Title: “New New Story”
Author: Shaitanah
Rating: G
Summary: Episode-based drabbles for Doctor Who Series 2. [Episodes 8-13 + TRB]
Disclaimer: Doctor Who belongs to the BBC.
A/N: I think I hurt my brain while trying to finish these, but now I can finally breathe easy. XD So, Steff, do I make you cry? ;)
Episode 2x08. “The Impossible Planet”
She can’t imagine the Doctor settling down. It all makes a nice joke, especially in light of what’s in store for them now that the TARDIS is gone; but no. Him having a proper house, a proper job? Jackie would call him a commitment-phobe; and she wouldn’t exactly be wrong.
Not that Rose wants it herself. She is too used to traveling now and she can definitely see what he sees in this kind of life. True to herself, she catalogues a dozen ideas in her mind. Suppose, time-travel is out, but how about just traveling? Hitchhiking through the universe, visiting all sorts of planet within their new, now restricted timeline. The Doctor would grumble, but he might even get to like it. There are no hopeless situations.
Yet somewhere at the back of her mind a feeble dream of a house still lives on.
Episode 2x09, “The Satan Pit”
She never doubted he would survive. Never let herself doubt. Because if she did, it would be the end of her. To her, there is no such thing as the universe without the Doctor. Not anymore.
Episode 2x10, “Love & Monsters”
Solitude is something Jackie knows only too well. Of course she has friends, but they are good for gossiping and chatting nonchalantly about things that now seem too domestic and irrelevant. Not for keeping secrets. This is where you get lonelier than ever: if you have a secret to keep. Mickey used to be around for that kind of a conversation, but he is gone now, off to seek a better life in a different world, leaving Jackie to do what she can with that secret: protect it. With her life.
Episode 2x11, “Fear Her”
There is one thing she loves best about the Doctor: he always returns. No matter what, he always triumphs. Rose believes it will forever be this way. Not even the faint notes of concern in the Doctor’s voice when he says that the storm is approaching can change her mind. She has chosen her way of living out the happily-ever-after; nothing can come between them.
Episode 2x12, “Army of Ghosts”
Most of the time Jackie doesn’t understand her daughter. One has to be absolutely daft to refuse the steady ground beneath one’s feet in favour of flying around in that crazy blue box. It pains her to see how much Rose is changing, how further apart they grow, and she knows that nothing can be done about it. In Rose’s eyes she sees typical determination of youth: her girl has made her choice, for better or for worse.
And then something like this happens. Ghosts flood the Earth and turn into hostile metal people; strange spheres pop out from a place even the Doctor seems to be wary of; secret organizations threaten to keep them captive for God knows how long. And Jackie realizes, as hard as it is for her to admit, that nowhere is safe and perhaps the safest place for Rose is with the Doctor. At least he always knows what to do. (She hopes…)
Episode 2x13, “Doomsday”
When the bridge is closed, there is nothing but silence.
He presses his cheek against the flawless white wall and simply stands there in quiet resignation. The wall is strangely warm to the touch. He likes to think she is there, on the other side, so that he can almost feel her. He can pretend she is in another room. He can pretend there is a door somewhere in this wall, a door that can be opened.
But he knows the worth of pretense. It always leads to a dead end. He had had them die before, but she is alive. And what does it matter if he never sees her again, never hears her laugh, never makes another stupid bet to annoy a moody monarch with her again, never ever gets to tell her-?
But she knows, doesn’t she? And she is alive, so brilliantly, remarkably alive!
He must leave it at that even if his hearts are breaking.
Christmas Special 2006, “The Runaway Bride”
Not many people would decline traveling with the Doctor. Of course, the Doctor would not offer it to many people in the first place.
Donna did decline. Not that he is particularly upset about it. He is not ready for someone else. And she is clearly not ready to meet the universe. Besides, she shouts. A lot. And she talks back. And she slapped him. And sort of insulted the TARDIS.
And yet it feels like this is exactly what they both need. But there is one thing they need even more.
Series 1:
Part 1 and
Part 2Series 2:
Part 1