Title: “Medley Relay”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: PG
Timeline: 1942-2012
Summary: The snippets of the story of one Agent Colin Sparks, from a kid with ideas to the ghost in grey.
Disclaimer: Being Human belongs to Toby Whithouse and the BBC. Colin Sparks and the Quicksand RPverse belong to yours truly and
A/N: I’ve been struggling with this for
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Comments 2
Lovely epigraph. One can never add *too* much Yeats, it seems :D Hal would approve!
a meta Head!Hal/Erin fic :p with Erin's muse providing running commentary/singing Sinatra
Anyhow, I'm really pleased you've posted this <333 Such an atmosphere you create. It's at the same time very in the spirit of Being Human: dark themes, doors and somewhat morbid humor -- and very... Sparks. Curious, detached and restless. He makes an intriguing and delightful POV character. I'd been looking forward to getting a glimpse of how his head works! And his dry wit <3 What I'm saying is, Sparks has grown into an engaging character in his own right, up there with other divas. And no, it's not just headcanon Hiddles face ( ... )
And I'm very happy I led you into it (I didn't really, I just sort of whined and you noticed XDDD) *huuuugs*
OMG LOL!!! I wouldn't mind having a Head!Hal))))) As for the running commentary it reminds me of a doodle a friend of mine did a couple years back when we were both in Sengoku Basara fandom and I wrote a voyeur fic: no character is safe from meeee!
I think it's the world's luck that Sparks became a ghost))) If he became a vampire he'd be the next Hal))) Waterfalls of blooood))
Hehehe, I'm pretty sure Mycroft is seekritly a MiG. And when Sherlock returns after Reichenbach, he'll be a ghost with Mycroft's help. XD
Thaaaank you so much for reading and I'm happy you liked it! I was pretty nervous about it))
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