Being Human: Medley Relay [Quicksand RP, OC]

May 25, 2012 23:08

Title: “Medley Relay”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: PG
Timeline: 1942-2012
Summary: The snippets of the story of one Agent Colin Sparks, from a kid with ideas to the ghost in grey.
Disclaimer: Being Human belongs to Toby Whithouse and the BBC. Colin Sparks and the Quicksand RPverse belong to yours truly and shirogiku.
A/N: I’ve been struggling with this for ( Read more... )

gift fic, s: quicksand, gen, being human, tv, fanfiction, original

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that userpic *__* shirogiku May 25 2012, 22:58:25 UTC
for shirogiku who’s amazing, creative, supportive and very adept at saving me from RL. ;) It's only fair, since you're the one who's led me into the magical world of Marigolds, massacre monkeys and MiG. And that dedication is, without exaggerration, one of the nicest things I've ever been told :)))

Lovely epigraph. One can never add *too* much Yeats, it seems :D Hal would approve!
a meta Head!Hal/Erin fic :p with Erin's muse providing running commentary/singing Sinatra

Anyhow, I'm really pleased you've posted this <333 Such an atmosphere you create. It's at the same time very in the spirit of Being Human: dark themes, doors and somewhat morbid humor -- and very... Sparks. Curious, detached and restless. He makes an intriguing and delightful POV character. I'd been looking forward to getting a glimpse of how his head works! And his dry wit <3 What I'm saying is, Sparks has grown into an engaging character in his own right, up there with other divas. And no, it's not just headcanon Hiddles face.

You're doing a fantastic job with MiG. Very British and pretentious, in a Mycroft sort of way :p I'd say it fits perfectly with what we've seen of them in the last episode. BBC, PLEASE DON'T RUIN IT!


Re: that userpic *__* istne_pieklo May 26 2012, 07:14:59 UTC
LOL! That's a lot of M-words for a tv-series whose title doesn't start with a "M"))
And I'm very happy I led you into it (I didn't really, I just sort of whined and you noticed XDDD) *huuuugs*
OMG LOL!!! I wouldn't mind having a Head!Hal))))) As for the running commentary it reminds me of a doodle a friend of mine did a couple years back when we were both in Sengoku Basara fandom and I wrote a voyeur fic: no character is safe from meeee!
I think it's the world's luck that Sparks became a ghost))) If he became a vampire he'd be the next Hal))) Waterfalls of blooood))
Hehehe, I'm pretty sure Mycroft is seekritly a MiG. And when Sherlock returns after Reichenbach, he'll be a ghost with Mycroft's help. XD
Thaaaank you so much for reading and I'm happy you liked it! I was pretty nervous about it))


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