Being Human: Good Times, Bad Times [Hal/Cutler + ensemble] 6/8

Mar 10, 2013 00:59

Title: “Good Times, Bad Times”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: R
Timeline: canon divergence mid-Episode 4x08, “The War Child”
Summary: When Cutler comes to Honolulu Heights with the purpose of killing Eve, it is Hal who opens the door. And he doesn’t let him enter. From here on out, it’s either a horror show or a sitcom. Cutler is not quite certain what ( Read more... )

ch: other, gen, ch: eve sands, being human, ch: alex millar, fanfiction, ch: nick cutler, slash, ch: hal yorke, good times bad times, p: hal/cutler, ch: annie sawyer, ch: tom mcnair, tv, ch: dominic rook

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Comments 7

non_canonical March 9 2013, 22:34:35 UTC
I'm so glad you got this finished before the series finale. :) And what a great chapter it was - possibly my favourite so far. <3

As far as cock-ups go, this one is somewhere between broken objects casually repairing themselves in the next frame and every army ever invading Russia in winter. - I loved this line. So perfect, and so perfectly Cutler. And it makes me think of that picture of Napoleon's retreat that he had in his office.

Where the hell is everyone? He is not a fucking paramedic! - And this just gave me a sudden craving for some Mullery. LOL ( ... )


istne_pieklo March 9 2013, 22:54:46 UTC
So am I! It was really far easier to write than the previous chapters. XD
Hahaha, well, I assume Cutler's lost his job in Barry. He should become a surgeon now and be Mullery. XDDD
I really didn't see Adam's death coming. I'm happy because I really wanted it to be a surprise. This is actually the main reason behind my character death rant post. If I'd put up a warning for character death here, it'd have been very obvious from the ending of ch 5 that Adam will die. I don't care if it's fanfic etiquette; I don't want to spoil such plot twists. >_LOL, I think Rachel being Eve surprised nobody but Cutler. XDDD ( ... )


shirogiku March 10 2013, 02:06:00 UTC
Another re-read <333

I thought I'd quote some lines but then I'd have to quote the entire chapter))) Eve and Yvonne are still the stars, and the Cutler runs as strong as ever in the story XD What a character!

Basically, this fic should be summed up as Cutler's life with the killjoy cult.

The question of why Hal went darkside remains))) Cutler-saving aside, LOL. (reminds me those bad Eng-Ru translations, namely 'save the game'.)

(save the Cutler, load the Cutler, exit the Cutler...)

Hal's obviously been struggling with staying dry and looking for an excuse not to. It's really glaring in their cockblocked scene. And now Tom's been kindapped. Protecting a friend? Check. The baby needs to be dealt with? Check.

I wonder if Hal's planning to return it to Snow and if yes, is he is legit darkside or putting on the show to walk in unhindered (sorta like with Fergus).

Cutler's obviously excite about Lord Hal now, but will he be in the long run?

Da suspense! :D


istne_pieklo March 10 2013, 10:22:03 UTC
D'awww! <333 No worries, you've already quoted some in MSN. <333
save the Cutler, load the Cutler, exit the Cutler... /ded LOL, he hasn't even entered the Cutler yet b/c Rook cockblocked them! XDDDD
Cutler's life with the killjoy cult That's scarily accurate. Cutler's life in canon also seems to be that! XD
Hal's obviously been struggling with staying dry and looking for an excuse not to As always XDDD
Cutler is more excited about not being staked on sight. Good Hal, bad Hal, who cares as long as he provides a distraction)))))))


rosalui March 10 2013, 04:36:39 UTC
Adam. D: Cutler you COCK.

Mmmmmm hotness.

Tom. D:



istne_pieklo March 10 2013, 10:16:18 UTC
I thought we should have some BBC-style angst. XDDDD


(The comment has been removed)

istne_pieklo March 17 2013, 10:17:24 UTC
Being swamped is my natural state, so I can totally relate. XD LOL, someone should write a TV-series under that title. XD
I feel sorry for Adam, but Cutler is too focused on his safety to let Adam live. XD As sad as it is. XD I think Alex could potentially understand his references. They should be BFF!
I honestly can't understand what happened to Toby's writing between series 4 and 5. The guest stars f.ex. Some of them were okay, others terrible, but all of them were basically plot devices. And most of them were very flat. Compare that to previous guest stars. O_o Eve didn't make that many appearances (and I know a lot of people actually dislike her), but she is so well fleshed-out compared to the people from series 5, while still leaving room for imagination. *_*
singing!Cutler creeps further into being canon Every time I mention Cutler singing, I really want Andrew Gower to make a cover of the somg I have in mind. (LOL, including humming The Omen theme. XD)))
The image of Cutler even attempting to fight is unbearably awesome. He is ( ... )


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