day I finish it anyway. Thank you, JKR, for completely killing off my love for your books.

Fic recs of the year

~ Gray Coloured Happiness by mylilchickadee (Naruto; NaruSasu; M) - It's a pretty long incomplete story told in first person (Sasuke's POV). It's an AU from the manga events, post-Sai and Sasuke arc, I think. It can be difficult to follow sometimes what with numerous flashbacks and all, but the author writes an exceedingly IC Sasuke back to Konoha - angsty, wilful, dark and somewhat cranky. Also, this fic is notable for me personally because it's the only work (fan or Kishi himself) where I actually liked Hinata. Her role is not vital there, but somehow she makes an unlikely friend for Sasuke. Each of their scenes is incredibly well done.

~ When The House Falls Down by sowell (Naruto; NaruSasu; NC-17) - I'm pretty sure only a lazy person hasn't read this yet. XDD If that's you and you happen to be as much of a fan of this pairing as I am, STOP WASTING YOUR TIME ON RANDOM SHIT AND READ THIS GEM! It's as canon as a fic can get and it's freaking brilliant. 'Nuff said.

~ Hung on Powerlines by Mahri Lellan (Death Note; Mello/Matt; M) - It features the most IC portrayal of this pairing I've ever seen. I'm not a particular fan of it (I prefer Mello/Near) and this is also mostly Matt-centric, but the author manages to create a brilliant 3D image of Matt who is a pretty obscure character in the manga and pretty non-existant in the anime.

~ Scenes from a Story by QuestOfDreams (Naruto; SasuNaru; PG-13) - I love basically everything by this author, but somehow this particular fic is my favourite. Perhaps since it features my ideal version of Sasuke's future.

~ Form, Not Meaning by out_there (Prison Break; Alex/Michael; NC-17) - This is just absolutely breathtaking.

~ A Blog, He Wrote by mimblexwimble (Supernatural; gen; PG-13) - This is one of the crackiest things I've ever had the pleasure to read. There are 5 chapters of Lucifer writing his blog and various SPN characters including the deceased John Winchester and Azazel commenting on it. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard.

~ Ruth by firefly (Naruto; gen; T) - This one is old, from 2006, but I read it this year, browsing randomly through FF-net. It's sad, breathtaking and features Sasuke in a pretty strange situation. It inspired me for a particular scene in a fic of my own, as well.

~ Ameliora by ArchFaith (Star Wars; gen; K+) - This one seems abandoned to me, though who knows? It features one of the AU plotlines I like in Star Wars - Vader reverting to the Anakin persona post-Endor and trying to make up with his kids. Not many people can pull it off without unnecessaey sappines or just plain retardiness. This one, I think, was on my white list. XDD

~ The Making of a Ringbearer. Part I: Adrift by Obelia medusa (Lord of the Rings; gen; K) - I've already rec'd this once on my personal LJ, but it's worth repeating: this one's a great and interesting prequel to Tolkien's saga starring young Frodo and telling the story of how he came to be in Bilbo's care. This is the first part of a planned trilogy, I think. There's also the second part, but I still haven't found the time to read it.

Community of the year: The one WE made! Yes, I mean sasuxkishi. It's a brainchild of the incredible industrialgirl1 (GO AND READ HER FIC NAO!!!) and myself. The layout was made by artsatalex (GO AND CHECK OUT HER FANART NAO!!!). The fourth part of the Crack Circle is helike (YOU KNOW WHAT YOU SHOULD DO NAO, DON'T YOU?) XDD

Well, this is it for now. I hope all the links work b/c I'm a lazybone to fix them. XDD In terms of fanfiction 2008 has been pretty good. I hope 2009 will be no less productive. Much inspiration to you all, my friends. <3

gen, pb, lotr, naruto, p: sasuke/naruto, fanfiction, voldemort/tmr, harry potter, slash, kakasaku, het, fic rec, spn, doctor who, death note

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