Doctor Who: Echoes of Solitude. Part 1/2 (Season 3 drabbles)

Feb 16, 2010 19:19

Title: “Echoes of Solitude”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: G
Summary: Episode-based drabbles for Doctor Who Series 3. The Doctor and Martha are trying to get used to each other. [Episodes 1-7]
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to the BBC.
A/N: Series 3 is my favourite (mostly due to the Master in the finale, but not only). And it was a hell of a lot easier to write for than series 2. Phew!


Episode 3x01, “Smith and Jones”

The Doctor loves making friends. Loves seeing people’s eyes grow wide with excitement and enthusiasm, loves hearing the good old “wow, it’s bigger on the inside!” even though sometimes it sets his teeth on edge. He loves introducing them to the whole wide universe, because they are all so brilliant, so wonderful, and the universe should feel privileged to know them. He knows he does.

But every new acquaintance comes at a price. Every new friend means losing the older one. They pass away, they leave, or they get left by him. Forever may be a long time - but not to a Time Lord. As far as he is concerned, no one has spent their ‘forever’ with him yet.

But he did promise Donna he’d find someone. And so he has, if only for one trip.

Episode 3x02, “The Shakespeare Code”

It only proves that men are the same whatever species they belong to. He is grieving; that, she can understand. He has lost a friend. But does he really have to be so insensitive as to compare her to that Rose girl constantly? Not to mention, the comparisons aren’t exactly in her favour.

He can take her home, for all she cares. She doesn’t want the stars, not if it’s going to be like this, not if the ghost of Rose will constantly haunt her. And yet… what would she give just to prove herself to him? She could be as good as Rose if he only gave her some time.

Episode 3x03, “Gridlock”

He realizes with a start that he doesn’t know anything about his new companion. He knows the name, Martha Jones, lovely name, and he knows that she is a medical student, and he knows that she is quick-witted, righteous and strong-willed, but apart from that, nothing. He couldn’t let himself know, not with Rose on his mind. And then she asked about Gallifrey, and he just couldn’t talk, couldn’t tell her what he had already told Rose. Showing off was easy; actually communicating, not so much.

He thinks that if - scratch that; when - when he gets Martha back, they could possibly… talk.

Episode 3x04, “Daleks in Manhattan”

So Laszlo is a pig now; so what? If he thinks that will push Tallulah away, he’s got the wrong girl. He’s still got the wit and that romantic streak; and as far as pigs go, he even makes somewhat a cute one. Most men are pigs inside; Tallulah has learnt it the hard way. With Laszlo it’s sort of vice versa; she’d take that arrangement any day.

Episode 3x05, “Evolution of the Daleks”

The disciples of the Cult of Skaro were created to be different. To imagine - something no Dalek would ever even know how to do. Oh, their species used to be rather creative when it came to mass slaughter, but nothing beyond that. ‘Change’ would be a curse word if Daleks did swear. But now the time had come to do just that, to change.

Dalek Sec felt it. And that in itself was new and so wonderful. It was even more wonderful that he could now use such notions as ‘wonderful’ and understand exactly what they meant. So many different undertones, so many flavours. And with that, Daleks would rise from the ashes. They would walk and they would feel and they would relinquish their meaningless quest for supremacy and thus become stronger. And for that, he was ready to hold an olive branch out to the Doctor, the greatest enemy of the Daleks.

Dalek Sec considered the imagery; it was pleasing. Oh yes, he was so ready for the Change.

Episode 3x06, “The Lazarus Experiment”

Tish cannot, for the life of her, remember Martha doing anything particularly crazy. Ever. But it’s only fair that she starts now; the whole world has been steadily losing it with all those aliens and Cybermen and Martha’s hospital being supposedly transported to the Moon.

But Martha’s insanity may be the slightest bit more human after all. While that Doctor bloke is a bit too nerdy (in Tish’s view, at least), he is certainly nothing less than brilliant. Martha has always gone for the brainy ones.

Episode 3x07, “42”

Ever since she started traveling with the Doctor, Martha has thought about death more often than need be. She could have died on the highway in that stinky sealed off tunnel swallowed by darkness and gas. She could have been killed by witches or Daleks or the spider-like monster Professor Lazarus had turned into, or at the very least fallen off the bell-tower. Could have, but didn’t. Because the Doctor was always there for her.

She watches him now, stuck in a tiny escape pod, sweltering heat crashing heavily down on her, and believes as hard as she can that he will be there again. He will save her. She cannot hear what he is yelling, but it doesn’t matter.

She believes. There is no other way. With the Doctor, there are a lot of things you have to take on trust.

Series 1: Part 1 and Part 2
Series 2: Part 1 and Part 2

gen, tv, fanfiction, doctor who

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